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Ahoy Delos Tribe! If you see this message it means you’re the cream of the crop, the very tippy top : ) We’re currently in French Guyana and sailing north within the next few days!! YIPPEE!! It’s been a long season in hard to reach places but finally, finally we will be somewhere with airports. So here goes!

We will be sailing from Trinidad to Grenada the week of Feb. 19th 2018, and there are airports in both places! The sail isn’t long, only about 80 miles. You would join us in Trinidad, do the passage to Grenada, hang out for a few days on Delos, and depart from Delos in Grenada on Feb. 24th. You don’t even need to quit your job or take a month off to join us :)

If this sounds interesting all you need to do is comment below with “YEP, I can make it!” by Jan. 31st, 2018. If more than one person is interested we will do a random drawing with those that show interest.  We will notify the winner no later than Feb. 3rd 2018.

Some FAQ’s below:

· What do I do to throw my name in the hat? Just comment below with “YEP, I can make it!”

· Can I bring a friend/partner/spouse/child? Yes, we have space for 2 people in total. 

· When is the cutoff for saying I’m in? You must respond by Jan. 31st.  I know the timing is real tight on this one. Sorry about that.

· When will you announce the winner? Assuming we have internet we will announce the winner by Feb 3rd. This will only give you just over two weeks advance notice to buy a ticket. I know, I know sorry about that!

· When would be the latest day I could arrive in Trinidad? Feb. 18th.

· Is there any cost for this? Nope. This is a patron benefit. All you have to do is cover your travel to and from Delos. We will cover the rest, including beer and moonshine. He He :

· Will I need a visa? Depends on where you are from but both countries are easy to get into. If in doubt do some research.

· Do I need sailing experience? Nope. Just the right attitude.

· Is this a charter or crew experience? CREW! You will do watches, cook, clean, and get the full Delos crew experience

· Who is currently sailing on Delos? Capt. Breeyawn, Kazza, Mr. Brady, and Alex Blue

  · Why am I seeing this post? Because you are one of our beloved Pirates, Black Beards, or Grey Beards!

· Will you do this again? YES! If you can’t make this short notice trip we will do another one very soon, probably later in March or April. And we promise to give more advance notice next time.

I’m sure you may have other questions, I’m writing this very briefly because we want to give you as much time as possible to make a decision. Please put a comment below with your questions and I’ll answer as best as I can.

Fair Winds, peace, and love

Capt. Breeyawn 



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