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First batch of animations should roll out the following weekend (11th-12th).

Going to start off this month with a poll, should be live shortly after this post.

Basically, just would like your input about locations. I'll try to briefly describe the options here and the Pro/Cons of each. It's something I'm conflicted with a lot of the time and would like to get a consensus on the subject.

Standard/General Locations:

Such locations as a bed, couch, living chair, counter, etc. 

Pros: Animations are readily available at most locations, without having to worry about placing objects just to have animations for that location.

Cons: Objects can very in design/shape a lot from one object to another, so what looks great on one couch, may totally clip or not match up on another, as well as be missing a feature such as a headboard on a bed.

Custom Locations:

A specific couch, chair, etc. from the game or a CC item.

Pros: The animation will match up correctly with minimal clipping, and allow for a tailored unique animation that truly interacts with that object.

Cons: Animations will be limited to locations that already have the specific item placed, or you will have to add them in. This can be immersion breaking or just time consuming if it requires a total overhaul of the space.

Bondage/Dungeon Equipment:

Objects from Kritcal, YrSa, bobahloo, Etc. Objects designed for the subject matter.

Pros: Objects are designed for what were here for, the animations will be tailored to that specific object and be unique to that object.

Cons: As mentioned before, these do not spawn in locations naturally, each one will have to be placed and maybe that spanking bench just doesn't look right or fit the theme of that country bar. 

Some of these items have a limited interaction use, so you may place the item and be flooded with several variations of the same animation/interaction, or be met with only 1 or 2 animations available for that object.

Poll will be posted soon.

Thank You for Your Support!


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