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First off I want to apologize for lack of updates and the "Radio Silence".

In the midst of all this mess for this last month, I suffered a major loss in the family.

It hit me pretty hard and pushed me over the edge to basically enter shut down mode.

I'm slowly pulling myself back together as much as possible.

Managed to finally get settled in the new place, get things set up to get some work done, and got my head mostly back on straight(ish) again.

I should have some animations ready for release in a few days, and then a few more in the days following.

Not sure how many I'll get done before the end of the month, but I'll do my best to make things as right as possible.

Thank You for Your Support! See You Soon!


Rue O.

I'm so sorry to hear that you're going through all this. My sincerest condolences to you and please know that life happens and we understand! Thanks for all the great stuff you do for us. Your health and wellbeing matter more, though.


Thank you for your kind words! Still trying to pull myself back together, but this definitely helps.