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Spilled the milk but still got cookies~ ;p

PS: Marry Christmas horny people! ;D

PPS: im not missing just playing Cyberpunk XD

EDIT: forgot to add HD details and bump texture map before rendering D: fixed it! spot the difference? ;p




Woof! And he’s so BIG! Those shoulders and that huge chest are a mile wide! I’d be very happy with this glass of milk if I were Santa. Now to just park my rear on that pole... 😜 enjoy cyberpunk!


You could drink that mikj straight from the bottle so it will not go to waste if you catch my meaning ;) FYI for Cyberpunk, there is already a mod that let you undress V completely (I was dissapointed that you can see him naked only in the Inventory)


😁👌 haha yeah, thanks for info 😎 I'm concerned there is not even a barber ingame 😭 but maybe will be added sometime

J. Oliver Scott

No use crying over spilled milk! Great pic! Thanks and Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Season's Greetings, etc


Don't you just love when Santa "comes down your chimney" and "stuffs your stocking"? ;)