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I interrupt this broadcast because... Well, I can't post anything - my PC stopped working.

Over the course of last 2 days, when I promised the next post would go up (I still have two more posts to go!), my PC just shut off, and a couple seconds after I heard a distant explosion outside.

Turns out there was a spike of power that might have knocked my PSU (power supply) out, despite that I have a UPS (battery backup) with mains filtration and other features. It might have worked for a while after, but then it started shutting off under load, then randomly, then completely turned off. Another reason might be that my PSU was just old. It was 9 years old, while its warranty lifespan was 7. So it lived a long life, it has seen and done a lot! Giving it a big salute with my wing.

Thankfully I had a local contact who has helped me to determine the cause for sure, and we did a quick test of other components too - they were fine at his shop. But I severely hope that there was no long-lasting damage to them - I can't afford buying a new PC now as my income dropped...

Today I have ordered a new PSU (Seasonic Focus GX-750 for 135 usd),  and will be waiting for it's arrival - I hope it will be within a week.

Meanwhile I will try to get some work done on my 11-year old laptop. It can't even run Unity anymore (not to mention Unreal). But it can run Blender and Krita still. And I can try to do some VR modeling using Gravity Sketch on standalone Quest 2. I also have some work to do on my Discord server and do further project planning.

Wish me luck!
And as always, with lots of Dragon Love,
   - Salireths.