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Last month offered me the most crazy, lifechanging experience in recent memory. So much has happened that just flipped my worldviews upside-down. I feel like I have evolved, a new Salireths has emerged with new creative avenues, new connections, new friendships and a handful of new kinks to enjoy… But first, let me explain!

So it all started with me attending Furality Sylva - I wasn't even aware of it, but then, after a random interaction on Twitter, I suddenly got invited there by a friend whom I haven't even spoken to in years! Initially I was hesitant to attend, after all it costs 25$ for a ticket, I never even launched VRChat before, and didn't know a lot of people who were in VRC…

But I'm so happy that I decided to go! I met a lot of people who recognized me, and I quickly learned that I already had a lot of friends in VRC to begin with!

One of my problems with VRC (and one of the reasons why I haven't played it before) was that it wouldn't allow you to upload your own avatars at the start, but I got promoted from the mere "visitor" to "new user" in just a day, unlocking that ability before I even knew it.

I met some very interesting people at the convention, including some furry game developers! Both working in the industry (on very serious big games) and making their own kinky games in their spare time. It felt incredibly liberating to be able to nerd out about gamedev in a group of likeminded people, and not only be understood, but to learn so much from them as well! I have been living in isolation for far too long - it's hard to describe what it feels like to suddenly find a community of 'your' people. I got "hooked" right away, and now I'm regularly hanging out with them in VRC.

And before too long, in one of such meetups, someone pulled four of us together and said "You're all kinky lewd gamedevs, so you should all assemble together and make a kinky lewd game!". And to my surprise, everyone liked the idea. I invited Hopfel there (5 of us now) and I presented an idea I've been harboring for a long time, but the one I never spoke of it as I thought it would be too difficult to do it by myself, even with Hopfel's help.

Dragon Internal Cleaning Co.

We haven't started anything yet, just talking about it and preparing, so I can't leave any promises that it will actually happen... If it gets off the ground though, it will not be a part of my Patreon: I'd just be accepted as part of a newly formed indie team (that has yet to be formed), likely in charge of its design and visuals, but not as a leader - another bird will do the boring parts instead, wooho!

Similar to the other folks in that group, as they all have full-time jobs, I will keep my Patreon as my full-time job and continue working on the Dragotheria universe, models, art, and interactive game-y experiences (just keeping it small, suitable for solo-development).

But let's not get ahead of ourselves, as it's still very much up in the clouds. Here is what I actually presented to them for now (and they gave me the green light to share it with you). Those pics are just quick visualizations of the ideas:

My idea is incredibly simple, but somehow still very appealing and "gamifiable". What if we took big lewd macro Dragons, made them dirty, and then gave some kobolds mops and water hoses to wash them? Essentially like Power Wash simulator, but lewd and scaly! And multiplayer, of course!

And what if those Dragons could also swallow the kobolds so the big boys (and girls) could be cleaned from inside too? Sprinkle-off waves of pesky parasites, and get some valuable resources from within the sensual Dragon innards? A bit similar to Deep Rock Galactic, but with water guns and set inside the pulsating fleshy caves?


People I presented it to immediately liked that idea, and after a lot of discussion, I was tasked to come up with location ideas for that game. Our first thought was to have some sort of a bath-house, like in Spirited Away, where Dragons (and other creatures), both macro and regular-sized (perhaps some kind of upgrade that will allow different kinds of clients to come), come by, register, then player-controlled kobolds look through the list of clients and their needs, then choose the right one to take them to special bathing areas to wash and pleasure them in all the hard-to-reach, itchy, needy spots.

(The pink boxes represent player scale)

I did a quick blockout for a tropical-themed resort on the floating islands, however I'm expected to make three more blockouts similar to this one.

  • One is a relaxing Japanese onsen.
  • Another is a romantic, steamy Roman/Greek bath.
  • And third one is a contemporary, industrial Dragon-Wash flythrough station.

If we get enough budget and time, maybe even all those ideas can be realized as different maps, but it's too early to think about it now… I just need to provide options for others to choose the direction of the game.

Questions for you!

So, overall, what do you think about this idea? Would you play a game where you and your friends take a role of scaly/furry/feathery kobolds employed at Dragon Internal Cleaning Co.?

Would you continue to support me so I can do my part for its development, as well as continue working on my sensual Dragon world at the same time, without having to sell my body to the corporate game industry?

Let me know in the comments below or in Discord!


This post has been split into multiple posts due to its length, so I'm not signing out just yet, there will be other parts coming soon!




Ooh this is such a fun idea, I love it! I would absolutely play it if it were to become a reality eventually!


i would play. think it would be fun to have as a ccop game. I love kobold kare and would probably love this game. especially if the kobolds could have some "fun" while cleaning. And maybe service the dragon

Nico Wolf

10/10 would play! Would said game be VR and non VR capable?