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After we somewhat sorted out the environment assets, landscapes, rocks and trees, and made sure they all fit within our particular art style (one that we still needed to figure out also), we went back to the much-anticipated character editor! (well, at least I anticipate it)

Right now we are in the middle of a lot of considerations for it. We're creating designs for creatures and mapping out every bone in their bodies, carefully measuring the implications of each technical decision for the years to come. It's not just a simple as making 3D character models, in fact, that's the easiest part.

The Vision

If you played No Mans' Sky, think about all the procedural creatures that you encounter there - imagine all the planning that went into them - it's such a tight combination of artistic and technical skill to pull off something like that.

What we're doing Is uncanny similar to the system NMS uses. We both make creatures out of pre-made bodyparts, expect instead of randomly generating them, we're to offer players a way to choose and customize each bodypart.

With this character-editor you will be able to make the creatures you want to see, play as, live and love as - that is our game's mission. You also will be able to export it out of the game: use them in Blender, 3D print them, or to create avatars in social VR platforms like Neos.

This is the goal we're striving forward now, and we are getting pretty close to be able to put it into a build you'd be able to try yourself. Not a very expansive build yet, but hey, baby steps - we need to take them at some point, it's been long enough.

We also need to hear your feedback to help us make this experience tailored for you, the actual real people, and not imaginary audience games are often made for.

Vote on your species!

Which species, body parts and configurations to design is really of no particular importance to me right now, I love almost every species, everyone is beautiful and sexy in their own ways, especially when anatomy is given due respect!

So, instead of me falling into my comfort zone again and repeatedly making my own alien-lizards called Hizathri (you're probably already sick of seeing them by now!), why don't you help me decide who to design next?

I'm making a poll including some common species that came to my mind while looking around the virtual furry conventions that are going right now, so it's in no particular order. Feel free to click multiple choices, and if you have other suggestions, feel free to let me know in Discord or in the comments.

The process will go like this (maybe with some adjustments along the way):

  • After we determine what vague species you folks want me to work on, I'll ask again (maybe another poll) to further specify them in more detail.
  • The results of those polls I'll then use to influence what character bodyparts to design.
  • After designs are drawn, I'll show a few variants to you with yet another poll, so you folks can tell me the ones you like the most!
  • After that, I pick the most liked results and start modelling them into the game, updating you on the progress.
  • Rinse and repeat!

I will, of course, do my best to design these creatures to be as appealing (and sexy) as possible within my unique semi-realistic style I choose for the game. However there are also people who could do it much better and faster than me, and perhaps we can commission artists to help us, but we're going to need some more funding first.

Also, I have a feeling this poll is a bit redundant, because I can guess what the results will be, however I would still like to make sure, and we'll refine it with further polls!

What's next?

This post is just the introduction, into the new and (hopefully) exciting process of making sexy characters come to their virtual lives!

I'm planning to share our process of thinking, from the first sketches to final meshes, including all the discarded work and embarrassing outtakes. We'll brush on about possibilities of building your own sona in the game's editor and will keep pestering you for the advice concerning your own and favorite characters!

So stay tuned for more, It's finally getting interesting!

With lots of Dragon Love,

- Salireths.



So awesome to see marsupials on the list 😁


It'd be a dream to have a naga like my Icaxhu in your game <3 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/623989660565372949/852506683677605928/IMG_20210609_175158_316.jpg

Robert Hill

Something something Tyranids


I voted for dragon, mythical, avian, reptile, and aquatic. Personally, I would like to see both western dragons like myself, but Eastern as well. For mythical, I was thinking about gryphons and hippogriffs, as well as unicorns and pegasi. For reptile I was specifically thinking about snakes, and avian is both your typical anthro and simply magical/sentient giant eagles and the like. For aquatic I was referring to cetaceans, especially dolphins and orcas.


It may be useful to have a general arthropod option, that isn't just insects. And, of course, I'd love to see what sort of otherworldly anatomy you can come up with for the more alien characters. Also, I personally would love anything that could help make my Zoroark sona, like the possibility of a variety of big, floofy hair to choose from.

