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Hello, everyone! Sorry it's been a while since I've posted! I'm still trying to stay afloat with teaching, but I'm working towards a sense of normalcy again with my schedule. I've been slowly inching back towards working on GUG despite the hectic schedule. 

The nice thing about working for a school is that we'll get a generous break around our Thanksgiving this month! My goal is to get back to the comic around then. I miss having a stable schedule to work and post on the comic. I admit I miss the comic-making identity since it motivates me as a creator. 

Thank you all for your patience! Send in your November requests as soon as you can!




My mom has been teaching for over a decade. Not sure what grade(s) you teach or how many kiddos you have, but for her current kindergarteners she tends to work on her lesson plans and such on Saturday so that she can have Sunday free. She started this type of schedule back when she was teaching 5th grade, and it seems to be working very well for her.


No worries we know that you been busy with helping kids at your job. I can understand teaching kids is a lot of work and some are good and bad😒(my life in schools was rough for me) But we know you it's your goal to help the kids in the future.