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Thank you all for your patience! 

By the way, I know I have some birthday requests and backer requests that need to be finished! I will be working on them tomorrow. :)




Uh, rude. Rude, rude, rude. Linkle, drink your tea, conquer those cramps, get back out there, & tell those jerks off!!!


Yeah. Regular Skull Children always seemed very territorial to 'adults' and those who don't fit in. (The Skull Kid from MM.) At best they don't want someone who is going to turn into a Stalfos rather than a Skull Child around them. More likely though they are acting how most do when encountering those they don't understand. Be hostile. With the Discord gone, just going to gush here. Love that this recontextualizes Linkle's character from the Teen Arc and how they approached the Gerudo Gang. She'd have loved nothing more to make new friends. There's so much joy to her in the Teen Arc, so its interesting and tragic to see her go from having the joy of childhood, to the isolation of puberty, to making new friends as a teenager, to finally staying in the forest as an adult, which clearly brings her no long term joy. I'm interested to see how Linkle is going to live her adultlife, as well as how well Saria could let her spread her wings.