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He stood in the field, hands behind his back and feet together. Zelda had left him there, saying that she had to get something that he would love. He swayed back and forth, shifting his feet as he moved and rubbed his hands. He would have played with his glasses but he felt that would be too much movement and become too noticeable. He didn’t want to bring too much attention to himself, did not want any eyes on him. He felt so out of place in the green fields of the ranch, having not a single grain of sand insight.


The Gerudo turned to his girlfriend as she called out his name. He couldn’t help the smile that appeared on his face as the Hylian princess jogged up to him, her brunette locks swaying behind her. His eyes wondered down to the small smile on her kissable lips.

Vridi’s face became hot. “Did I really call her lips ‘kissable’?!”

Zelda’s face was suddenly next to his. “Vridi, what is wrong?” She laid her hand on his forehead. “You are sweating a lot. Are you getting a fever?”

“AAAHHHHH-I’m okay!” Vridi scuttled backward, falling on his hindquarters. Zelda covered her mouth and laughed, causing Vridi’s face to heat up even more.

The brunette waved her hand in apology. “Sorry, sorry. You are just so cute!” She offered him a hand, a big smile still on her face. “Here.”

Vridi delicately reached out and held her hand. His eyes then widened as Zelda pulled him up faster than expected making him lose his balance and topple over. His girlfriend almost fell over herself but she was able to stop the disaster by taking a step back. They stood like that for a while, Vridi’s head leaning on Zelda’s chest. The princess smiled, patting her boyfriend’s red hair. Suddenly realizing the position he was in, Vridi scrambled off, profusely apologizing. That’s when he noticed the glass bottle in her hand. It was filled with a creamy liquid
 and some of it was on her shirt.

“Oh no!” Vridi ran up to her, almost grabbing her but then pulled back, embarrassed on where he was about to touch. “I spilled some on you! I am so sorry.” He bowed his head and squeezed his eyes shut.

Again, Zelda laughed. “You are fine, Vridi.” She grabbed his hand and pulled him towards a table set up under a tree. The princess sat by the table, pulling Vridi down on top of her lap, and then put the bottle down, handing the shy Gerudo a reed straw. He stared at the object warily then turned his gaze to the glass, not sure what to do. Zelda smiled at him, putting her own reed into the concoction, and drank through the straw.

Vridi copied her movements, confused, but as the drink touched his taste buds, the boy’s eyes went wide. “Wow! What is this?”

Zelda’s heart skipped a beat the moment Vridi’s face lit up in a big smile. “I-It is called Lon-Lon Milk. It was made at this ranch made from the cows here. This ranch is known for their quality milk and I knew you would love it so I just had to bring you here and seeing you smile was the best thing that-“

Vridi suddenly grabbed Zelda’s hand, giving her a peck on the cheek. That silenced the girl, making him scrunch his shoulders up as she stared at him, wide-eyed. “You were r-rambling so I-I thought a kiss would c-calm you down.”

This would have to be the millionth time Zelda smiled. She couldn’t help it, though; her boyfriend was just so cute! She cupped his face, gently bringing it closer to her, then placed her lip on top of his. At first, Vridi froze up, body heating up in embarrassment but after a few seconds, he just melted into it, closing his eyes and bringing his arms around her.

“’Sup, love birds?” Sika suddenly appeared, knocking into Zelda as she sat next to them. “Oooh, what’s this? Is this the oh-so-famous Lon-Lon Milk? I gotta try this!” She twirled out her own make-shift reed straw, stuck it in the jar, and started to drink from it. She looked up to Zelda’s disapproving face. “Oh, am I interrupting something? Sorry, don’t mind me!” A smile so big appeared on her face that her eyes were squinting a little as she went back to drinking.

“Oh, hey guys!” Link came trotting up, milk in one hand and Midna beside him. They both sat down, taking out their own straws and started drinking. “I didn’t know you guy were here too. What were you guys doing?”

“We were having a fun date,” Zelda grumbled under her breath.

“Aw, is the little princess upset?” Midna smirked, making Zelda shoot a glare at the Twili.

“I’m sorry,” Vridi quietly said as he squirmed in his seat and took a shameful sip of the milk.

“What are you losers doing way over here?” A sixth person walked up to the party, hands on her hip. “Oh, I see you’re drinking my girlfriend’s milk.” She winked and everyone, except Zelda and Vridi, cheered at her innuendo, Link enthusiastically running up to his twin to give her a high-five. “Move over, Your Tallness, I wanna join.” Linkle whipped out her own straw, sticking it in Link and Midna’s bottle.

Both Sika and Linkle got to drinking their milk happily, Sika loving the awkward situation, Linkle just enjoying the drink. Vridi went back to drinking uncomfortably, eyes shutting out the world around him. Link snuck in between Sika and Midna, drinking from his glass but slowly reaching over to grab the other one, giving googly eyes to his girlfriend as if saying, “Here I’ll get this for you, honey,” and Midna smirked at him, egging him on.

Zelda tried to go back to enjoying her drink but couldn’t as she glared at both Link and Sika for ruining her perfect date with her boyfriend.

(A/N: This was based off the wallpaper parodying Friends. XD)

~Mod Roy


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