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AND THAT'S A WRAP FOR TEEN ARC! <3 I hope you guys all enjoyed it! Adult Arc will resume in July!

 In the meantime, we will be working on the script and occasionally posting smaller comics that take place between Teen Arc and Adult Arc! We will also take the time to work on the usual Patreon requests as well as helping Maldrea with Episode 4 of the GUG Dub!

Junior will also be taking the time to wrap up their original comic, The Divine Intervention! You can read it on Webtoons!

Thank you all for your support and have a wonderful Friday! 




OH NO NO NO. Also yay though! Can't wait for July!!


Did I just read through all of these in the last hour and half starting at 1 in the morning? Yes yes I did. Do I regret it? NOT ONE BIT.