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I'm making this post to apologize and tell you that I will not be able to work on the Zine and stuff till next month. I have just moved to a new house, and because of that, I had to put a pause on everything else, including this and cosplays. It doesn't help that the wings for my Pit cosplay is kicking my butt. But don't worry! The big con is at the end if this month, so whether I am able to get my cosplays done before then or not, we will start working on getting the Zines to you guys next month! Good news is that this also gives you guys more time to send on your requests! Again I'm sorry.



Thanks for letting us know! We can easily wait for your great work. Hope you show us the pictures of that cosplay-I love Pit!


I feel you on the Con panic (I also have one at the end of this month) so good luck! And don't stress we can wait~