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Don't make us come after you! Ask us your questions now, or forever hold your peace. 



I apologize profusely in advance for the essay. At this point, I'm just very unsure of what to believe. This isn't even a question I'm asking the hosts, just anyone here in the comments. Anyone at all. I need literally anyone to confirm that there's been no regular episodes OR extra ammo episodes released since March 24'th. As of today, that's 9 days ago. Over a week. My debit card (the same one that I've been using to pay for my membership here for years, was stolen a while back. I've had my new card long enough that I completely forgot about this incident. I finally updated it to my new one, only to find that there's still no new episodes here. If the snark boys have actually been gone without any updates for 9 days then well, damn. That's a hell of a coincidence and shitty timing. 

I have no cock and I must ream

Hey jerks, long time listener, took the plunge a few months ago and became homeless. If the three of you were stranded on a deserted island and had to resort to cannibalism, which of your cohosts would you choose to eat first and why? Thanks for all the laughs, take care boys.