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Chris slapped some mods on Tekken and now he's good at it.


child endangerment

derek comparing the sadness you feel when your relatives leave after visiting to seeing their body lowered into the ground is fucking hilarious


Derek, genuine question here. Were you born this fucking retarded or were you dropped on you head repeatedly? The sadness you feel when a family member leaves vs dies is extremely different no matter what your religion. Take me for example, I was very close with my aunt, we would talk multiple times a week, she had a great sense of humor and was an excellent comedian. However, she passed away recently from stomach cancer at the age of 49. The "sadness" I felt when she would return to her home after visiting is different than the sadness of her passing in that, when she would return home, I was sad that we could no longer do things together, but i wasn't in tears because I knew that I could still communicate with her, (Phone calls, Texts, USPS, Etc.) I could still listen to her tell jokes, and talk about the day... however, now that she is gone, I can't do that anymore, there is no communication between us anymore, her jokes and her laugh are no longer something I can hear with a simple phone call... even if you believe that we will be reunited after death... I'm fairly young, and there's a good chance that I will live for another 50+ years... and that's 50+ years that I will go without talking to that person. How the fuck do you not understand something as simple as basic human emotion? will you not feel sad when your family dies? will that not be different than when the leave after visiting? Don't get me wrong I'm not saying that Christians are right, it's not even a religion I would consider myself a part of, but your argument is absolutely fucking autisticly retarded

Clara Martin

Chris Halo CE had the Longsword that you fly out of the Pillar of Autumn at the end. "Sabre" in Reach seems in keeping with their established naming conventions.


I feel like I'm the only that doesn't let remake/sequel culture ruin things for them. The terrible sequels and the Ahsoka show doesn't make the original trilogy and Andor any worse for me

Patrick, hit em with that autistic flow!

I stopped watching after Mando s1 and only recently watched Ahsoka. I enjoyed it but not as a fan anymore. I can't even find the time to watch things I know I will like much less waste time watching or complaining about something I don't care about much anymore. If it's good it's a nice suprise if not oh well on to the next one

dort snort

you guys hate it when someone talks about something they know nothing about but talk about religious peeps so confidently. I enjoy when you guys talk about what you know so please stick with that cheers!

Schadenfreudian Slip

Maybe it’s cause Goths are a bit different but usually clubs are the place where we all kinda congregate cause we all just get to dance and listen to the music. Tons of married folk come out to the club I work at but they are also elder goths to be fair

Aaron Fontanella

Gonna be that guy, but Derrick in episode 24 (Sweeny Hates Aliens) you forgot the name of the little mermaid while saying “the mermaid movie from the Disney thing”