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On the week's episode the SnarkBois talk about the traggic yet hilarious situation that befell Titan's undersea voyage!



20 seconds in. Did Sween edit this episode?


hearing about the submarine parts and just imagining the gimmicks of the whole ship: ‘so yeah if you want the lights on you gotta turn this waterwheel even though its bolted to the door its not actually used to open the door, you need the fish for that his names ludwig the first creature of poseidon. he’s actually bluetoothed to the door so if you pet him it’ll open the door’ LIKE WHAT genuinely sad for the kid


Derrick says something along the lines of, "if only we had the power of the sun in the palm of our hands, so we could light up the entire ocean" and Chris didn't chime in with, "I'm pretty sure thats how Spider-man 2 ended" .. I am disapoint!


Am I crazy or was Sween's volume really low for most of the episode?


Mythbusters did a whole segment about the titanic door thing and busted it wide open, they both could have lived EZ


I played that ET game on PC!