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New year new questions!!!!



Hello, trans-inclusionary radical misogynists. I recently became legal drinking age, and on my first night out, a lady pelted me and my friends with ice cubes and lemon slices for 10 minutes. This kept going even after we switched to a booth. Her friend chastised her for throwing crap at us then the drunk woman came up to us smelling like booze and weed to apologize with the most incoherent and slurred speech I ever heard. After she left we found out she was actually banned from the bar and shouldn't have been there at all. My question for you guys is what is the weirdest experience you guys have ever had in a bar? Thanks for the funny hahas and I hope you guys have a wonderful day.


Hello goofy goons, Here's another question about the creator clash for you, since I'm sure you're gonna get a lot: Chris, what's training been like, and do you think you're gonna win? Derrick and Sween, which fight aside from your boy's are you most excited for? I went to the first creator clash and had a lot of fun, even though I was in the nosebleeds. Excited to go again this year, let me know if you want to grab a drink in celebration of your hopeful victory!

Antonio Bandonio

What up, Chris, Derrick, and the fucking Bad Take Machine? I've been listening to the beginning and followed both Chris and Derrick on YouTube for years, but it is my first time asking a question. My question is simple: if the Snark Tank were to have some kind of contest that the patrons or listeners could participate in, what would it be? For example, a contest to see who could do the best gay cover. I wish everyone but Sweeney a good rest of your day or night or whatever the fuck. Sween, I hope every time you put on socks, they're somehow magically wet and constantly chafe your feet.


Shalom Father, Son and holy spirit. I have been listening since psychicpebbles and finally have the money to support y'all. I started watching Chris when I was 13 and I will be 20 in a month, so I hope that makes you feel old. my question is this. you must damn each other to lives of torment by forcing them into someone else's. for example: you go to sleep one night and open your eyes the next morning only to discover........ you are now The Quartering, you didn't ask for this, you didn't choose this, yet there it is. what would y'all pick for your fellow hosts? thank you for all the hours of entertainment and goodbye. PS; yes lucifer himself is supporting the podcast now..... you are that bad


Hello Chris Fuentes, Derrick Owens and Uncle Tom Sweeney, if you had to orchestrate a animal vs human death match event with conservative pundits like matt walsh, steven crowder, ben shabeebo, etc. Who battles what animal for this PPV event? Can't wait for you guys to start grifting, hugs and kisses


ok judges of the pearly gates, not really a question but a statement, Jennette McCurdy is coming to my university to talk about her book and this is me flexing on yall. . . . that is all


Howdy diversity hires, here's a good question so you might fucking read it: if you've seen the Mario & Luigi vs Sephiroth memes you know that the bros DECEMATE him with shit like countering his supernova attack. So with that in mind who would you pit against the bros for a truly universe breaking match? Bet Chris is gunna say 100 SpongeBobs


Greetings the types of people my grandmother would cross the road to avoid. Would you rather catch a disease that causes you to have nipple skin instead of regular skin (you shrivel in the winter :O) or once a month you have to be a toilet in JFK airport (there's pee and poo and your mouth is the bowl 🤢) Both are untreatable life long afflictions.

Long Schlong Silver

What's up Lucifer, Beelzebub and Satan. What do you consider the best ending in a video game? My personal favorites is Metal Gear Solid 4. Especially when the gameplay and U.I. changes to look like the previous metal gear games.


Hey guys, new patron here! Do you guys have any relatives that have shared any wild or out-of-pocket beliefs/opinions that have caused you to view them differently? I found out that my dad watches Andrew Tate recently, and my heart damn near sank into my nutsack. Have a good one!

Yo it's me Vladimir Vladamirnovich Putin, Im going to send Ethan Ralph to destabilize Lithuania so I can take it

Hey there Chris Gay and full of Cum, Sween, and Derrick. What's an unhinged and insane prank that you would want to do? For me, it would be to hire a babysitter take to care of a baby, but the baby is fake and rigged with explosives. The "parents" leave the house and a couple minutes after they leave, the baby explodes into a pile of fake gore. After that, have all of the hidden cameras record to see what the babysitter does. Maybe have the "parents" announce they're coming back to provide further content