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Hey everyone< sorry about the late upload..... But we are back for another week of chaos! We at the Snarktank have one single question, can superman beat 1 million Spongebobs?


That one line from the David Blunts freestyle

This was a good ep. The Lungbuster cough is from a YouTube bong review. He coughs at one point and it sounds almost like a goose honk, and it got memed to hell. You would probably chuckle


I cant believe my question lead to the title of the episode (albeit a tad indirectly), you guys are fucking amazing. Awesome episode as always gents


I THINK this is the RLM clip Derrick was talking about. @26.30. https://youtu.be/5ysiCqy11tQ

Nikki Ziggy

If I met a chick who believed in astrology and brought it up on the first meeting, we wouldn’t be friends. If it turns out they find it funny, ok fine, but if they really believe in something with no supporting evidence, just made up BS…nope. Can’t do it. Don’t want to be an ass and say they aren’t smart enough for me, but basically yes, exactly that. And Chris is totally on point about that judgy shit, it’s real and gross and I hate it. Best to avoid those chicks.

Long Schlong Silver

Can we have a Patreon Exclusive episode (Extra Ammo) of you three talk about ancient history and ancient conspiracies. That was really interesting.


The sween call-out to Glasgow at the end genuinely terrified me in my works back room shaking


an obscure shows theme would be cool, like lost tapes, mountain monsters, Zoobamafoo or bear in the big blue house etc.

Private Private's Privates

Ahh yes, the holidays. The perfect time for Home Alone (with blood)🎅🏻


DC Comics has explored the title question before, albeit in a different way. Mister Mxyzptlk and Batmite are fifth dimensional imps with unlimited magic power. For all intents and purposes, they are malevolent gods who exist to fuck with Superman and Batman. It wouldn't take one million Spongebobs to defeat Superman, it would only take one. You have laser vision? I can pull a mirror out of my pocket and bounce the beams back at you. You have ice breath? I can catch it in a jar and hurl it back at you. You have super strength? I can drop an anvil on you at will. You can fly at light speed? I can snap my fingers and warp you into a black hole. Superman is so OP that it takes Mister Mxyzptlk to completely checkmate him. In Scott Snyder's Justice League books, Mister Mxyzptlk almost unravels the fabric of the multiverse. To stop him, Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman journey to the sixth dimension and talk to the beings who created the multiverse.


Sweeney was partially right, when europeans came to the americas they had many theories that europeans came their thousands of years before and built them to even that it was the lost tribes if Israel that came over and built the great works. "The lost city of Z" movie shows what the British really thought if the indigenous people and the european attitude on how only they made civilization