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YO!! This is the first episode of our extra content added to the patreon! We are excited to bring you all, and  we hope you enjoy our ramblings about god of war!!!



Surtr is not a secret boss. Sween is lying to you. Only secret bosses are the trolls and that stone dragon


I don't like video games. You guys should delete this episode and only make content that appeals to me personally. Thanks in advance.


Bro Derrick is so hard headed lmao, it’s crazy painful to listen to the Heimdall discussion

Nikki Ziggy

I normally don’t play many games on PC (usually with friends like rn playing Valheim), but you guys sold me with the story of god of war. Ima go back and play the games from the beginning.


Since you've had that "teleportation is death of the self" conversion at least three times already, I think you all should play and talk about the game Soma. It's an underwater, post apocalyptic, thriller game made by the same people who did Amnesia, and it heavily features the points made in your convo. Also extra ammo is fine for the name of bonus episodes

Gay-Z and Cock-a-fella (these are real nas lines)

Is love to see you guys just talk about Mass Effect and your feelings on it and the story. Because of Derrick and the legendary edition I played and fell in love with every aspect of those games. Favorite trilogy ever. Would love to hear you guys talk in depth about it.

There’s No I in LLC

SURTR IS NOT A BOSS IN THIS GAME!! Sweeney's just a fuckin monster at heart. I have 100% it


This was an amazing game that REALLY struggled with character motivation and making the end feel as heavy as it should have


This podcast has got to have touch points it’s committed to hitting in a certain time frame or any time u guys pick a subject it’s just gonna devolve into derrick arguing about little shit nobody cares about.


Lots of people saying Derrick was wrong, but idk.. Kratos nature is stated to have been "And he kills gods." It's nature vs form, that's the theme. Kratos' nature up to the end of 2018 is being a God Killer. He is peaceful in an attempt to be better FOR Atreus, not for himself. He isn't afraid of death, he isn't opposed to killing gods. He specifically wants Atreus to not be a warrior. He opposes killing Freya not to be peaceful, but because he respects her. He opposes killing Heimdall because Atreus may be the Jotnar Champion and he doesn't want that for Atreus. He still kills Heimdall when Heimdall threatens Atreus. He opposes killing Thor as Atreus trusts Thrud and so Kratos does. He sees himself in Thor. He doesn't oppose killing Odin, he just won't take the choice between life and death from Freya. Kratos WILL protect, even if he must kill. His rage has evolved, which is narrative and mechanics mixing. He is not GoW3 Kratos, true. He doesn't want to kill gods, true. But acting like Kratos is opposed wholly is not the takeaway I had.


Derrick does not understand the point of Odin and hiemdall Jesus Christ. Odin only acts in his own self interest. If Atreus proved to be of zero use to him he would have killed him the moment he got in his way. Everyone who odin has made a deal with got screwed over by him eventually one way or another. As mimir said "if he tells you snow is white, he's lying"


Yes! I loved shadow of Rome!! That was an awesome game.


Except the writers have stated that Kratos has gained self control and wisdom. The entire point of the narrative is that Kratos becomes better. He defies his nature as a god killer. He gives freya her choice so Freya can prove to herself she is better. Kratos wouldnt have interferred if she decided to kill oden. But that doesnt mean he condoned it, he just knew it wasnt his place to interfere