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Why did Derrick make The Rock gay? Did Imagine Dragons RUIN The Game Awards? Was Nickelback worse? Is Hans Zimmer overrated? Does Scooby Doo have the N pass? Are political comedians the absolute worst? It's another episode of Jerry Lewis and the Backstreet Neanderthals (LIVE on CBS2 News)



Girth Worm Jim

What the fuck is the crinkly or slapping sound? Jesus


I think this is one of the funniest episodes.


Hans Zimmer did not compose for Curse of the Black Pearl. He took over on the second film


Eating the placenta is cannibalism, it’s an organ that develops and than is discarded. Contains cells from both the mother and the fetus. How does it not fit the definition of cannibalism you trio of wanna be cannibals looking for a loop hole to quell your blood lust but still not be a “cannibal”

I’ll carpet bomb the Gaza Strip… For a Quarter

I think one of the guys whose been the funniest about the pandemic jokes is Bill Burr. The Fonz joke he told on Conan was hilarious, and it wasn’t pandering, it’s just the kind of shit he would say off the top of his head, or he called Joe Rogan a knuckle dragged, and they laughed and moved on.

The snark tanks favorite wrestler

I don't necessarily agree with him but I understand what Chris is saying as far as the Hans Zimmer / Two Steps From Hell argument goes. The overplay effect absolutely ruins anything. The only thing better at ruining things than the overplay effect is cringey unoriginal YouTubers. As absolutely magnificent as Two Steps From hell was, if I heard the song "Archangel" in any video ever it immediately took me out of it. It even got to the point where it was ruining big budget movies for me because they would use Two Steps from hell's music and I would just roll my eyes when I hear it.




Red couldn't be in Vietnam. It was literally still going on during the show. I believe the war ended in the mid 70s.