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Is Alec Baldwin an evil greature? Would Tom Holland kill with a blunderbuss? GTA Vice City being censored? Resident Evil VR censored? Tom Sweeny is an OJ Simp-son? Do humans taste like rabbits? When did the backlight happen? What were some viral trends when we were in high school? Why are you an idiot and stupid? All that and more answered on todays episode of Late Episode Again, How Sad, Oh How Sad Hopefully Chris Stops Being Sick and Sweeny Learns How to Record a Dark Tank When He's Asked To Haha



There’s No I in LLC

I bought a GameShark book without the GameShark Driver disc for PS2.


The guy drowning with the sword happened. I'm pretty sure Whang made a video about him.


https://youtu.be/FnMGKHLbuHQ found it


Not really a "trend" but my high school was so ratchet that the staff got tired of kids ripping the bathroom doors off the hinges, so they eventually just never put them back. So for the entirety of my 4 years in high school, I never shat at school because none of the stalls had any fucking doors


There were supposed to be dummy bullets in the gun not blanks.


Why are you guys talking on a serious news topic without even reading a single article?


Brandon Lee was actually killed with a blank.

Captain Bon Clay

There were two trends at my school 1. Nut checks, boys would hit/ tap/ kick each other in the nuts and it got progressively worse until I fucked it up by flying jump kicking this kid named Tristan( who fun fact has 6 nipples) right in front of a teacher, I got a week of in school suspension Second was between me and my friend Isaiah and we would occasionally try and make each other flinch by jabbing each other or almost jabbing well one day in art class I was holding a pencil and Isaiah spooked me and I ended up stabbing him through the hand with the pencil, I didn’t get in trouble for that one


Lol fun fact the Gameboy had a version in Japan with a backlight


hey this still isn’t on free feeds and it’s been like 2 weeks


Wanted to support for awhile so I guess adding to the a conversation is a good enough excuse. As a Native American, my specific tribe has a tradition during sun dances in which we sacrifice a puppy in order to honor our relationship with dogs. And whilst I'm not a traditionalist my grandfather took me to a couple when I was younger and I can tell you dog kinda tastes like pork.


Does the astroworld incident count as happening the day after a post?