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Black nerds talk about game of thrones lol I don't know what they're talking about it's absurd like what?!




don’t act like yall ain’t take that new podcast name from me 😂


Just like Derrick balances Sween and Chris' darkness, Chris balances (or is just good at stomping out) Derrick and Sween's horny.


I hope we can see more combat sports content on the inward club, I'm personally here for it

Marcus Shorten

If we're talking about intercourse with an alien....there's already a word for it. Xenophilia

50 Shades of Gay

For some reason my name still never gets read 😭


This ended awkwardly. Otherwise, awesome 'sode.

Clara Martin

Glad Sweeney took an "astrology" class to educate himself about space.


Game of thrones was far too influential in media for you not to have seen it.

Nikki Ziggy

I bugged Chris on a twitch stream of his. Patreon is big booty sometimes. Maybe message one of the guys privately.

Nikki Ziggy

I said that, then finally finished listening, and saw he forgot my name this time too 🙃


About rice having no flavor, my parents are Mexican so we make rice differently and my dad always cooks rice with half an onion in it and it tastes really good. Another way is what my mom does which is the same rice with onions but after it's done, you take the onion out and pour tomato sauce in it and it's so God damn good.


Jackson from the Official Podcast made a game called Game of Moans