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YouTubers are boxing again, Gorillas vs Bears, Jeff Bezos fucks off to space, Samsung fetish fuel, and more nonsense on this episode of The Snark Tank! Don't forget to eat your vitamins.






Just started listening, I’m not gay


The OK Boomer girl is a streamer for 100Thieves, one of those annoying influencer/esport orgs, so I'm surprised people couldn't see this coming.


the reason people are mad about Dream cheating is because it was a speedrun. imagine you grind for thousands of hours perfecting your run and get into the top 10, only for some cock nozzle to surpass you by cheating and then completely deny it. you'd be pissed too right? it's more that the speedrun community is pissed off rather than the minecraft community


The nigga tank

Jeff Caseres

You guys got the Samsung girl all wrong. Guys, it’s the first step of having a real ExMachina, Alita Mk.1 let’s call it. Some call it the C9000 😂

Nikki Ziggy

I think my fav thing about this podcast is how I can dissociate and miss some stuff but then come right back into a gorilla slapping a man’s head off and I lose my shit. ❤️ money well spent on this podcast 🤣


Debating going up to $25 just because the endings can be hilarious


I can't trust Chris with his opinions on fighting animals. If I had to choose between fighting a grizzly or a gorilla, I'd choose a gorilla any day. Between this and your guys's opinions on Samsung girl I don't know if I can trust you anymore. Chris is right about dancing though.


can anybody inv me into the discord