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You know the drill, BUT this time we want something spicy. Give us some arguments you’ve had recently and let us settle them. It’s not a real episode unless we can argue!



HELLO THERE! Chris, Derek and the long lost Lovecraftian horror Tom Sweeny! I have a debate with my roommate about Space! How do you guys think humans will expand our reach into space? My friend thinks it will be with rockets and ground launches. But I personally think Space elevators kinda like Halo make more sense. This is long long term like 200+ yrs. Providing humans dont yeet ourselves into the void before that. (Looking at you Sween. No suicide)


Space elevators require a material of such unbelievable tensile strength they're probably not viable except for use on very small, low gravity planets.


Alright dipshits, riddle me this: Sugar is a spice. A spice is a plant based flavour powder. My friend does not agree but cannot tell me why I'm so incredibly wrong apparently.


hey my name Jeff, Deez nuts, and what are those. I've been many a heated debate with my friends about simping, I think it's fine if it's reasonable and strictly business and not actually desperate flirting. They believe that simping in any form is a sin and look down upon anyone who does or would. what's your take? also supporting people on patreon makes us all simps for our favourite creators just saying


Is cerial a soup?


why do you not like diced tomato on your chicken wrap?


When's the best time to shower; at night before you go to bed, or in the morning after you wake up?

Furry Keith David

Have any of you seen the web series "Arby 'n' the chief" and if so, what do you guys think of it?


It’s an old meme but one of y’all has to like pineapple on pizza, I personally love that shit


Okay so my question is simple master chief vs crypto from destroy all humans who would win in a to the death battle please explain your answer


Hello reincarnation of jesus/Satan, weird voice lad, and the only normal one. Is the office really as good as people make it out to be? I say yes, but ive noticed a lot of ppl shitting on it on Twitter lately.


Who would win in a fight? The Master chief, Samus, or Spawn?