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Hello my favorite podcasters! I was wondering if you would consider making a full length version of that bop that bussy song? I think it could be a smash hit. Anyways thanks for the podcasts. It brings me much joy hearing you guys every week and I really look forward to it


Hello gang, I wanted to know what is your favorite game genre (FPS, RPG, Turn Based, etc) , and what is your favorite long range and short range weapon (thanks Derrick for your quick response on discord). I ask because I am currently in development of a snark tank video game which is full of references to the show, and changes how the game genre according to if you're playing Chris, Sweeny, or Derrick. Love the podcast! -Maximo


What's up Chris Ray Gun, Some Black Guy and Some Fat Black Guy. As I grew up I became less of a tit man and more of an ass man but more recently I've become more attracted to Asian women and they prefer to have big ol' jugs over a big ass, and as a result I'm reverting to being more of a tit man again. With that in mind, are you guys tit men or ass men and why?


Hey there Hispanic! At The Disco, Mr Liveleak and ASpecificEbonyIndividual. I have a question specifically for the resident space bigot but the rest can answer. If you become a warlock patron what kind of power would you grant your warlocks and what tasks would you ask them to do.


Hey there Latin Gollum, Xenophobic Biggie Smalls, and Kieth David’s forgotten son, what are you’re favorite comic arcs.


Hello derrick, the one and only host of the snark tank podcast, i saw some pictures of you on twitter and it got me thinking... what’s the most dangerous thing you’ve done on 4th of july?


I remember a while back someone said something similar: about making a game, was that you too?


yup, it's taking a while because I'm using it as an excuse to learn the unity engine.


Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup, Should masturbation be a legal right in the workplace like cigarette breaks? I submit that it should. Think of it this way: Smokers have to go hide in a shack away from everyone else, they have to dispose of the waste appropriately, and they have to wash their hands afterward, but they deal with it so they don’t snap on some poor co-worker and end up on the evening news. Sounds like the same cirCUMstances as workplace wanking if you ask me. I can go to a hidden little room, strangle my dangle, clean up, wash off, and get right back at it, stress-free for about five minutes, same as a smoker. So why do I keep getting fired?!?!?! All the best, -Nigel


Greetings gentleman, with the next season coming soon what do you think of the TV show The Boys on Amazon, and in addition, what do you think about more superhero content with a more grounded or gritty take on the genre. Love the content, update the discord link Chris.


Help I am stuck in florida, the state that now has the highest amount of daily coronavirus cases because the florida man mentality has spread like a disease. What's the weirdest "florida man" type shit you've seen irl?


yo hip hop anti christ, crypt keeper and interspecies sex guru. got a question for Tom. What would you do if Kieth David came out as a furry clown?


Greetings latin Rumpelstiltskin, black gnome and yogi bear, as you all are one of the more diverse podcast i wanted to ask you all, what experiences of irl racism have you all experienced and how did you respond? Personally, as a sexy Colombian man, I lived in a Latino dominate neighborhood and it wasn’t till i got a job in a different city that i experienced any, with my boss occasionally calling me/other latinos mexican, a vandalist, a thief, and poor. Thanks, Jesús.