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YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO, don’t let me catch you!



Hello cunts, if one religion or mythos had to be real, which would you wish it to be, anything as long as it involves higher beings, Hinduism, Christianity, Greek, Lovecraftian, anything is on the table.


Hello you 3 useless sacks of meat. What is one game that you like that nobody else does?


Question for Chris (and if by miracle anyone else with an answer): what's one of your favorite bits/moments you remember from Sleepycast?


A question to the human oreo podcast. Let's say your body stops working and your soul has to go into someone else's body. Who would you choose to take over? You still have your own personality and memories, but you're now in this person's body, living their life.


What's up Chris Ray Gun, Some Black Guy and Some Fat Black Guy. As I grew up I became less of a tit man and more of an ass man but more recently I've become more attracted to Asian women and they prefer to have big ol' jugs over a big ass, and as a result I'm reverting to being more of a tit man again. With that in mind, are you guys tit men or ass men and why?


Hello 2 and 1/5 people running this show, if you had to fuck one scooby doo villain, which would you pick


Dear Jeffrey Epsween, his big black book, and underdeveloped tumor with teeth and spice. What would you do if you swapped gender for a day? Cinderella rules apply, as soon as 24 hours pass your body instantly morphs back, you can use this to your advantage or disadvantage (I.E. you rob a bank and when the cops look for a woman, you popped back to be a man and instantly don't fit the description)


I'm from Puerto Rico and I just wanna let Chris know that I'm giving every single Puerto Rican grandma I see his long hair IG picture framed and Im telling them he's Puerto Rican Jesus.


"San Chuito"


Hello Dehydrated race chameleon, limited urban dictionary, and alien fucking patient zero. How does it feel to know your about to go on a retarded rant about something stupid? P.s. I love and appreciate you like Whitney Wisconsin does her dogs.


Hello Derrick, Tom, and child sized skeleton tented inside a deflated ballsack slowly withering away into nothingness. My question is: if you could send one person screaming into the void for eternity, who would it be and why? Mine would be Todd Howard.