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hello daily uploads, monthly uploads and last year upload. What are the best grappling hooks that you've found in games? I'm grappling with my depression because mirrors edge is shit and has no proper grappling hooks.


What is the meanest thing you have done or said to someone


Hello Carl lukas, miles moralis, and mat murdock you blind fool What setting for entertainment in general is your favorite like fantasy, space, cyberpunk, etc.

Julius Caesar Has Jungle Fever

Politically charged songs can be cringy as fuck, however, there are some gems out there. What songs/albums with political messages do you like? I like the song Deer Dance by System Of A Down.


Hey Darkman, Blackhood and lightey the passable wonderboy, if you had to box another youtuber to keep your channel, who would you choose?


With All the riots going on who do you think is the most likely black celebrity to pull an OJ and get away with murder.


Hello alternate timeline brunette Number 4, and black versions of Numbers 1 and 2, which of your decrepit and quarantine ravaged bodies is most prepared to fight off a sword wielding madman. 3 of you vs him. Who dies? P.S. Sweeny, you're dumb about space.


Why Are people still asking questions in this thread... You do realize they record on Sundays... They are no longer reading these lmao


is there any dubstep music any of you like?


Good morrow my three ethnic babies, if you were locked in a room impervious to escape with two pills, one which would make you violently throw up, and one that would make you violently defecate, which pill would you take.


Hello my chuckley nut suckley butt fuckley buddy boyos. Say youre a few years down the line and you gotta and you gotta daughter right, now shes about 17 and you have been spending less time with her lately and its kinda bugging you so one day you get real hankerin for some baskin robins so you run up stairs thinking "Hey this will be good way to chat with her" so you trot upstairs and open your daughters door and see her going to abosulte town on vaccum cleaner. What do you do? She definitely sees you as she shout "Get the fuck out DAD!" Do you talk about it again?

It's Marcus, last month the CoG can support you at 25 as Baird spent our funds on Myrrah's only fans

Just putting this here before I forget so I can copy/paste it to the new question thread when it is out. Greetings my Syndrome, my other Syndrome, and Speedy Gonzalez. If you could at will shape shift between human and any one member of a fantasy or sci-fi species, but the process takes roughly 3 days of agonizing pain and you look like some progerian nightmare during that period, would you do it and what species would you choose? I'd pick Turian from Mass effect. Also Chris, can you get Count Dankula to voice Paul?