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Greetings New Yorkean Cowboy, Medicinal Practitioner of Necrophilliacy, and Miles Morales' Stunt Double, question for each of you: New Yorkean Cowboy: In light of your Fast Food Tier list and your reference to Five Guys as, "God Tier, S-Tier..." I went ahead and tried them out. Now, for my question: What in the God we wish we had's name lead you to believe it was that good?!? Medicinal Practitioner of Necrophiliacy: What would it take for you to rank a Rainbow from your question on whether you'd rank your hatred of the gays from Rainbows to Mike Pence? Miles Morales' Stunt Double: How long till you invite Joe Rogan to your podcast just to spite him and show him how it's done? Genuinely love your guys' work, feel I'd love you guys just as much IRL, and can't stop referring you to my friends and family. Thank you for the entertainment!


Hey the unincredible crew, I got a very important question. If you could full force spin kick anyone or anything into the sun, who or what would it be?

Ghost of mama JF

Hello, my children! Can you describe a video game that you remember fondly but you don't remember the name at all or the plot? For me, it's a Scooby-Doo game for the Playstation 2. I remember a lot of the levels and I know it's not based on the live-action movies. Hope Chris isn't taking videos of Tom while he's sleeping. Love you boys and I hope you're enjoying yourselves.


Greetings Three Dog from Fallout 3, Fat Albert with Psychopathy, and Heavyweight Champion of Auschwitz, if your parents had you in a rape sandwich where your dad is one inch inside you and you are one inch inside your mom, would you move forwards or backwards to escape? You can’t move to the side.

Nikki Ziggy

hello boys, my unemployment check finally came and now I'm making more than I used to part time, so now I can finally give you my money! My question to you is if you've ever had a fantasy escape world that you went to at any point in time? For me, when I was getting bullied in elementary and middle school, Rosalina's Comet Observatory from Super Mario Galaxy was my happy place that I went to and I occasionally still think about, especially during my replaying of the game (also super pumped for Nintendo's Mario remakes).


Greetings you safely segregated minorities! I hope you are staying safe from the Lung Pao Sicken. I give you the following stupid scenario. God is feeling like a cunt so he comes down from above and threatens to smite you personally, as well as guaranteeing you eternal torment in the afterlife. His condition to spare you is that you choose a single country along with it's people to straight up erase. You wont be punished legally for this but the world will be very judgemental of you for the rest of your days. Do you pitch millions of strangers into the eternal void to save yourself, and if you do which country are you picking?


Praise helix brothers. What's the single, most game changing mod you've ever used for a game?


Hey spoiled oreo cookie podcast...once you decipher that one, my question is : most people will tell you it's fine to use vulgar and shitty language to people as long as you're joking. For example, telling your friend to kill themselves cause they took the last chip is just comedic, while a random person on the street calling you a bitch is insulting... Controversial point I guess, but should this logic not be applied to the dreaded " N-word " and we drop the bullshit inherant power that word has. Words don't have power ( or at least they shouldn't ) until we apply meaning and context to them, it's time we grew up on this one

A roughly human shaped pile of red flags

Hey there twomad’s retarded brother, “Varg did nothing wrong”, and non simp idubbbz. If you had the power to alter reality just once, in any way that you want, what would you change if anything? After you change reality everyone will think that this is the way that it always was. You will forget that you changed anything and ever had the ability to in the first place.


hello christoph, sweenard, and one black dude. what's the craziest story one of your guys parents has told you about their life. sween and Chris know mine.


Hey Hispanic, Black and Fusion! I've recently been playing through my game library and rediscovered my favorite turds. What are some bad games that y'all love?

Girth Worm Jim

Not a question, but I canceled my OnlyFans subscriptions for you. So now I'm expecting you guys to fill that void.