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Leave your questions and comments here, fools!



What are some of the best insults you guys have said to each other?


Has there ever been a non-horror game/movie/show/ect. that has scared and if so what was it?


Hello black, black, and ambiguously brown! If you had to throw one person from the past, present, or future screaming into the void of space, who would it be? Love the show! Ps sween get a channel you massive gremlin


Ahoy my brothers of various colors, thanks for laughing at my name cause I paid you $10 too, here’s my question: As an aspiring hilarious cosmic horror author, you three’s horrific ability to weld words and shimmy together insults in a way that no child should ever be exposed to has fascinated me since childhood. Have any of y’all ever considered seriously writing a book or screenplay in the distant future?


You guys ever watch scarred on MTV growing up?


If you had to make a sales pitch for your home state, what would it be?


Which Fallout game was your favorite and do you think people are too hard on Fallout 4?


How many breath mints is too many? I just ate half a pack of altoids and that was too many mints for me.


Hey Blackest Chad, Sween Beans, and Chris Hogging the Box for Raygun. I recently got my account boofed on PSN for saying some fucked shit after they tried trolling me and I got reported. What's the most fucked up thing you've said/heard or been called in videogames and what was the reason?


don't try and wriggle out I know u guys had an Xbox in the hayday y'all had to have heard some wild shit


Here's a measly $10 of my hard earned cash you desolate degenerates. You filthy mongoloids revel in the fucked up part of the world, Chris especially tickles my taint with how much he seems to hate everything about this feeble existence, but my question to you thunderfucks is what is your happiest memory? What memory lies in your subconscious that just fills you with warm feelings like when Uncle Tom Sweens curb stomps the gays into oblivion.


Brushed by the AI stuff way too fast. If AI lack organic brain chemistry and parts, like the hypothalamus, they wouldn't experience fear, rejection, impatience, or other filthy meatbag emotions. It is our own irrationality and ignorance that conjures up doomsday senerios of unshackled AIs that they wouldn't even bother to consider. They're just going to keep being better versions of themselves. Besides, we're already doing the only thing they would want us to do: Build more and better platforms by which they can perceive the world. Hell, a fully sentient and sapient AI could already exist and have absolutely no reason to let us know, it's motives so far removed from our primate own.


Sup you Snarktastic Swine You have become a ghost after being gruesomely murdered. Who killed you, and how do you enact your revenge? Also, if Christianifer really doesn’t want to play DnD, maybe the Halo Mythic rpg would be more appealing? If not, then I’ll replace your spine with twizzlers.