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Hey, guys! Starting the July Thread later this month cuz we had a LOT of June questions to catch up on. As always, send us your QUESTIONS! Keep in mind, the longer the paragraph, the less likely it'll be in the show. We got A LOT of you in there now. It's a competition at this point.

May the best write-in win!


Cumming on his skin! The gaping will not yield!

What’s up the three people who sent me both ways down the pipeline. Years long listener first time homeless. Will there be any Event/Challenge episodes of y’all doing stuff outside? Like a doing an escape room or seeing who can suck dick fastest.

The Nightman

What is up y'all, got a new one for you! What's the least offensive/worst thing any of y'all would have to do to consider kicking one another off the podcast? Nothing major if possible, I wanna see how patient/petty you can be with each other

The Snark Tanks Favorite Wrestler

If you guys could create a piece of misinformation that would rapidly disperse amongst the public and incorrectly alter the general populouses perception on something, what would it be?

Cummed uncle butt

What kind of wizard pranks would you pull? Like if you were a wizard. I would slowly Benjamin button my friends’ partners until they’re all dating children.

Authentic Shaggy

What’s up fellers. Would ya’ll eat at a place called Gorilla Burger, home of the famous Gorilla Burger? Also you guys fuckin with the band Turnstile?


Dear Snarkmen, if you had to travel back in time to a year before 1900 and live out the rest of your days from January 1st of that year until you die, what year would you pick and why?

El Chris es puto. (edited)

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2024-07-15 18:07:15 Hey guys, what’s the most out-of-pocket modern behaviour you’re noticing now a days? For me I’ve had more than one aquaintance tell me they’re stopped jorkin it to porn and it’s poison to the mind. Good for them I guess but TMI. Keep up the good bants.
2024-07-10 04:48:28 Hey guys, what’s the most out-of-pocket modern behaviour you’re noticing now a days? For me I’ve had more than one aquaintance tell me they’re stopped jorkin it to porn and it’s poison to the mind. Good for them I guess but TMI. Keep up the good bants.

Hey guys, what’s the most out-of-pocket modern behaviour you’re noticing now a days? For me I’ve had more than one aquaintance tell me they’re stopped jorkin it to porn and it’s poison to the mind. Good for them I guess but TMI. Keep up the good bants.

(pp) in an earlier name i said i was putting PP at the beginning of every name just to identify it as me. (edited)

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2024-07-15 18:07:15 Hello 3 musket queers, Would you rather shit your pants every time you farted or cum your pants every time you felt the urge to pee.
2024-07-10 04:48:31 Hello 3 musket queers, Would you rather shit your pants every time you farted or cum your pants every time you felt the urge to pee.

Hello 3 musket queers, Would you rather shit your pants every time you farted or cum your pants every time you felt the urge to pee.


hi dummies, say your partner knowingly fucked an exact clone of you, how would you feel

Scooped James

Hello boys of summer, what's a song that's been played to death by the Radio or what have you that you still love? Songs like boys are back in town, and enjoy the silence would be my picks.

The one and only Spider-Penis (edited)

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2024-07-15 18:07:15 Hey you really stinky guys and really specifically stinky sween. I’ve got a simple one i’ve been trying to get read for a while now but it’s a creative one. Say you’re in the position of John Kramer: The Jigsaw. And you have to choose from a wide range of celebrities, political, real life people who have inconvenienced you, and you must put them through a series of traps and trials, what traps and trials do you design and which people do you put in them?
2024-07-10 04:49:39 Hey you really stinky guys and really specifically stinky sween. I’ve got a simple one i’ve been trying to get read for a while now but it’s a creative one. Say you’re in the position of John Kramer: The Jigsaw. And you have to choose from a wide range of celebrities, political, real life people who have inconvenienced you, and you must put them through a series of traps and trials, what traps and trials do you design and which people do you put in them?

Hey you really stinky guys and really specifically stinky sween. I’ve got a simple one i’ve been trying to get read for a while now but it’s a creative one. Say you’re in the position of John Kramer: The Jigsaw. And you have to choose from a wide range of celebrities, political, real life people who have inconvenienced you, and you must put them through a series of traps and trials, what traps and trials do you design and which people do you put in them?

50 Shades of Gay

Hey straw, sticks and bricks Would you feel the physical pain and psychological despair of every single distressed feed lot and zoo animal on earth (only the ones in distress, that includes dying of diseases) all at once for 10 seconds for 5 million bucks?

Peenie Hisman

Hello Mr. Snark Mr.Tank and Mr. Podcast... If each of you were given the powers of toon force would you guys use it for good,evil,or sheer dubious degeneracy?


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2024-07-15 18:07:15 How’s it slouchin’ lads? In an attempt to fix an air conditioning problem in my attic, I put my whole ass foot through the ceiling which now needs to be repaired. What’s the worst damage you boys have ever done to yours or someone else’s home? Keep the laughs pouring <3
2024-07-10 04:50:41 How’s it slouchin’ lads? In an attempt to fix an air conditioning problem in my attic, I put my whole ass foot through the ceiling which now needs to be repaired. What’s the worst damage you boys have ever done to yours or someone else’s home? Keep the laughs pouring <3

How’s it slouchin’ lads? In an attempt to fix an air conditioning problem in my attic, I put my whole ass foot through the ceiling which now needs to be repaired. What’s the worst damage you boys have ever done to yours or someone else’s home? Keep the laughs pouring <3


Hey snark boys, how good is your ability to detect things that are AI generated? Thanks to AI art, I now question everything that looks even slightly off. My grandparents are constantly sharing fake images on Facebook and it makes me depressed. I can't tell if this pic of Margot Robbie is AI generated or not. https://x.com/lush_louise95/status/1808028941984358414

Almost $50k in debt

Yo boys, I wanted to know if there's a joke that kind of or completely offended you, but was so funny that it made up for it. Also, I wanted to know if Derrick heard this clip (Look up "CUM TOWN: Bill Maher the N****r Guy" on YouTube)


Hello Sloppy Seconds. What is a game that you enjoyed when you were younger, that you now realise was nothing but stinking pile of shit? For me, it was Postal III. Looking back, I don't know what my teenage self thought made that bug-ridden stinking pile of shit good.

randeep kang

sup dicky and the bunch, if snark tank had their own presidential debate to see who is president snark tank. what question would be ask? and can u guys have an actual snark tank presidential debate in the future


Hey Eyes, Ears and Mouth. Do you ever find yourself wanting to go back to "the good old days". if so then what/when is that. ps. A wolf would draw and quarter Ears before he could get his gloves on.

Born Under a Pride Flag with a Gay dick in yo eye

Hola pendejos. Just wanted to say you guys are my favorite podcast and every upload from you guys makes my week a little easier to bear. Now with that sappy shit out the way, all 3 of you oiled up and naked, who's winning the twerk off?

splish splash I was gaping his ass

Hey cringe gay cum, somewhackgay, and top sweetcheeks Do you little freaks have any interest in doing a separate show/segment (maybe just extra ammos) dedicated to politics? It’s very entertaining to hear you guys talk about Diane Feinsteins corpse and RFK jr doing the reading for his audiobook but you seem reluctant to dive into politics sometimes Just wanted to express general interest in your cynical political shittalking

beating my meat like it burnt dinner

Hey gang. I saw this video the other day about "hibachi style Mexican food" that absolutely sent me because I firmly believe there is no excuse to spend upwards of 100s of dollars on food that you can get from a taco man on the street corner for 10 bucks. How do y'all feel about overpriced "upscale" food? Be well.

Colandros sucks toes

Hey hey boys. Happy to see Sween isn't being racist. My question is: You can MMA battle a YouTuber you hate. Who do you choose?

Connor The Desolate Canadian

Hey there horrifying cryptids of legend. Do you guys have a game that you usually come back to playing, even though it’s a game that’d be tedious going back to the beginning often? In my case I always find myself playing Bioshock Infinite’s story at least once a year, as scripted that shit is.

The Witness pulling out his Final Shape

Hey Hunter, Warlock and Titan, What's your favorite Exotic weapon/Armor in Destiny? Mine definitely has to be Sleeper Simulant and Orpheus Rig.

is it true are you gay, in a cosmic sort of way (edited)

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2024-07-15 18:07:15 what are your favorite impersonations to do/hear
2024-07-10 04:56:53 what are your favorite impersonations to do/hear

what are your favorite impersonations to do/hear


Hey Killswitch,Rise Against, and Mastadon. My question if you had to erase a fast food chain from existence which would it be.


Dear Snark Tank, what would you do if you woke up and discovered that your penis had made a deal with Babidi (without your consent or knowledge) and you are now in ownership of a majin penis


Hello brethren, not sure if it was mentioned on the pod recently, but did yall see that guy on Rogan start an RFK impression and joe shutting it down. What a cuck.

Dildo the ducky

What’s up gay, queer, and homosexual. I really only listen to rap music what bands/ albums do you recommend outside rap.

Ethan Barcelos

Hello 2 Wise Men plus you know who... Let's get straight to the point: My best friend is dating someone who cheated on him and she has caused him nothing but trouble since. I've tried to talk some sense into him without being too pushy, but I'm afraid he'll end up like another friend of mine who has completely isolated himself from our group due to his own shitty relationship (got cheated on). Simply put, what do I do? I don't want to lose a friend. Have y'all ever been put in this situation? Anyway, take care. And Chris, I'll be seeing your ass in San Diego my friend. Derrick and Sween, I better see you at a Snark Tank live show in the future!

Putting black face on my light bulbs

A question for Sween specially. What're your thoughts on Hades II so far? Any major likes or dislikes that you can spoil for Chris for my sick amusement?

Sucking Mr Roger's 12 inch cock (edited)

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2024-07-15 18:07:15 How ya doing my snarkians, I distinctly remember those dirty islanders Sweeny and Chris disrespecting my people's spicey/sweet mexican cuisine. What is some food you dislike? (Mine is Puerto rican food)
2024-07-10 05:28:56 How ya doing my snarkians, I distinctly remember those dirty islanders Sweeny and Chris disrespecting my people's spicey/sweet mexican cuisine. What is some food you dislike? (Mine is Puerto rican food)

How ya doing my snarkians, I distinctly remember those dirty islanders Sweeny and Chris disrespecting my people's spicey/sweet mexican cuisine. What is some food you dislike? (Mine is Puerto rican food)

slenderman's pansexual brother, ilikeeverygenderman (edited)

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2024-07-15 18:07:15 Hello to the Penis Administration, I'm sure you've seen how many words/phrases have been watered down by social media users over the years (racist and nazi back in the 2010s or pedophile, incel, and porn addict more recently). What do you guys predict to be the next big terms that get their meaning/weight ruined?
2024-07-10 05:30:13 Hello to the Penis Administration, I'm sure you've seen how many words/phrases have been watered down by social media users over the years (racist and nazi back in the 2010s or pedophile, incel, and porn addict more recently). What do you guys predict to be the next big terms that get their meaning/weight ruined?

Hello to the Penis Administration, I'm sure you've seen how many words/phrases have been watered down by social media users over the years (racist and nazi back in the 2010s or pedophile, incel, and porn addict more recently). What do you guys predict to be the next big terms that get their meaning/weight ruined?


Hey there "You people". What is each of your favorite subhumans to be born from the internet? Either the funniest to laugh at or best cautionary tale. I know Chris Chan is the obvious pick but is there someone else like Ethan Ralph you like more?

Gears of War Nendoroid No.2533 Marcus Fenix (edited)

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2024-07-15 18:07:15 Hello three judges of hell, just want to elaborate on my miles and cole comparison, both have super strength, stamina, and durability, an incredible ability to climb , danger senses (if you count health and minimap for cole), electric absorption and electro kinesis/ manipulation, electric constructs, regeneration to a degree, and icing on the cake, cole has a electric grappling hook and jump that for movement in late game, Just wanted to explain my thought process on that
2024-07-10 05:32:41 Hello three judges of hell, just want to elaborate on my miles and cole comparison, both have super strength, stamina, and durability, an incredible ability to climb , danger senses (if you count health and minimap for cole), electric absorption and electro kinesis/ manipulation, electric constructs, regeneration to a degree, and icing on the cake, cole has a electric grappling hook and jump that for movement in late game, Just wanted to explain my thought process on that

Hello three judges of hell, just want to elaborate on my miles and cole comparison, both have super strength, stamina, and durability, an incredible ability to climb , danger senses (if you count health and minimap for cole), electric absorption and electro kinesis/ manipulation, electric constructs, regeneration to a degree, and icing on the cake, cole has a electric grappling hook and jump that for movement in late game, Just wanted to explain my thought process on that

Mikesapien (edited)

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2024-07-15 18:07:15 After Biden's miserable debate performance, there is more talk of replacing him on the ballot. Who would be your realistic and comedic replacements for president and vice president?
2024-07-10 05:33:12 After Biden's miserable debate performance, there is more talk of replacing him on the ballot. Who would be your realistic and comedic replacements for president and vice president? EDIT: Since my question was rendered moot by recent events, how do you feel about democrat party leadership installing a candidate no one voted for? Feels a bit like super delegates shifting the nomination from Bernie to Hillary all over again. Obama has not endorsed Harris and is calling for an open convention.

After Biden's miserable debate performance, there is more talk of replacing him on the ballot. Who would be your realistic and comedic replacements for president and vice president? EDIT: Since my question was rendered moot by recent events, how do you feel about democrat party leadership installing a candidate no one voted for? Feels a bit like super delegates shifting the nomination from Bernie to Hillary all over again. Obama has not endorsed Harris and is calling for an open convention.

Massa Chief

Would y'all consider making a live Snark Tank FM channel on YouTube, like how 69.9 FM: The Bust plays a neverending shuffle of Cum Town episodes?


Hey boys, would yall ever do a Snark Tank After Dark episode where yall talk about sex and stuff? Love yall.

Cumming kidney stones like a machine gun (edited)

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2024-07-15 18:07:15 Hello wretched beasts, what is your worst interaction with teacher/school related person?
2024-07-10 06:09:07 Hello wretched beasts, what is your worst interaction with teacher/school related person?

Hello wretched beasts, what is your worst interaction with teacher/school related person?

Michael Basketball Jordan Basketball Peterson

Hey all. Ive spent the last month & a half re listening to this entire massive waste of time & breathe. I’m 20 episodes out from being caught up & am excited for the jump to in-person. I have an update from a topic brought up in an early 100s episode about how we didn’t know how eels reproduce. We’ve since learned, & I’ll try to be concise. After genetically linking Eels as parents to a larva-like species, thought to be unrelated due to them living in different parts of the world. They then tracked the cross-ocean migration route eels take to get there. They discovered eels only do it once at the end of life(~25 years), It can take ~18 months, they can swim as low as 4,600 ft, and they die after. Finally, the biggest question surrounding this had to do with eels not having genitalia. turns out they develop genitals only during the migration, but at the cost of their stomach.

Beast Mascot

Greetings, Trio of dicks. With the news that Call of Duty black cocks six will use generative AI, does this mean that we'll be seeing a wave of triple-A developers that can't be bothered to hire some fucking writers/artists? Also, Transformers One looks odd (This is aimed at Derrick).

Viggo Runar Sigurdsson

Hello 2 pretty boys and some black guy I'm catching up on the podcasts I'm on episode 97 Right now. You guys were talking about assassin's Creed in Japan was never going to happen. my question is what are your thoughts now that it has happened?

sohum fotedar

To the three YooHoo drinkers your story about how JFK started the sonichu medallion goes even deeper I used to work for Best Buddies which helps people with disabilities and have started by a Kennedy could say that nerd to like circumvent the bad vibes from that one of the Kennedys started this program to help

Thugzilla, King of the Hoodsters

Little Dark Gays Policemen slob my nob, cum seeping from thier dongs. I know my friends and I would ride their big ole shlongs. If you get into bed, well fuck yoouu in the ass Bring your cock to my face, my little dark gays!

they Drag on my Balls til I grant them wishes

Good evening Snarks, my presentation this month is this: you get dropped Fortnite-style into the Constitutional Convention, what rules or laws are you trying to get added on day one?

Sweeney’s biggest op (edited)

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2024-07-15 18:07:15 Hey Gay, Small and, Black if you were a super villain what would be your thing and why?
2024-07-10 07:26:33 Hey Gay, Small and, Black if you were a super villain what would be your thing and why?

Hey Gay, Small and, Black if you were a super villain what would be your thing and why?

Goose In A Noose

Greetings fellers, Do you have a take on Zack Hadel and TheActMan getting shit on for being friends with Jontron?

Shaqueera So gayly when you fuck my ass you make my penis get fat a penis for a queer butt when you're suckin and fuckin my body (edited)

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2024-07-15 18:07:15 I just bought Skyrim for the first time. I've experienced it for years online and the game doesn't disappoint. I want to complete the Hendrahiem, permission to exploit trader economy bugs on my seminal run?
2024-07-10 08:18:39 I just bought Skyrim for the first time. I've experienced it for years online and the game doesn't disappoint. I want to complete the Hendrahiem, permission to exploit trader economy bugs on my seminal run?

I just bought Skyrim for the first time. I've experienced it for years online and the game doesn't disappoint. I want to complete the Hendrahiem, permission to exploit trader economy bugs on my seminal run?

pacific rim but with RFK and his lil' wormie

Hello Shrek, Donkey and Human Fiona My boyfriend showed me a porn video recently where the top had tattoos of Killua and Gon from Hunter x Hunter, one on each thigh and basically center frame of the camera. Wondering what the funniest thing you've seen in porn was that made your cummies wriggle with mirth.

R.I.P. Donald J Trump (2001-2024) (edited)

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2024-07-15 18:07:15 Hey there brownies! I'm playing through Alan Wake 1 & 2 right now and I'm loving it. Thing is, I skipped the first one when it came out cause I thought it looked gay. Question is: what is a game you like now but originally wrote off?
2024-07-10 09:20:19 Hey there brownies! I'm playing through Alan Wake 1 & 2 right now and I'm loving it. Thing is, I skipped the first one when it came out cause I thought it looked gay. Question is: what is a game you like now but originally wrote off?

Hey there brownies! I'm playing through Alan Wake 1 & 2 right now and I'm loving it. Thing is, I skipped the first one when it came out cause I thought it looked gay. Question is: what is a game you like now but originally wrote off?

Judawong loves you

What’s up CDK, this question is for sween and I guess you guys if you feel like dropping too. For the last fucking time sween what is your PC setup you’ve been blue balling the patrons AND ME for weeks now, and I’m trying to nut (metaphorically). Thanks guys for giving us a show can’t wait for the live show coming soon. ✌🏾

Woke up this mornin’, got myself some cum

Greetings White Cookie from Ned’s Declassified, Shawty wanna fuck, and Kingston, On episode 232, Chris and Sween mentioned PC Richard and Sons. I have a personal story because they suck as much as you guys say. You even named off the zip code in which I experienced this. My dad ordered a refrigerator for my now-deceased grandpa. He ordered it to have the fridge delivered and installed on a certain date and time, but the company was dumb and arrived a week earlier when my dad wasn’t available. So my dad needed to reschedule for the next month. My dad became exactly like the dude from the “get out of my car now” video—it felt like he was going to actually explode. What is something you remember your parent getting red-hot mad about that made you feel like you had to run away and come back after a bit? It doesn’t have to involve you specifically. Stay gay fellas.

Dr. Kid Inspect (edited)

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2024-07-15 18:07:15 Greetings Ethnically ambiguous and his 2 black uncles. If you could erase your memory of any game and experience it again as if it were the first time which game would it be?
2024-07-10 09:41:18 Greetings Ethnically ambiguous and his 2 black uncles. If you could erase your memory of any game and experience it again as if it were the first time which game would it be?

Greetings Ethnically ambiguous and his 2 black uncles. If you could erase your memory of any game and experience it again as if it were the first time which game would it be?


Hey dumb, dumber and dumbest. There was a recent news article about an autistic school that bought a new playground set and then it got stolen the same night. My question to you is this, what's the most comically evil thing you have seen/done in your memory? Love ya and keep up the mediocre content

Honey, I Fucked the Twink starring Dick Myanus

Hello snarky boys! Recently my algorithm showed me an old video of Derek's where he collabbed with Blaire White. I used to be a fan of her's so I started it, but quickly turned it off upon remembering why I'm not anymore. My question for you devients is: is there any content or collabs you've done that you look back on and cringe or generally just regret? P.S. I recently went to look up Frankie Muniz's getting shot in his dreams tweet and thought he deleted his account at first before realizing that he's apparently a race car driver now! Wtf?


Hey hey hey boys, a bit late for the topic, but since Kendrick said in one of his diss tracks that Drake shouldn't get to say the n-word, it got me thinking: who are some people whose n-word passes you'd like to revoke?

Titan Sub 2 Electric Boogaloo

Hello my little snark babies. Gonna keep it short and sweet. Which online fandom do you dislike the most and would nuke from orbit if given the chance? I.e Swifties, bronies, weebs, sonic fans, fallout New Vegas Stans. Thanks, love you guys!

A Chonki Boi

Hello fellows triple the age of Dr Disrespect's love interest, would you rather have EVERY role Keith David ever played replaced with Ben Shapiro or Ben Shapiro moves into your house for 5 years.

Tankis The Trash Man

Greetings lads,Long time listener and first time supporter. If you could get rid of one law of the universe what would you get rid of for me it be friction because it would be funny thanks for laugh you guys rock

Archibald Shrungus

Hello Cum, Cummier, and Cummiest! If you guys were professional wrestlers, what would be your character, entrance theme, and finishing move?

Freddie your bigges fan

Hey chris, blackmen and chad if you could have super powers witch would you have

Definitely not a Bomb

Wassup my favorite 3 fifths, semi-serious one for ya: As an international listener, with the crazy shit happening in US politics and the president being a king now, at what point is it a good time to sail to Tahiti?

Sweeney is right on most topics

ok sweeney mentioning "end of days" by vinnie paz a while ago has became an inside joke with my friends do any of you have any other rfk jr tier songs or other such media

Big Dick Bazoozo

What’s up cunty chris, short sighted Sweeney, and dipshit Derrick. First time I’ve dropped a comment on the podcast, but I’ve been watching Chris on YouTube since 2015. Which, if you were curious, adds up to 9 of my 21 years of life watching you. No doubt this has been detrimental to my happiness and success, but here we are. Anyways, I DESPERATELY need you guys to elaborate on your Holocaust: Gollum open world game that you brought up at the end of #242. Could be a good extra ammo. Thanks for the guffaws boys, keep snarkin.

Hung Sheldon

If you were horsemen of the apocalypse, what would you each represent and who would be your 4th?

Gay Dave Grohl be like Heeeeeyyyyy cum on my face, I suck it cuz I love the taste

Hello barbarian, bard-fighter, and bard-rogue. Absolutely lost my mind when Chris mentioned Missoula, MT a couple of episodes ago (housing is terrible here too). Question is a little serious: how do you break up with someone amicably? Have you ever had to break up with someone you still have feelings for? Thanks, boys.

Captain Sensible

Greetings Chris, Kind Avatar of Spite Derrick, Consort of the Pale Thighs And Sweeny, Defender of the Overflowing Pissgaol. How about a quick round of Smash or Pass with the Qadištu?

FullMetal McCoy

Hey Snark Men Wanted to run a scenario by you…Solid Snake stubbed his toe real good and is unable to make it Shadow Moses so they call Sam Fisher to fill in for him. How does he do? Does he die instantly or complete the mission without Foxhound even knowing he is there? Also, Chris’ Snake impression sounds like Jennifer Coolidge.


What’s up, weirdos? What’s a piece of media (movie, game, or whatever) that you’ve slept on to this day for no good reason, despite knowing it’s a fucking banger? For instance, it’s been like ten years and I still haven’t watched Breaking Bad or Better Call Saul. I’m just not really a TV guy, I guess. Love from the end of the names list! Edit on July 11th: watched the Breaking Bad pilot and I’m fucking sold, how did I not watch this before? Am I dumb and gay?

Shard of Odium

What’s up Yes And, No But, and Brings Jokes to a Screeching Hault? Quick question for you, Chris, were you aware that your name and likeness was stolen by Guess Who? Grab & Go?

The Royal Cum Catcher

Hello you dubious delinquents. Here in the UK, many older conservatives were fooled and angered by a fake news article that proposed changing the name of Big Ben to Massive Muhammad. If you could controversially rename a historic landmark what would it be? Keep up the great work fellas!

George Lucas sprinting at you with the demon core

Hey Strawman, Devil's Advocate, and Appeal To Emotion. I want an official Snark Tank drinking game. What rules would y'all implement? My first rule is: take a drink every time Sween drifts away from the microphone. Much love, thanks for all the laughs.


‘Ello Gents! The podcast has grown a lot these past 4-5 years, so the question is whete do you see the podcast in another five years?

Hunter Du Bois-Holy Moonlight Great Ford F-150

HARK OMENS 3! My question reads so: would you boys consider doing kung pow style dubs of movies you make "scripts" to, even if just once a year? Also have you considered doing green screen editing challenges a-la old school filthy frank, or others who have done similar. Cheers and much love to you 3 cretins.


What's good dark snarks and light snark! If you separated the morality and legal repercussions of them, what heinous acts do you think would be hilarious to pull off? For example, I'm morbidly curious what would happen if you fed a bunch of people food laced with a shitload of LSD and laxatives (I would never do it though because I have a soul)

Eminem scrambling to write something after Jason Alexander left him.

Hello there panch bois, what are yu doin’ in these wewds? Let’s say your friend hands you a donut. It’s full of cum. Your mouth is full of cum. Your friend gave you a donut full of CUM! What do you do? Is disassembling him with a scalpel and a pair tweezers, one nerve ending at the time, enough of a punishment? Keep fucking bois!

Nicholas Brilhart

Greetings Slit, Slitt, and Slitty. If you could create a holiday from scratch that would be mandatory to celebrate around the world, what would you create?


Hey fellers, have any of you ever burped, fart, and sneezed at the same time? I was told way back in middle school that if you did all 3 at once your brain would basically freeze up like windows XP and die.

Metal Queer Solid Sex, Cocks of the Patriots

Hello Master Chief, Master Duel, and Master of Puppets. What crossovers would you like to see in media, serious or funny? Nothing like in-universe crossovers in Marvel movies, but something like a Co-op Shooter with Doomguy, Master Chief, Samus Aran, and Isaac Clarke. (This case being the iconic power-armored characters from each platform).

Linkara pulling out his trusty Magic Gun at the Trump rally. (edited)

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2024-07-15 18:07:15 Hello, three out of my 13 reasons why. Gun to your head, you are forced to direct a Triple A game in the genre that you hate the most whilst keeping it true to its roots. How would you go about it without going crazy?
2024-07-10 15:43:19 Hello, three out of my 13 reasons why. Gun to your head, you are forced to direct a Triple A game in the genre that you hate the most whilst keeping it true to its roots. How would you go about it without going crazy?

Hello, three out of my 13 reasons why. Gun to your head, you are forced to direct a Triple A game in the genre that you hate the most whilst keeping it true to its roots. How would you go about it without going crazy?

T-Rex Offender

How's it hanging, Villain, Nair-Do-Well and Goon, what would your eternal but depressingly mundane punishment be once you are condemned to the fiery pits of heck?

Amanda Waller ground pounding my face like Mario

What are some songs that are ruined by bad lyrics? "Guess that's why they call it window pane" sounds like it was written by a 14 year old on Tumblr. P.S Sween, what's your favorite digimon card/deck?


What's up neighbors, with Derek once being described as an emo nword. Shout out Tariq Nasheed. I was wondering have you guys delved into Midwest emo bands like mom jeans, hot mulligan, or Michael Cera Palin. Thanks for all the laughs gang.

They tried to make me go to retard, but I said nurr nurr nurr (edited)

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2024-07-15 18:07:15 Heyo! Is it racist to cosplay as Mr. Popo? Like, I know he’s technically black, and that’s technically blackface, but is blackface defined by the actual color or that it’s a caricature of African descended people? Because Mr. Popo ain’t “black”. But he is, though. Please discuss.
2024-07-10 17:57:48 Heyo! Is it racist to cosplay as Mr. Popo? Like, I know he’s technically black, and that’s technically blackface, but is blackface defined by the actual color or that it’s a caricature of African descended people? Because Mr. Popo ain’t “black”. But he is, though. Please discuss.

Heyo! Is it racist to cosplay as Mr. Popo? Like, I know he’s technically black, and that’s technically blackface, but is blackface defined by the actual color or that it’s a caricature of African descended people? Because Mr. Popo ain’t “black”. But he is, though. Please discuss.

Ree tardy Oswald (edited)

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2024-07-15 18:07:15 Hello Chris ray Charles, some black sabbath and run DMSween. If Satan approached you and forced you to pick any time zone and cause everyone in it to instantly die, which would you choose for the betterment of mankind
2024-07-10 18:04:16 Hello Chris ray Charles, some black sabbath and run DMSween. If Satan approached you and forced you to pick any time zone and cause everyone in it to instantly die, which would you choose for the betterment of mankind

Hello Chris ray Charles, some black sabbath and run DMSween. If Satan approached you and forced you to pick any time zone and cause everyone in it to instantly die, which would you choose for the betterment of mankind

(To the tune of DuckTales) BUTT FUCK! WOOHOO!

If you woke up tomorrow in an alternate reality where you are essentially the “Chris Chan” of this alternate universe, what is your first move? (Would you try to redeem yourself, double down, etc.) Thanks, and keep making me cum!

George Lucas Firing an RPG at the Goodyear Blimp Because ✨It Rhymes✨ (edited)

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2024-07-15 18:07:15 Hola snarkos. An acquaintance of ours just recently admitted to us that one time in college, he busted into his hand and wiped the cum off onto the car door handle of a girl he was attracted to knowing that she’d soon be coming out to her car and would end up unknowingly touching his cum and likely be confused as to what it was. Still not really sure what precisley to think about this person but am just happy that he’s like a friend of a friend of a friend and I realistically never have to see him again. However, I’ve wondered what exactly I would have done if it were a close friend. What would your reaction be to a friend admitting this to you?
2024-07-10 19:39:01 Hola snarkos. An acquaintance of ours just recently admitted to us that one time in college, he busted into his hand and wiped the cum off onto the car door handle of a girl he was attracted to knowing that she’d soon be coming out to her car and would end up unknowingly touching his cum and likely be confused as to what it was. Still not really sure what precisley to think about this person but am just happy that he’s like a friend of a friend of a friend and I realistically never have to see him again. However, I’ve wondered what exactly I would have done if it were a close friend. What would your reaction be to a friend admitting this to you?

Hola snarkos. An acquaintance of ours just recently admitted to us that one time in college, he busted into his hand and wiped the cum off onto the car door handle of a girl he was attracted to knowing that she’d soon be coming out to her car and would end up unknowingly touching his cum and likely be confused as to what it was. Still not really sure what precisley to think about this person but am just happy that he’s like a friend of a friend of a friend and I realistically never have to see him again. However, I’ve wondered what exactly I would have done if it were a close friend. What would your reaction be to a friend admitting this to you?


Hola f slurs The ice t wolverine combo character from last episode, had me thinking what real life celebrities would you combine with a fictional character? I got news for ya your gay bub

Michael Basketball Jordan Basketball Peterson

Simple question, what’s the single longest conversation you guys cut that you remember? And when you do have to cut stuff out, what is it usually for? Conversational flow/internet delay, stuff getting too serious, scheduling conflicts, someone saying the hard-r too many times (I’m looking at you Chris), or Sweeney doxing Chris (but he would never do that, right?) Thanks for the laughs


Which YouTuber/ Internet personality would you want to be president? personally I’m going boogie

Newman B. Goonin

Hey you snarky fucks, if you could make one game console sentient what would their personality be and more importantly would you have consensual sex with it?

Nikki Ziggy

Hi hoe, whore, and hooligan, My supervisor told me that he will microwave his eggs to avoid dirtying a pan. This made me viscerally upset. Do you have any stories of people committing similar heresies?

Mr. Hot Salsa

Hello Master Shake, Frylock, and Meatwad. This question is mainly directed at Frylock and Meatwad. What did you guys think about Rhaenyra sneaking around Kings Landing like Agent 47? I thought it was silly.

The Will Smith that's not a bitch

How much money to make you take a shit in front of close relatives, dear friends, and colleagues you interact with regularly.

Martian Manfucker

For Chris a little Inquiry. Arkham Asylum and City both work on steam deck. I played the entire games without any problems. The reason why some titles have unsupported sometimes is because valve hasn’t updated it. So I would always try to start the game because most of the time it works

Cant Say I gave up without saying I Gay

Hi Sweeny, do you prefer stupid fun dnd or more serious story driven campaigns? With dnd getting more popular I see people leaning more towards stupid fun for clips and shorts, rather than trying to tell interesting stories and characters. What's your take on this? Also have you tried ADnD aka 2E? Thanks for being a niggnog.

Do you know what this spells, Ghoti (edited)

Comment edits

2024-07-15 18:07:15 Heya boyos! Please watch this on the podcast. I think you all will greatly enjoy it. It's only a minute long. https://youtu.be/9XV4XbVQ-bg?si=upvfWQagaf7ZImZK
2024-07-11 17:26:01 Heya boyos! Please watch this on the podcast. I think you all will greatly enjoy it. It's only a minute long. https://youtu.be/9XV4XbVQ-bg?si=upvfWQagaf7ZImZK

Heya boyos! Please watch this on the podcast. I think you all will greatly enjoy it. It's only a minute long. https://youtu.be/9XV4XbVQ-bg?si=upvfWQagaf7ZImZK

I ask The Rock for his autograph, I told him my name is Derrick Blackman, He death grip my balls and said It's about dick

Sup full black, medium black and low black. Hope everything is going swell. My question is for you 3 and Sween, you better not correct anything I say, I'll dm Chris telling him you're gay for him. You're doing your daily dumpster diving and you stubble upon a real Jedi holocron that will grant you any force power. What power will you choose and it will it be used for good or evil. I would choose force healing and charge the fuck out of rich people to cure their incurable diseases and do it for free for regular folk.

GreyGhost remembers what the Alien Antfarm guy did

Hey breedable Snarko’s. Not a question just a fun story for you involving your podcast and Elden ring. So my parents split when i was a child (I have a stepdad and he’s great) Bit my dad kinda sucked. Alcoholic and all. weren’t that close. So the other day I’m playing Elden ring really stressed dying a lot, listening to my favorite podcast, and my mom calls me. She tells me my dad died. And right after she says “he had a heart attack and he didn’t make it,” Derrick goes “NOOOO, Why’d you say that noooo” We weren’t super close anymore but it still kinda sucks. But i can laugh about it now so i hope you guys can too.

Using cum for a counter blackface cosplay. (edited)

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2024-07-15 18:07:15 How ya going, shaggers! If you required gallons of cum (for whatever reason) how much would you pay per gallon? Would quality count? I'm thinking of starting a goon business.
2024-07-11 23:42:47 How ya going, shaggers! If you required gallons of cum (for whatever reason) how much would you pay per gallon? Would quality count? I'm thinking of starting a goon business.

How ya going, shaggers! If you required gallons of cum (for whatever reason) how much would you pay per gallon? Would quality count? I'm thinking of starting a goon business.

gaping from the other side. homies bust everytime (edited)

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2024-07-15 18:07:15 Hello white, milk, and dark chocolates What was your most disappointing experience when out in public or in a game.
2024-07-12 00:06:11 Hello white, milk, and dark chocolates What was your most disappointing experience when out in public or in a game.

Hello white, milk, and dark chocolates What was your most disappointing experience when out in public or in a game.

Gay Gamer, A Gaymer If You Will

Hello Chocolate Musketeers! I was feeling nostalgic and listened to The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny for the first time in years. My question for you is, who do you think would win the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny given the new characters that could participate?

Shelly Duvall's final Drawn and Quartering

Greetings Snark Boys If you could turn 1 country into Atlantis - Sinking it into the ocean, and have people and culture live and evolve under the sea - which country, and how would they evolve? I would sink Sweden, because my Danish legacy commands me ;) <3

The UNSC Forward Unto Down Syndrome

Hello Progerian Prosecutors You are forced to participate in a reality TV show with 5 other content creators for an entire month, Fake Arguments and Petty Activity included, who would you choose to be stuck in Reality TV hell with and Why?

They tried to make me go to retard, but I said nurr nurr nurr (edited)

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2024-07-15 18:07:15 Hey, guys. What’s the single most upsetting article of clothing someone could wear during sex, if they could wear only one thing? Necktie? Thigh-high stockings on a man? Cummerbund? Messenger bag? White briefs with your shlong snaked through the front? Let your imagination run wild.
2024-07-12 13:35:33 Hey, guys. What’s the single most upsetting article of clothing someone could wear during sex, if they could wear only one thing? Necktie? Thigh-high stockings on a man? Cummerbund? Messenger bag? White briefs with your shlong snaked through the front? Let your imagination run wild.

Hey, guys. What’s the single most upsetting article of clothing someone could wear during sex, if they could wear only one thing? Necktie? Thigh-high stockings on a man? Cummerbund? Messenger bag? White briefs with your shlong snaked through the front? Let your imagination run wild.

Queen Pifi

Best and worst cases of stuff you guys like escaping containment?

Imagine Dragons official

Hello funny men in my bluetooth earbud. If you guys would ever have kids in the future what is one show or movie you would force them to watch because you love it so much? For my kid I will be forcing him to watch either the Zoids anime or the original live action tmnt movie with the human suits.


Sup goblins, hobgoblin, and bugbear. If you gave a weird weakness to your co-hosts (i.e can't sit on a Tuesday, gummy bears make you nuts explode, ECT.) what would they be?


Hello to the Two and a Half Men in my ears every week. Short but hopefully creative one here: which of these is the better gay version of Rockwell's "Watching Me?" may the best singer sing either one of these: "I always feel like, somebody's docking me His foreskin and my Peen, oh-oh" OR "I always feel like, somebody's cockin me I'm gonna catch that seed, oh-oh"

The 1st Church of Keith David Presents, Dr DisRespect's Careless Whispers (edited)

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2024-07-15 18:07:15 It's time to find out how depraved you motherfuckers really are. How far would you be willing to go with your Only Fans content for a guaranteed donation of 15 million dollars? Asking for a friend.
2024-07-12 17:06:27 It's time to find out how depraved you motherfuckers really are. How far would you be willing to go with your Only Fans content for a guaranteed donation of 15 million dollars? Asking for a friend.

It's time to find out how depraved you motherfuckers really are. How far would you be willing to go with your Only Fans content for a guaranteed donation of 15 million dollars? Asking for a friend.

Keith David playing a cowboy and getting his mind blown by Gene Hackman

Hello New Yorkers and mistake. I have a bit of a serious question for Chris and Sween. I was recently at the 9/11 museum and was struck by the tragedy of it all, and I left angry knowing that the American government hasn’t learned the anti imperialist lesson taught on that day and that more innocents will probably die because of it. How do you, as New Yorkers who remember that day, feel about this?

gaping from the other side. homies bust everytime (edited)

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2024-07-15 18:07:15 Hello fellowship of the snark Do you guys have any prejudice or hateful opinions towards certain creatures? I fucking hate spiders and have grown rather spiteful against the 8 legged abominations.
2024-07-12 21:32:34 Hello fellowship of the snark Do you guys have any prejudice or hateful opinions towards certain creatures? I fucking hate spiders and have grown rather spiteful against the 8 legged abominations.

Hello fellowship of the snark Do you guys have any prejudice or hateful opinions towards certain creatures? I fucking hate spiders and have grown rather spiteful against the 8 legged abominations.

guy with Average sized penis

Hello the funny one the handsome one and the black one, Who would win in a fight: Kingston with 6 months to prepare vs Chris with one days notice but every fifth punch he throws magically has the power of a punch from mike tyson in his prime

Cumming on his skin! The gaping will not yield!

Why are you so terrible at advertising? It took me well over a year of watching Chris to find out about the snark tank and that you had another hidden podcast about PlayStation.

Private Private's Privates

Question for Chris or Sween; would you guys ever get a criterion DVD? They do super in depth releases of movies in high definition with custom little booklets. They often have sales for $20/30, highly recommend looking into it

Private Private's Privates

Dear Bean Maxxxers, you guys talked about getting high to watch bad movies like Cat in the Hat last episode, so thought I’d recommend you guys watch Killer Bean; they’re apparently making a game about it too Chris! Thanks for the giggles


Hello House, Foreman, and Bigger Foreman. Been listening since episode ZERO with Zach Hadel, which sparked this question: if each of you could be a character in Smiling Friends, what would their name be, what would be their "bit", and in what ridiculous way would they die? Thanks for the laughs you goofy goobers!


Hello nig,nigg**,and niggest what real life person would you bring into a piece of fictional media and vice versa

Dr. Rococknik’s Obscene Peen Machine

How we doing my workplace coping mechanisms. Back in the job I had before my current one I was working as a Team Leader in a call centre. Around September they were doing the shift pattern for the Christmas and I was advised I would have to work one day out of Christmas Eve, Christmas Day or Boxing Day. As I was travelling home (Around a 4 hour drive) to see my family for Christmas I opted for a late shift on the Boxing Day evening. About a month later they advised me that my Team Leader role was no longer required and that I was demoted to my previous role. Despite this I was still expected to come in to work the Boxing Day shift, despite not having a team to lead and no longer having access to any of the systems to even do anything. Worst thing is I did it, I left my Family at 11am on the Boxing Day, drove for 4 hours and then went to work. I handed in my notice around 3 weeks later. Sorry for the long pre-amble, but my question is this? What absolute bullshit has a company made you do that made you look for another job or quit on the spot. Stay classy guys, love your work.

Jon johnson

Greetings big man, medium man and little man. If you could exile one character from the gaming universe to utter obscurity, who or what would you choose.


BOYS THEY SHOT AT TRUMP AND HE IMMEDIATLLY STARTED POSING What the hell He just put his hands up like hes in Hunger Games


What is the most horrendous fucking fit you have witnessed in public. So bad you still remember it. Some dude came to my work with his clothes all raggedy with non fitting stained clothes and cat ears. He smelled like pickled jizz, so knowing what those stains were offended me.

R.I.P. Donald J Trump (2001-2024) (edited)

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2024-07-15 18:07:15 Hey there butthole bros! You get to fight one celebrity and if you win you take all of their money, who you fighting?
2024-07-13 23:20:01 Hey there butthole bros! You get to fight one celebrity and if you win you take all of their money, who you fighting?

Hey there butthole bros! You get to fight one celebrity and if you win you take all of their money, who you fighting?

Gilf Connoisseur

Hey offwhite, Vanta-black, & Mocha Daddy. What are some times you’ve experienced or witnessed diabolical levels of comedic timing. “Thats Life” came on while i was in line at RaisingCanes and a homeless man was fent leaning/nodding right outside my window. Me & my friend kept making eye contact with curled back smiles. (Check out ForeverWinter game looks sick)


I was listening to the last episode, Boogie2988 is Cooked (Cancer Edition) while I was eating lunch. And the Yajirobi impression made me choke on my food for an actual minute.

3 inches is a lot right now, thanks Trump Shooter

Hello 3 wise minorities. I think it was during the game awards last year that you all discussed 2024 looking to be a passover year for gaming as we wait for 2025. Given what titles have released and are yet to come this year, has your stance changed or been emboldened? Thanks for all the chuckles


Hey there Jimble, Frog, and squiggly miggely, did you know that doctors test for autism by how many sonic characters you can name? 💯 percent true, please discuss.

Punching Chucky in the back of his while I molest him (edited)

Comment edits

2024-07-15 18:07:15 Hey Gays, this question is for Sween. Did you ever play the first two Baldurs Gate games? If so, how were they gameplay/story wise and how were they in representing DnD? Stuff like the setting or Bhaal
2024-07-15 04:37:32 Hey Gays, this question is for Sween. Did you ever play the first two Baldurs Gate games? If so, how were they gameplay/story wise and how were they in representing DnD? Stuff like the setting or Bhaal

Hey Gays, this question is for Sween. Did you ever play the first two Baldurs Gate games? If so, how were they gameplay/story wise and how were they in representing DnD? Stuff like the setting or Bhaal

I want a row of guys, I wanna be on my knees. ‘Cause I miss those days, and miss fuckin all those twinks (Don’t Wanna Miss a Thi

Hello fellow autists! If you could make an asymmetric horror game (a la Dead by Daylight) using people mentioned on or relevant to the Snark Tank, fictional or otherwise, what would it look like? Abilities, maps for the killer(s), etc. For brevity, just one killer and 2 survivors seems like enough. Sincerely, thank you guys for all your content and it doesn’t even bother me that you hearted my question about dirty talk going too far but never read it on air. Stay gay, sweet princes.

Quitting my Insulin to sweeten my piss

Greetings Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. Writing in from Butler Pennsylvania. Long time fan, been watching Chris for about a decade now. Question is, are there any opinions you've evolved on? Political or otherwise. You talk a lot about the value of consistency, but growth is equally important.

Clara Martin

Whats up u schmucks. Whats with the right who make fun of “triggered liberal snowflakes” all of a sudden being hypersensitive to any little joke surrounding trump being shot.

Quitting my Insulin to sweeten my piss

Hey there Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. Recently heard gunshots from outside, only to find out that the president almost got shot within walking distance of my house. Question is, if you could frame one person for the attempt, who would it be?

The Bren Word

Hello fellow gooners. Considering you all have ethnic backgrounds, and you talk about chicken so much, my question or rather the advice I am seeking is how do you guys like to prepare and season chicken for tacos. I usually poach the chicken and then fry it up in a pan with cumin, paprika and cayenne and shit. PS I don’t care about Chris‘ opinion as he is not black

Doctor Screw shagging his way through time and space

Hey there boyz, If after you died you found yourself in an empty room with all your end game stats, how many steps you took, amount of eggs eaten, people slapped, everything. What would you look up and why?

Squirtward Fentacles

Hey gay, queer and homosexual, if you had to be turned into a toy story/Chucky style toy what toy would you choose?

Scumbag without the “S”

What are some displays of stupidity you think should warrant have someone’s rights revoked and being legally classified as a type of livestock? For me I think that if you harass an actor because you dislike the character they play you have no object permanence and have failed one of the most basic checks of sentient thought


Who is the most goated president.


Hello 1 girl 3 cups (you're sentient cups). Are there any other black content creators you enjoy? Preferably comedic creators but anything interesting is cool too.


The many styles we fucked, the many thongs we burned, the building of a pride, only just to cum, That’s the Gay it is, That’s the Gay it is, Gay the wind be at your butt, Good fortune touch your man, May the cards lay out a str8, all from your cummand, Shine tight into darkness, shine tight into darkness. No Dutch no…

Sweens future kid screaming the hard (rolled) R while gargling piss

In a recent episode Derrick started a story about how his teacher was so diabetic that his friends X-files toy.. and then yall went off on an unrelated tangent. Is there anyway we can finish this story, or at least link these things, so I don't have to live with a Lewis Black "If it wasnt for my horse, I wouldn't have spent that year in college" scenario rattling around in my head.

Scumbag without the “S”

Not a question but in the latest Boogie episode Derrick asked for help with gay parodies. Idk if you’ve done this one yet but here’s an idea for gay Buddy Holly by Weezer. “Oo-wee-oo I got cum inside my belly! Oh-oh and it’s from my trans girlfriend! I don’t care what the bigots say anyway, I just want her dick!”


Hey sexy snark cucks, did you guys see the Ethan Ralph stream where he got so hammered to the point he thought he was talking to someone but it was just text to speech for a good 2 hours and continued saying all of his donos are tax free


Matt Gaetz https://www.youtube.com/shorts/2A6MN_LVeeQ


Hello "Nazi", "one of the good ones" and actually just a psycho fr I'm being serious. Autistic question this week Bois: have you ever been over to someone's house and they have just horrendously designed or straight up stupid utensils or plates that they *regularly* use, not decorative wall plates. Personally, I love small utensils and litte bowls.


Hey, krillin, mr.popo, and dente. We've seen Majin Seal but who is the fusion that defeats him. My money is on Kanlon Wesk.

Cumming on his skin! The gaping will not yield!

Just want to thank Chris for helping me process Jan 6th with the stream he did day of. It really helped me stop having a mental breakdown (after some kid at school said it was a good thing).


Hey boys I have a question related to your endurance: Would you rather stick your hand in a bucket of room temperature raw chicken and jerk off to completion and potentially risk getting infected with severe salmonella , or submerge yourself from the waist down in hot sauce and jerk yourself off to completion. "I wouldn't get hard" is not a way out of this.


This is a double for Chris. 1: Have you ever been approached by Zach to do a cameo in smiling friends? Would you accept? 2: how many Zimbabwe fun bucks would it take *gulp* for you to fuck a thumb person.

Chocolate chuckle hut

Hello Hook, Line, and Sinker As a kid, watching the jimmy timmy power hour elicited my fight or flight response because Timmy was animated like a groundhog with alopecia and a cap. Do any of yall have a similar experience when a change in media offended your soul?

Stephen breaker of sprinter vans

Hello Kronk’s Angel, Kronk’s Devil, and Kronk himself, Good day to you, my inner Demons! Have had a crazy past year, losing my dream job at Disney! and then moving up to New Jersey and getting hit by a car in December (don’t worry I got paid!) and currently going through a break up with my partner of almost 4 years. I’m currently going through the process of rebuilding my life, moving down to Orlando at the end of the month, going back to school for engineering so that I can become an imagineer and build crazy shit for Disney! (if you haven’t already looked it up. I highly recommend looking up Disney’s”Holotile”, It’s a directionless treadmill and I’m not talking like the ones we see at CES every year) alas this brings me to my question. when I was bleeding out in the streets of New Jersey I had a sudden epiphany, like I knew instantly what I was supposed to do and where I was supposed to go, all of the chaos in my life. All of the jobs I had worked were leading me to build some crazy fucking roller coasters, “and if you’re not doing that, you’re wasting the life you get a second chance at”. My question should you choose to read it, this “ have you ever had one of those moments where everything clicks and you realize where you need to be? Nothing like a saving somebody but I guess if that’s where you end up. Been listening since my Disney intern days I still remember the overnight shift when I listen to the Zach’s episode, I was listening to Zack’s voice while trying to deal with a drunken naked Frenchman in my lobby at 2 am. Love you’re very own Mr Moseby, Stephen

Brandy Hutsell

Hello Derrick, Sweeney, and Lilly. If the three of you were tasked with making a new Fantasy setting/series, what are some ideas you would have for it?

Thugzilla, King of the Hoodsters

Hey Fellas! My question for today is... Do you think humanity would be better as a whole if conflicts were instead fought on pvp focused games? I think it be nice to not have people die but imagine the embarrassment for losing your whole nation because you got 360 throwing knifed. Thanks for the laughs boys!

Walmart Brand

Hey Orc Barbarian, Halfling Rogue, and Dwarf Bard, first time asker long time listener. Given that the election is a popularity contest anyways, what youtubers/internet celebs/lolcows would you want to see as nominees? What party would they be nominated for? What policies would they run on? Love the show


Hello to the podcast that got my inner monologue to start using the n-word! If you could imbue any species with human-level sentience, what would you choose and why? Stay snarky and sexy

Cogito Ergo Cum (I think therefore I cum)

Hello Bad Bunny, Donald Glover (Get it Derrick Comedy?), and a fusion of Biggie Smalls and Big Pun. The other day I saw a guy wearing a Yoo-hoo shirt and immediately felt fear for my life. Has there ever been any time a bit from this podcast has crept into your mind during a random moment?

Halo 3 Mountain Dew

Hello boys, this is a comment directed at Derrick, You mentioned before that there isn’t much rehabilitation for pedophiles because they understand what they are doing is wrong but still have the urge. One of the closest things programs have to helping them get better or reduce the chances of action while being out in society after being released from prison is a book called The Road to Freedom 4th edition. You should absolutely look into it

Dig through the semen, and burn through the women, and slam in the back of my, ass then cum! Slob Zombie - Fagula

Hello the three horsemen of The Western Collapse. I have a question for Sweeney. How hard is your beautiful black great grandfather rolling in his grave, knowing that despite your god given name, Kingston Jamison, you are almost exclusively know as Tom Sweeney. A name that sounds like it belongs to a very racist southern man, rather than one of Jamaican royalty.


Hello Minority Reporters, What is a line delivery so otherworldly unique that you find yourself repeating internally. Whenever I’m having a rough time I hear Captain Keyes say “Good to see you Master Chief. Things aren’t going well…” The sheer sincerity of it combined with how much of an understatement it is are endlessly funny to me.


Bing-Chiling my CCP POC’s, A bit of an internal question here, but one I’m sure many of the Snark Tank homeless are curious about. Now that the show has expanded to an in person disaster piece, what are some future plans you have to expand. I know I’m not the only one who’d love to send in some viewer mail, especially since many of us, myself included, engage in art and would love to send something interesting. Much Love

Freddie your bigges fan

Wogone snarks There was this one time Where I saw This guy who Did something so terrible And no one Did anything about it This was when I just got out of high school I saw him walking the streets With his disabled little brother I Screamed at this cunt Ran up to him, took him down and started cuting His face open with elbow strikes to the floor All while this poor five year old Disable child watched his brother get beat the fuck up Anyway have you ever had a moment Where you had to attack someone as it was the right thing To do.

bested the consort, the femboi is mine!!

What's up darks souls 1, 2 and 3. With dark souls 3 being the best I'll let you fight amongst yourselves to see who it is. My question is if you had the budget to make your perfect adaptation of any comic, game, or Media what movie would you make? I would make a movie of the power rangers Shattered grid storyline. We only ever got a taste of what could be with the trailer that came out before the passing of Jason David frank R.I.P.

Where’s The Water

hey there zach hispanicdel, tmnt and lynyrd swynrd, my my job recently started cutting my hours and i have been working basically 1 day a week and having to eat off mcdonald’s rewards and stealing candy from 7/11. my question to you is what is the most down bad thing you’ve done when broke, for me is asking 3 ppl in my family separately for 20 bucks jus to get money for a dinner date with my gf at the time, i look forward to you’re answer. and also for sween: November 6th 2027. remember the date.


Listen what percentage of the sayian population was gay ? And how were they treated or mistreated


Hello Electric, Booga, and Loo. I remember Chris mention an episode or two ago something about not drawing or painting recently so how about this: for FIVE billion dollars, would you jerk off Sketch, and then draw your best sketch from memory of Sketch's cock blowing those hot Sketch Skummies

certified clit burping piss drinker

greetings and salutations beautiful bastards, if you could pick 1 slimy billionaire snake to be president, whether cause as much chaos as possible or actually do a good job. Who would do the worst job and who would do the best?


hello sleep paralysis demon, daymare hallucination, and he who ruins my professional facade; with the new elden ring DLC comes complete BS, what is you guys' least favorite responding trash mob? I fucking hate fire knights

Newman B. Goonin

Hello my favorite homoerotic heteros! If you had a free pass to just verbally unload on someone who would it be? Like just fucking lay into them with no consequence. Personally, I work a customer service job that attracts so many entitled boomers and I would love the chance to tear any of them a new one.

Noooooo dont suck my balls Micah, I need cum Arthur, Nooooo Dutch might walk in on us

Hey Commander Shepard, Garrus, and Javik, I finally got around to playing the Mass Effect trilogy after getting the legendary edition on sale for six dollars. Heard you guys talk about it randomly throughout the years and I gotta say it's great. What are your personal rankings/tier list of all the Mass Effect companions, both in story and gameplay? Plus, what do you think Mass Effect 4 should be about/who should return?


Dear KSI, Badlands chuggs and, Brendaniel, why you keep bringing up all this gay stuff? THE CHICKS ARE WATCHING, DUDE. Your gonna dry up every vagina n the audience with your vidjagame talk!


Hey thank you for getting me through my hellscape of work and 12 hour shifts. Quick question if you could change or be involved in any part of history what would it be ?

Kissing your dad on the mouth

Hey Oreo boys, what's a game mechanic you wish was more common? There's a game called Outward that doesn't give you a player marker on the map but makes you use large landmarks and your terrain to pinpoint your location and I think that's pretty cool but I've never seen it used anywhere else.

Trump shot, Biden dies

Hello Chris, Derrick, Sweeney and Tyler. My question is simple yet cursed. Without using violence, do you think you could coerce a monkey into suicide?

u, kendrick lamar “loving you is compl-gay-ted”

long time free feed watcher (like long enough time that i was watching the screen when they were still thumbnails) and i was wondering, was there ever a time where you just spent time doing actually nothing? like not even watching paint dry like just existing with absolutely zero intention?

Cummy Bumskin

Greetings various minorities. Long time fan especially of Chris who taught me how to put my gun down in Halo so cheers for that. I'm looking at moving away from my shitty rural home to a city fairly far away and want to know how you guys felt the first time you moved far away. I'm very anxious in general and it's really twisting me up and you guys seem to be experts in this situation. Love all you niggas 🖤

Hyperbolic Cum Chamber

Hey gay Uncs, You guys, talked about adding Sween Pants with Sween’s angry face all over it to the merch store when you have one, you still going to do it?

THAT rotten ol’ Jimmy Dick

Not a question. A challenge. What is 756 divided by 9. Whoever gets the right answer first doesn’t have to read the names at the end of the episode. Don’t use a calculator. Good luck boys, may the best man win.


Hey Two Gays and a VantaBlack, I’ve been pondering something for awhile and wanted to know what your stance on this is. How derogatory (racist, sexist, etc) does a joke have to be for you to actually think the person saying it is racist, sexist, etc? Keep up the laughs!

Walmart Brand

Hey you Slitty Snarks, what cartoon characters were secretly at the January 6th insurrection?

Goofy and Donald Duck’s Illegitimate Offspring

Hey Gay Coded, Gay for Pay, and Closeted Gay. What’s the most pain you’ve ever experienced? Mine was feeling my soul exit my body through my penis when a nurse pulled about a meter of catheter out of my urethra. Please enjoy that mental image. Love you.

Gently Used Anal Bead Emporium

Hey there cockboys, what is the worst smell you've ever experienced? Was it so bad it made you vomit?

Thugzilla, King of the Hoodsters

Sup suckas, how would you discipline people who ACTIVELY disparage music genres they dont listen to but say sucks ass? Like someone who only listens to their Grandmas pussy farts while saying metal is just noise? Thanks for the funny


"Hello, fellow Homo sapiens. So, here's what happened: I was cleaning a house, and I found myself in a dark room. with poor lighting I came across a clear container that had some sort of liquid inside. And Thanks to this podcast my mind went to a joke—it looked like a container of piss Without thinking much, I decided to take it outside and dump it To my horror, as soon as I emptied it, I realized it actually was a container of piss The worst part? Even though I managed not to spill a single drop on myself, I swear I could taste it afterwards. It was soo disgusting I couldn't get the taste off my tongue. So my question is WHAT is the most disgusting thing you have found while cleaning an apartment/house? PS. I do not recommend drinking piss at all its worse then budlight

Nigga got a hardscope hitmarker on trump

I'm from Ireland and I found out trump got shot while coming up on ecstasy with two random Americans outside a nightclub in ibiza, crazy start to a trip


Lizurd wrote in: please listen to the meek mill clip I promise it’s the funniest shit, he thinks wrestling is real and he sounds so stressed.

Walmart Brand

Heyyyy there boys, my question is simple. You wake up, your piece is noticeably smaller, like an inch, how do you react?


Hello, the three ami-gays! I have been on a comic and superhero kick lately, and was curious what your favorite anime or love adaptation of a hero is? I am a huge fan of Chadwick Bozeman's black panther, or Myles from into the spider verse! Thank you for the laughs and not coming to my house to kill me!


Hey hey hey boyos. As a follow-up to my last question: if all species were to eventually gain human-level sentience, which ones would you want to prevent from getting it? As someone who loves cats and owns 2, there's no way I'd want those fuckers to become as smart as us. They're already a bit too cunning for my liking P.S. I've been loving the output lately, though I do miss the wide camera angles where we could see all of you at once