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Hey, guys! Chris here! Office is more or less finalized and all put together! Some smaller things need to be done still but the core of it functions more or less as it should.

Some shipping delays made this take longer than we wanted to but FRET NOT! We'll be recording our first episode in person tomorrow. That said, a key component to our video setup (namely plug-in AC adapters for the cameras so they can record for the duration of our show and not run out of battery) was supposed to arrive today but was pushed until tomorrow by the cruel gods of fate. Also, Amazon.

As a result, our first episode back won't have the best video accompaniment. I'll be using my streaming webcam just so we have something to work with. This is obviously temporary, but we don't wanna push it any further out and there's a good chance this part wont arrive until the end of the day tomorrow.

Just wanted to keep you guys aBREAST of the situation. See ya soon! My solo episode will go live on Saturday also.

Okay, luv u




Are we getting video on Patreon

dort snort

please put video on pateron