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  • Artemis_Walk.mp4



My Dear Friends, short announce first - today is Saturday and that means it's regualar streaming time on Picarto :) Please, don't hestigate to watch me here today https://picarto.tv/Vestina in half-an-hour.

Developer's diary.

You know my Dears, in the game development there is one little bit unpleasent moment - it is impossible to notice every detail which including in the games, and in most cases a loooooooot of hard work just passing by human attention, especially when the game has lots of movement/action, free-roaming camera or catchy gameplay and all of that drawing the player's mind deep, literally forcing a brain to get concentration on a narrow area in front of display/monior/TV. I had got this obvious idea many years ago when I have discovered 'large-scale' 3D games. I can tell by myself - I have to run my game tens of times almost every day for developing purposes, and sometimes I catch myself that I am missing a lot of stuff during the run, the stuff which extually exists in the game even now. So I decided to write periodically some sort of developer's diary for you concerning some game aspects which are really difficult to see during actual gameplay, I hope you will enjoy such stuff and this will help to show that the game (any game I think, not only this one I am creating for you here, my Dears) is one of the most complex thing in compare with various types of digital media :)

Artemis walking sequence.

Right today I have finished this animation, how Artemis is walking. At this moment the only destination will be her cubiculum entrance, and back to the area when she is teasing new clients, however she still has to walk even this short distance, right? :)

Walking animations are my personal nightmares. As well as other common, basic 'everyday' animations for me - now each is a personal nightmare and hassle, just bacause if you remember what kind of animations I always did, there were no need for me to make walking characters ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ The game changed everyting, it said - 'don't be a pussy you lazy cheetah, it's time to make REAL ANIMATIONS!'

I cried. But the game gave me a friendly smack upside my head and look at the result :D

Okay, now serious. I really tried all my best here and seem this is my best walking sequence ever, I have spent a lot of hours and sweat to make her move like a sexy lady. Agatha's walking is looking less attractive, I hope she will not be mad on me :3

Please don't pay attention to this covering both breasts dress - this is just a SFW dress for demo purposes, which will not be used in the game.

That's it for now :) My Dears, you can download mp4 video here, now I am going to put this [and some tiny extra animations] in the game and will switch directly to what Artemis and Servius are going to do private. Please stay tuned, my Dears *hugs you tightly* ^-^

And I will be happy if you will find a free minute to watch the stream in a half-an-hour :) Chirp!




I will say this hun. Doing things that are new, the things that give one the most trouble, that is the challenge to get better. Hell even 2d drawing you can miss things because of being so narrowed focused only to look later and notice the mistakes of things missed can happen there too. Sometimes having a second pair of eyes look helps. And also never to get burned out and coming back fresh helps. However the important thing is to learn and grow with this. Never give up on the dream, strive for it. I will see you later at stream and the rest of the month (Except Christmas Day which falls on a Saturday)

Lord Chaos

I love how you have her have her hips swaying. I think I have enough Sestertii for some of her cookies. If she is really good I might even leave a Denarius.


Nicely animated sequence.


Ah my Dear, thank you so much for such a kind words ^-^ I'm glad you have noticed that hips thing :)

Charlie Hart

I believe that you can call this success! There is a lot of really good detail on her walk. I've seen so many full animations that still have a static point or two in them oh, but I do not notice any at all here! Great work! Looking forward to more.