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My Dears, some extra stuff for you :)

3D bear WIP and Icons you can download right here.
1. Bear 3D model - I have sculpted this dummy model to help me speed up to create 'The Feast of Nero' upcoming pages. Also, one day this bear will appear in the game.
2. Icons for the game - during November I did a bunch of avatars, I have done a lot of work but this is not the end. Later I will add these expressions directly to in-game Characters, like Artemis already has. I believe this will help to make NPCs more life like :) And of course, each next important upcoming Character will get its bunch of icons and facial expressions.

Plus, there are 2 addtional arts now, starring Flavus and Julia. I know that Saturnalia is coming in one week, but let Julia celebrate it the whole December ^-^ You will find both pictures in the folder 'Furry Rome Universe Characters'.

I will complete boar girl tomorrow and will back to my primary objectives. Staying tuned with you, my Dears ^-^



Lord Chaos

Such a cuddly bear and lots of Agatha faces.


Ha-ha, yes :) Can't wait to bring his cuddleness into the Comic :)


God her prick of a brother. God I want to punch that smug look off his face like another we all know well. On the other hand, the rest is looking good so far in general.


Here I come with a most likely unpopular opinion... :P I actually like Flavus, and I can see that he's not as bad as you might think. Yes he is rough and violent towards slaves, but that wasn't that strange a behaviour back then (look for examples in HBO Rome for instance) but I can sense in him deep insecurity and lack of love, even dare I say certain innocence on some expresions when caught off guard (look at his face when Servius puts a hand on his mouth right before he reacts) but then only way he knows how to react is by putting on a tough facade to pretend to be something he is not. Maybe he has father issues, but Im not that quick to judge on him.


Also the Rubicon picture is awesome <3


Oh I will write a PM to you about that, Dear :3 Just need some free time for that, he-he :)


He-he, one way or another, I tried hard to draw him, my Dear :3 Even if he is still a naughty Cheeta :)


I agree that Flavus is really growing on me. Plus he is super hot so that helps :D.


Flavus remains my favorite character, and i hope nothing bad happens to him 😭