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Ah! Chirp! My Dear Friends, it's so scary outside tonight, such a strong winds always make me feel very uncomfortable. Especially, because I have to sleep alone ...

Ah, it would be so calm and warm for my heart if you will stay with me tonight - in this case I could show you my new nightie and a necklace ;)

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Oh you poor thing. So heartbreaking.


Chirp Chirp! I believe everything will be excellent my Dear ^-^


This is very cute Vestina! To be honest, I'm not a big fan of strong winds myself. *Gives lots of warm snuggles and friendly purrs* 💗


Ah my Dear Arthur, thank you so much for your such a supportive snuggles and purrs, I literally feel how the night become better for me ^-^ I will be happy to stay with you - together it will be possible to confront that wind, he-he :3 *hugs back tightly*


Always loved this one, Julia needs all the cuddles to keep her beautiful body warm <3


Ah my Dear, thank you so much as usual ^-^ I will be happy to got some more cuddles for sure, he-he :3


Love to see more spicy drawings of her 👀 she is our favorite kitty , I would warm her up anytime!


Ah thank you so much my Dear ❤ 🧡 💛 I will do more, I promise ^_^ *hugs and kisses*