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'Homo homini lupus est ...'

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Comic in progress is available for $5+ pledgers and higher



Christoph Brauer

At your WIP note to this page I've been wondering why one ear is cut off but it's part of this page. So I'm not worried anymore. It's a nice page with even more new characters. At the end of this comic you'll have done 30 or more different characters...


Oh thank you so much as always, Christoph 💛💛💛 And so sorry for confusion :O You see, I'm trying to avoid to draw those parts which should be hidden in the final work, it simply saves my time. So everything is still fine with Valeria :)


Excellent site as always. ;)


The servant girls in the panel are lovely. I would rather have one one of them. Then third panel; bad kitty!


I hope those eggs are hard boiled....

Rick K

One vixen to go, please. Easy on the dressing. The rest of the menu looks delicious, but it may be quite some time before I get around to sampling the other tasty morsels.


Oh my Dear Rick, I'm so happy you like an offer of this ancient Triclinium ^-^