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While not enough time in the budget for more full blown production pages, I CAN sneak so sketches in between topics.




Hmm, I've realized that there are time where you've kinda gone from, both for good offs as well as for voted titles. When it comes to topic entries, you ask for 1 man 1 woman only. I've always wondered BDoc, do you ever want to expand to option, like maybe Yuri, ffm, futa, etc? Or is it just easier and more just to make it all the entries be more an a level playing field, as far as people's taste goes. Also simpler not having the entries include scenario/ wanted tags ... I'm sure that would complicate.... Just wondering cause if ever you've wanted to work on other fetishes/tags I guess I'll say, even if it was 1 entry a year, or you just poll people see if there's other mixing people would support or like... I guess that's my long winded way of asking: are you content with things right now? Or maybe a little bored/unfulfilled? I ask cause another creator mentioned in the past that he's still a creator cause he still has interest in it, and if it ever became to repetitive, he'd stop. So kinda madee think for other creators, are then content, are there things that they want to change but feel reluctant do to what they think their patrons expect? Etc? Anyway, sorry for the long post. Great art as always!! I always look forward to a notification alert about Booty Doc. =P


I ask for 1 man and 1 woman because it's the basics of what I can offer if I'm familiar or unsure about what to do with a topic. It's time-expensive to add more characters to a story and what I offer here already costs me most of the day. If it's a topic I'm enthusiastic about I'll add more myself. On the house. If you see me adding characters on top of the baseline it's usually because the topic is super fun for me. But that doesn't mean every topic that only had 2 characters was a topic that I didn't get a kick out of. Sometimes x2 characters is fun too and 2 is all I needed. (Tails X Rouge for example. Loved working on that one.) But if I'm adding characters to the topic, it's because it's extra work for me and extra fun for me.


Thanks for the reply! Sorry for that long post. It took me all of that to kind of ask "is the current tempo of things working for you,, and are you still enjoying it", and by that reply sounds like it is. Thanks again for the response. =)


Reply part 2: Fetishes. I have 3 I never get tired or bored over. *Soft, juicy Booty* *Spandex. * *Tightfit.* (The member can be on the relative smallish side too... as shown by Autobutt males and their minicon plugs--- as long as it's a snug fit) I have other fetishes too, but they go up and down on the *want* meter. But I guess I can list them. Wrassling(I love pretzel sexual positions... most times.) Oily bodies>Derived from spandex fetish Furry(soft, small, fine fibers... not long or coarse)>Derived from spandex Pliable, flesh-like mecha>Derived from spandex Breeding(Sex for the purpose of starting a happy family) Muscles(Self explained) Thicc(Self explained) Sizeplay(When one ADULT partner is 1/2 the size-or less-of the other)


I nominated Nurse Patty and The Good Dr. Couple months Back....im SOOOOOOOOOOO glad she FINALLY got to fill her "prescription".......🤭🤗


Ooh my 0_0 So cool it's added as a universe ^-^ Tsuyu looks so cute and toga looks good. Can't wait to see mirkos version 😍

Daedrius Storm

lol Good call. Wait. Watch. Collect data.


We need these three deku verse to cross over and YOU my good doctor need of kitty and octpussy.


AND PATREON NEEDS TO TELL ME WHEN PEOPLE I FOLLOW FUCKING UPDATE AND POST! This will be the fifth email I send them about this shit.


Wait, I was right about Grad Party Multiverse?


Universe "Mooncake".


Bunny Hop Verse?


You would think the fertility index for the bunny-girl would be the highest, not the lowest.


well, it never hurts to experiment, and work outside your comfort zone. That's actually what I'd like to see now and then, personal challenges to expand ideas and art. It may not always work out, but at least you're trying something new. That's something I always enjoyed when watching your streams.