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Hmmmm. A little pink on the palette. I'll tone it down some.




s~sweet merciful...never thought id say this but for once...im jelly i aint tails


Tails was BUSSIN that........Tail?!.......🤣🤣🤣🤷🏾‍♂️

Lord Purichua

I didn't knew you were so good drawing sonic characters, but of course; everything you draw is a masterpiece, and i wish you would like to do more about Sonic's universe, it has a great comic potential coming from you and a lot of characters to draw in your unique sexy way. You are really a big inspiration Fred! ;)

Sahl Feathersong, Holy Knight of the Shattered Sun

He has actually expressed before that he'd love to do Sonic characters more (evidenced by all the doodles and Goof Offs centered around them), but alas, it is we, The Community, that decide what he works on month to month, with the exception of when we collectively vote to give him complete control. Besides, the Sonic-verse has a ton of competition when the Video Game genre isn't on hiatus lol