Nomination and Voting Discuss (Patreon)
2016-03-12 20:24:41
2016-03-12 20:25:07
Getting a looooot of messages from folks who didn't like the way the last vote went down so I'm opening the discussion here.
I made some mistakes so it's partially my fault. (I forgot to add blackarachnia and silverbolt to the ballot.)
The way I intend to have it set up from here out is the way I had it from the start.
Nominations period: Everyone gets one gets one nomination and one second.
Vote period: Everyone gets one vote.
Pros: Allows creative ideas and patron participation.
Cons: Folks get mad at me when their fav loses and send me IMs. Stories don't get finished.
So far I've heard the following suggestions.
- 1) drop the 3 dollar tier. vote for higher tier only. --Poor 3$ supporters! I don't want to alienate a tier!
- 2) vote enabled only after a story is done. --If your favorite story didn't win the vote, it could be a loooooooooong time before you see any work on it as it loses or comes in 2nd time after time.
- 3)yearly vote determines the order in which the stories are worked on -- Limits participation of new joiners severely and those furthest down on the list might not EVER be worked on!