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Ballot ends on August(08) 8th at 8pm est



(Naruto: The Last) is best Hinata! They are both adults

Darnel D Cooper

Sitting here reading you guys after everyone has moved on to current posts(typed4 days after the voting closed.) I have to say that there are a few couples that need the Booty Doc Treatment that have not been touched yet. Did you know there are two Rockets from Milstone comics? Icon is a being from a galactic civilization that when he was "adjusted" to fit in with the dominate lifeform of earth he looks like a normal human, He was convinced to make a difference by rocket number one. When Rocket became pregnant, she trained her best friend on her gear and how to fight and while Icon was away this second Rocket held it down. I want Icon and Rocket two. Because Icon deserves his girlfriend and Milstone put a solid no to the fans about him ending up with rocket two. Just imagine an ultra conservative, ultra refined male faced with a beautiful woman two steps from being a hood-rat who has decided he was within reach just because he was polite and friendly to her without trying to use her. It would be him backpedaling until she cornered him and something she says or does tips him in the direction of showing her what making love actually was. (Nah, too soft for this bunch.) My second choice outside of my gold digger dreams would be Livewire and Static Shock. Within gold digger, you've heard my wishes, G'nolga and Rhoaton , Elroy and Kylie, Charlotte and Peewee. My point is that I think the Doc will have plenty of material.