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Listening to Goofy Movie while I work on the latest comic... Distracted me for a second...
I guess the subject matter really IS a...

Goof off...

(edit.... fixed Roxanne's nose in the final panel. It was too small.)


Aw, mann.... if only I had time to play around with stuff like this all day? Sigh... back to work.


Still slacking off, I guess. I'm sooo distracted right now...

You know... maybe I should set a vote for an animated sequence option with the comic...

Something like 6 pages and one sequence?


Roxanne's so aggressive now that she realizes she's in a raunchy dream


okay time to get back to work. It was a fun diversion though.


Help! I can't find the brakes!!!


and somehow, it turned into a concert! (Okay, the votes are in and it's time to get to work...)<<Runs into a "Next-Topic-Roadblock"

End of the line for this goofoff!






She's about to get Ah-Hyucked!

Chris Scott

We need to throw out more straight up cartoons to have this kind of goofy fun with.


aaaaaaaand now I need to see this happen


Reminds me of puberty.

Daedrius Storm

Ya know, this is mildly infuriating... Only mildly tho, because whenever something like it comes up, it never gets any traction. I'd kill to see the Doctor just expand on the "Grown Up 80s" universe he began 6 years ago with a long form narrative that mixes plot and porn seamlessly, starting with the sequel to Pink &amp; Ellie: The Return of Babs.

Daedrius Storm

Well, we all know Max is his father's son. And we all know that Goofy *DEFINITELY* fucks. That man had serious game when he was in his prime and was probably packin heat too, stands to reason that Max would eventually fill out just like his old man.


*Warren G* “I looked at the brotha saying ‘Damn, what’s next?’” (Secretly hoping for Gummi Bears for some dark twisted reason..)


So Max has "Wet Nightmares"?


curious if there will be a (extreme) Goofy Movie 2 spoof -goofy and Sylvia -PJ and Beret Girl


Love it! I like how you took that nightmare scene and turned into a beautiful dream :) The only thing I don't like is how similar Max is looking to Goofy, it is gonna be kinda distracting if you keep his design like that here.


Ooh, I like the idea that their dreams are merging :D


You NEED to finish this! I would love to see this comic

Chris Scott

Okay.... if we do Doc's Choice any time soon, this HAS to get done.


Well now this needs to continue to see who waked up from this wet dream.

Jack Ponder

I must see more of this.


Its HER dream? What a twist!


Wait... ROXANNE'S!? WhatATwist!!


I say next list of suggestions we rig it with classic Toons.


Hear, hear! Max and Roxanne have been neglected for too lonhg, and this setup is perfect!


I say next list of suggestions we just nominate a month of goof offs!!

Daedrius Storm

Welp, I know were my support will be going next month...


Lol, their reactions...


Oh my, THREE pages? And it looks like Roxanne really is putting all of her kinks into her dream, if she dreams about Max doing her raw...


Oh, wow, that animation is nice! Also, six pages is too low, we need to see the full extent of the dream Roxanne is having.

Daedrius Storm

Yeah, definitely going to put this in the runnings next month lol


I hear you. I've been only able to animate stuff on the side. I'll stick to pages of comic content then

Chris Scott

And then the little animation just seals the deal to make me want to see this expanded even more.

Fallen Warrior

Now I want this comic in the poll


That animation! &lt;3


*Looks at that animation.* ...Gawrsh...


yes it was nice to see that Jack/Arcee animation you made before, and it might be nice to see an animation of Jack doing Air and/or Strongarm sometime.


6 pages and a sequence seems like a fair deal to me! Love your animations Doc!


Keep going, you've got all our attention! XD

Benji Fox

Mmmmmm, now that's the top tier stuff.


Nice new page, Roxanne wants that cock.

Daedrius Storm

Those bedroom eyes, Jesus! lol Max is not prepared.


That moment when the "Doc's Choice" option is looking real good now.


Didn't even realize this was Max's nightmare scene.


Well, I think we know what we're going to get the next time the flag for, "Booty Doc's Choice" is raised.


Ooh, I wonder If Roxanne dreams that this is all happening on the scene in front of the crowd :)


Okay, now she wants Max to hyuck her up, no question here.

Chris Scott

This wild ride has no breaks!

Richard Awesome

And here I thought I'd never want Goofy Movie R34. Then I see this. Only the Booty Doc could make it work.

George Humleker Jr.

Too late Fred!! I sabotaged the brakes!! FUCK THE BRAKES!!!


No, no, that cannot be the end! Encore! Encore!


Fucking hell this just keeps getting better and better!


There better be two parts: dream and reality &lt;3