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Gonna need 2 parts for this-un!

I'm going to go with this as page 1 instead to get to the action faster. I'll just imply what happened before instead of go into the unnecessary details. . 

2.  Air absolutely loves human skin texture... especially hair.

Air  "Ohhhh, it feels wonderful!!!  Can I have it from the roots? Can I grow it on pottery" ?
Jack "I'm not a Chia Pet, Air!"

3. Air is so orgasmic. Let's see how long it takes for her to loose her poker face. (Sorry for the delay. I was finishing Gold Digger up.)

4. I'm such a tease!

5. What's it feel like in there? like a dozen oily hand/foot jobs all wresting to get Jack off first!

6. BD is forever trying to break my time budget!!! :-<

7. Jack's working hard to treat Air!

8. TILT!




I love the sexy Strongarm trying to pleasure herself in the corner watching them.

Darnel D Cooper

yup, shes lying to herself to justify her happiness at being cared for and about.


Indeed. She's reasoned to herself that Arcee is just a superb Dominatrix... And these weird feelings of "friendship","affection" and "caring relationships" are just glitch-chaff positive ions from being so well dominated.