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Sorry for being behind schedule. I had to get caught up on GD.




@0@ @O@ Doc you glorious beautiful brilliant God emperor of awesomeness there is no need to apologize because THIS is well worth the wait. I can't tell you just how much I love see the imp goddess queen Midna getting her ass made love to by her Puppy so much so that her crown fell off. Honestly this is pure flawless perfection and probably all that I'll be requesting now. Thank you so much. *yetihug*

jo holloway

yet again, apologizing for basicly being the best in the world at what you do. ya got gothin to be sorry for doc.

Daedrius Storm

Dont tell lies, Kai. You know you'll be right back to pushing to see Deku fuckin the breath outta his classmates as soon as that delicious itch rears its head again lol :P