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Arcee re-enters the scene... <3




@-@ *heavenly songs of praise.* Thank you so much Doc you glorious god emperor of awesomeness.

Daedrius Storm

This comment is too short. Who are you and what have you done with the real Kaiyeti?! lol :p


What are talking about? I'm Kai-*BANG!... THUD!* That's the last time you hit me off a cliff with a truck Iteyiak. Sorry evil clone stole my phone. What I miss?


Haha, Thanks. It happens like twice a month. with evil clones. Got to find out who keeps making the-*BOOM!* OH COMMEEEEEEeeeeee...... ... ... There can be only one YetGAAAAaaaaaaaa.... ... ... *Panting* Gods fucking damn... Sorry. Other clone... Let this be a lesson. Also carry a grappling hook gun.