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So many things I want to do but don't get voted on.

So I'mma try this.



Jarred Yates

Droid vision is a cute idea, way more interesting for this human viewer than a data plug and recepticle


Well Fortnite is technically a long time ago... it's just not a galaxy far, far away.


Which is why i never go on the vote level, voting doesn't work. People will vote for the same things repeatedly not giving anything else a try.

Jack Ponder

I think if people had no idea what others were voting for, that'd be less likely to happen. Often times I see votes swing wildly in one option's favor in many Patreons because it gets a lead. People don't want to waste a vote.

Sean Robinson

oh please don't let us stop you from doing what you want! I'm sure we will enjoy whatever you free inspired to share with us.


You should alternate between something that is voted on then do something you want to do. That way all parties are satisfied.


I adore the proportions on naughty R2 so much.

George Humleker Jr.

I agree with the others Fred, if you ever got the urge you can let it out whenever because fuck it we all love your work and to see what comes out of your deliciously demented mind.