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Almost finished with all unfinished stories so from now on, every other month will be patron's choice where I take a 6 page comic request from my top support total patron and working my way down from there.

(Of course the odd months will still have the standard vote.)

For 2018 the patrons will be

Jan: Artificer Don

March: Cyrix

May: Scratch

July: Griff

Sept: Henriksen

Nov: Dantels

Message me on the comic topic for those months, and thank you for so much support.

I'll begin the November poll soon. (And With october out of the way, I can also finish the last of the unfinished tales.)



Bummer ... I was hoping to see a new run of commissions. :/


Would you guys rather have that?


I was under the impression that quite a few people wanted personal request stories. But if commissions are more interesting I can make up something for that.


To be honest who wouldn't want a 6 page comic from you? ... I would LOVE it. The only issue (as selfish as it may sound) that I think of is that it will probably be 5-10 years before you get to mine.... and I could be dead by then .. lol


I mean this in a very comical and light-hearted sort of way... I'm not trying to be be bitchy

Daedrius Storm

There is never going to be a time where I will say no to commissions being opened by you. If I have to choose between this new option and that, I will definitely choose to have commissions open. Just my dime.


single page comic commissions are the alternative. In lue of a 3 character commission.


Hopefully the requests have to be simple ones, not ones where the person wants to lay out every single panel and page, the dialog, etc etc. If it's just "male a and female b" then I think you'd be fine. Anything more than that would likely be pretty stressful on you. They'd have to agree with having the pages posted on here and on tumblr like all the regular comics have been too.


If you're doing this in order from greatest donators to least for years to come, I'd suggest you take a screen cap. People might try and hack the system by suddenly giving a LOT more in one month to try and boost their spot.

jo holloway

if i had one of those spots i would suggest characters, positions and perhaps a general theme/concept for the scene if that was allowed. all the other specifics like dialog, layout etc. i would fully leave in the good doctors more than capable hands.


Donor history is on a spreadsheet Mav. And for someone to hijack a the list? To hijack vs the current top 6? That's an expensive hijack just for a 6 page comic.


A comic commission would be just like the vote. you tell me which two characters and leave the rest to me. If I have to follow a script/layout it's going to be a LOT more expensive.


Okay. I'll think about making another patron appreciation commission list instead. Maybe I'll make a BW commission discount for the first 2 characters based on total support history at 10%. So if your total support history is 1000, free 2 character bw commission or a free 1 character color commission or 100$ off the 4 character commission. I'll have to make it in 10 dollar increments because I can only have 10 coupon codes active at once. (100 off to 10 off. rounded up at 5+)

jo holloway

thanks for the heads up, now i just have to wait for if/when i get a future spot.

Daedrius Storm

Honestly, that sounds very interesting. I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, but even without the discount, I'll be ecstatic just having another opportunity to commission you, Sir.