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(This story has some sexual themes. Viewer discretion is advised.)

“..Good morning, your highness.” A citizen said meekly.

“Yeah… Hello.” She grumbled.

Her name was queen Alexandria Rosemary Chrysanthemum the Third, and she was the powerful queen of the kingdom of Davenshire. She was a Setter; a fitting breed for a descendant of the founding rulership of the kingdom. She stood seven feet tall, with powerful limbs and a fierce strut. The queen was always dressed in lavish robes, with a powerful broadsword affixed to her belt. Her headfur was a mane of majestic red, upon which sat her bejeweled crown. Truly, the queen was a sight to behold.

And many were keen to behold Alexandriaas she went for her daily stroll throughout her kingdom. She was always followed by a squadron of her royal guard. Each hound had sworn fealty and would gladly fight to the death to defend their queen’s honor… not that she was a fragile flower that ever NEEDED saving.

Alexandria had known a life of wealth, privilege… and fierce training. Ever since she was a mere pup, Alexandria’s father demanded that she be the greatest prize in all the highlands. Weakness had to be stripped away, he insisted, or the land’s enemies would see Alexandriaas a toy to be played with. Thus, she was made to become not just physically fit, but an expert sword-master. And when she wasn’t toning her body, Alexandria was expanding her mind. Many weekends were spent studying in the grand library of the castle; she read up on all the surrounding kingdoms from shore to shore, and studied the words of many past philosophers and other great thinkers.

“Your mind must be twice as sharp as your blade,” The old king insisted.

But sharp or dull, Alexandriawasn’t even sure. The old philosophers often said that to have true wisdom is to admit you can never know everything. The ego can be more dangerous than any weapon.

And as Alexandria looked all around at her subjects in the town square… she saw so many chances for her ego to grow. Many loved her and saw her as strong, fierce, clever… But alas, none had the signs of what the queen wanted most.

Alexandra placed a hand on her belly and sighed. Her tail slumped low to the ground as she rested her other hand atop her sword’s hilt. None of her subjects locked eyes with the queen. And it wasn’t just them; visiting nobles from across the highlands very rarely focused their gaze on the queen for too long. They gave her pleasantries… but never advances. They gave her well-wishes… but never love letters.

Father’s machinations have worked too well. The queen sighed. I am indeed a prize… a prize that none have claimed.

Alexandria came to a stop at a well atop a hill in the center of the kingdom while her guards formed a defensive perimeter. The queen peered into the water and looked upon her visage. The queen was in her mid fifties; the fifth year of her reign. And she was… unsure of how to feel about herself. Many around her claimed that the queen was young and beautiful… but she herself felt she was reasonably attractive: She certainly wasn’t ugly. So, then… what pushed the men away? Was she TOO strong? Did she strike fear in their hearts?

It’s not that I NEED a king by my side, Alexandriathought. I’m confident enough in my skills as a ruler to keep the kingdom prosperous. But that big castle has grown rather… lonely.

The queen heard shouts of innocent laughter across the way. Looking to the west, she saw a children’s park, full of young pups playing and skipping happily. A few of the boys were giving clovers to the girls and making them giggle and blush. Alexandria frowned as she scratched her chin.

I wonder if I have what it takes to be a good mother to a little prince or princess…

“Are you alright, Your Grace?” One among the royal guard asked. He was a short terrier, with quite the thick moustache and beard.

The queen put her hand down and sighed again. “I’m doing well enough, Sean.” She adjusted her stance. “Escort me back to the castle; I’ve had my fill of fresh air.”

“You’ve heard the queen!” Sean declared to the royal guard. “Back to the Castle!”

Soon enough, the queen was being guided by her guards back uphill toward the castle. Along the way, she glanced around her kingdom one last time. She looked upon the outer walls that surrounding the town… and the tops of the trees just beyond the walls.

Alexandria’s eyes widened, and she stroked her chin once again. She’d left her father’s home quite a few times to visit other kingdoms in her youth. She’d been to many places, met many interesting people… and yet never had she ventured into that dark forest just beyond the walls… at least, not very deep. And even then, it had been in the company of her father and quite a number of soldiers and guards. Never, in all the queen’s life, had she ventured on her own into that dangerous, dark forest.

A forest, her father claimed, was often home to insidious characters who weren’t to be trusted.

The queen’s eyes widened as she got an idea. Perhaps it was a very foolish idea. Of course, it would be foolish of herself to claim she was a brilliant strategist of any sort. In any case… it was about time for this queen to try something reckless.


It was the dead of night, and a full moon was shining brilliantly. Alexandria had eaten her dinner and bid goodnight to her subjects… before immediately changing her clothes to disguise herself. Only one other person was in the room: Carrie, the queen’s head servant and primary confidant. She was a border collie, and fiercely loyal to Alexandria.

The queen told Carrie all that she was planning that night… and what to do should the queen not return by morning.

“Be safe, Mistress.” The collie said with a bow of her head. “Your secret’s safe with me. My the gods see you back home safely.”

“Thank you, my dear.” Alexandrianuzzled Carrie on the head. “Goodnight.”

Alexandria’s castle had many secret passages; something she’d learned thanks to her father insisting she know every brick and crevice like the back of her paw. Thus, while everyone else thought their queen was asleep in her bed… a sneaky setter was making her way down a secret stairwell to the lower chambers. A few corners were turned, followed by the shifting of a brick or two that opened up secret passageways. And in a mere five minutes, Alexandriahad strolled right out of her castle and passed through a false wall between a gatehouse beyond the outer walls.

Alexandria had chosen to leave her royal dress and crown behind, in favor of a big, thick set of robes that hid her body rather conservatively. It even came with a hood that perfectly hid her luxurious red headfur, and even her eyes. This way, nobody could tell at first glance that this big dog was the local queen.

The queen had brought along a few simple supplies; food, canteens full of water, and even a bag of coins. She also brought along a lantern; freshly filled with enough oil to last until morning. And most importantly; a few concealed daggers, just in case things turned really badly in that forest.

Here’s hoping this turn out as planned, the queen thought as she strode quietly toward the forest. It would be a shame to spill blood on this cloak.

After climbing a hill, Alexandriafound herself standing on the edge of the dark forest. The place she was told was home to the most unsavory creatures for miles around. Thieves, bandits, warlocks… ever manner of those with ill repute. And, perhaps… the source of excitement the queen had been hoping for.

Alexandria kept her hood on tightly as she strode forward along the only road in the forest. She moved slowly and confidently with her lantern held up to illuminate the path… as well as mark her presence. She occasionally peered through the canopy at the stars, and made a mental check of their placement to mark the way home incase she ventured too deep. One could never bee too careful, even when seeking danger…

“...Well, well, well…” A sly voice spoke.

Alexandria’s ears wiggled; someone had appeared much sooner than she’d thought. She struggled not to grin as she came to a stop and looked around for the source of the voice. Off in the distance, she saw a pair of bright red eyes making its way through the dark trees. It was soon followed by another pair, which darted wildly about as it made a beeline toward the queen.

“What’s a tall drink of water doing so far from home?” Another voice cackled.

Alexandria stood completely still and waited as the two figures stepped into the light. It was a pair of bloodhounds; not quite as feral as wolves, but definitely rough around the edges. They were dressed in varying scraps of clothing, and had a couple of weapons on their belts; perhaps they were bandits. They were rather short, too; barely five feet tall. In any case, they were just about perfect for what Alexandria was looking for.

“Man, that cloak’s quite the bothersome thing…” The fatter bandit snickered as he pulled out a dagger. “Can’t wait to cut my way through, to get a good look at the boobies hidden away!”

“Make with the goods, lady.” The thinner thug said as he pulled out his own knife. “We know a dame like you has got to have SOME kind of coinage on you!”

Well, they certainly got to the point, didn’t they? Alexandriathought; a smirk creased her muzzle as the two bandits got closer.

“I’m afraid, gentlemen…” She said slyly. “There isn’t really much fabric to cut away.”

At once, the Setter opened the sides of her cloak… revealing that she wore NOTHING underneath!

The two thugs stopped dead in their tracks, and their eyes widened as the magnificent and thick bosom bounced free in the cool air. They then looked downward, passed her thin belt, at how her long, shapely legs were also exposed. Then their eyes beheld what lay between… and right away the fatter thug started muttering incoherently.

“She… She’s NAKED?!” He declared.

“Indeed I am.” The queen continued, still keeping her hood over her head. “It wouldn’t do to have one of my lovely dresses cut to ribbons. They’re very expensive. And besides; we all know what you want. If anything’s to be cut, might as well have it be the middle-man.”

“Err… Uhh…” The fat thug became quite wobbly in the knees. His eyes kept roaming up and down from the Setter’s thick breasts to her mighty legs. Alexandria couldn’t help but smile proudly; these bandits were the first to behold her exposed body… though the chubby one looked ready to faint at the sight of it.

“What’s your game, lady?!” The other bandit shouted.

Alexandria immediately glanced in his direction. This one seemed intent on angrily glaring at the Setter. Despite his blushing face, he tried his damndest to keep an imposing snarl as he held his dagger up in the air.

“Game?” Alexandria repeated. “There’s no game here.”

“You’re no ordinary woman!” The thin bandit continued.

“Nobody in their right mind just wanders naked into the forest!” The bandit snapped, stepping closer. “You’re up to something! And don’t think I didn’t notice the dagger on your belt!”

Alexandria briefly glanced down at her dagger, and then back at the bandit. “I wasn’t trying to hide it. I’m not fool enough to come here unarmed.”

“Then what’s your trick?!” The bandit snapped. “Who are you, anyway?!”

“Who cares?!” The fatter bandit yelled at his ally. “This sexy bitch has got her tits flashing around! This is already the best night of our lives!”

“It’s a setup!” The thinner bandit yelled at the fat one. “Stop thinking with your wanger and try and process what’s happening! Some strange lady is strolling around putting on a sexy act, trying to get out of giving us her coins!”

“I wasn’t looking to get out of paying.” The Setter gave an innocent shrug. “I’ll be more than happy to provide an honest business transaction.”

The thin bandit looked at the Setter as if she’d grown a second head. The fat one, meanwhile, had his tongue hanging out and panting.

“Man, who even cares why she’s out here?” The fat dog wagged his tail. “If she’s looking for action, let’s just go for it! We’ve been out of the game for an entire month!”

“Stop thinking with your WANG!” The thin bandit barked. “We don’t even know who this crazy bitch is!”

Alexandria simply sighed, and pulled back her hood, drawing their attention.

“Queen Alexandria Rosemary Chrysanthemum the Third.” She said promptly.

The two bloodhounds had eyes as wide as the moon, while their jaws hung open. The thin one stood as pale as a ghost… while his chubby friend’s eyes rolled backward, and he collapsed on the ground.

“Oy!” The thin bandit shouted as he ran to the fat one’s side. “What’s wrong with you?! Get up!” He shook his companion fiercely. “Get up, stupid!”

“Oh dear.” Alexandria put a hand to her chin. “Has he fainted?”

The thin bandit growled as his arms shook. He stood up tall, and held his dagger angrily as he turned to snarl at the queen. His dagger was held up at the ready as he stood before his friend.

“Back off!” He yelled. “You’re not dragging either of us to your wretched dungeon!”

“Nobody’s getting dragged to any dungeons.” Alexandriacrossed her arms. “Well… so long as you don’t try anything stupid with your weapon.”

The bandit glanced at his dagger, and then back up at the queen.

“What do you WANT?” He demanded. “Why is the bloody QUEEN mucking about in a bandit-filled forest? What are you REALLY doing out here?”

“What I want… is something I can’t get in Davenshire.” Alexandriasighed. “Some might even see it as unbecoming of me… but alas, I have no other options.”

The bandit raised an eyebrow curiously, but then shook his head and glowered. He looked over her naked body again, as if thinking everything around him was a dream. The queen sighed, and carefully removed her cloak to lay it down flatly on the grass.

“What I want is… well, pretty simple.” The queen said as she gestured down to herself. “As strange as it may sound… I really did come here for… intimacy.”

“And just why would a bloody QUEEN offer herself to the first bandits she came across?” He demanded. “Couldn’t you simply pick from your harem, or order some random guy in the court to share your bed?”

“I don’t have a harem.” Alexandriacrossed her arms. “And that kind of order isn’t what I’m going for. I want a male who is eager and willing… but none in court have dared ask or try.”

The bandit looked over the queen’s body once again, his face threatening to turn all the redder.

“They… They must be mad, then.” He declared. “Or… they’re all gay.”

“Not all of them, no…” Alexandriachuckled. “But quite a few have their own chosen mates. But… is it safe to assume that YOU have desires for the female body?”

The bandit bit his lower lip, and his tail wagged.

“S… Suppose I did.” He said. “Are you really, truly… going to want to get intimate with a random bandit? You don’t know who I am, what I’ve done… or even my name.”

“True.” She nodded. “If you’re willing to tell me anything, I’m willing to listen… though you probably don’t want to tell me if you’ve committed crimes against Davenshire.”

“I don’t go into Davenshire.” He quickly said. “The forest is as close as my friends and I get.”

“Very well…” Alexandria turned to get down onto the cloak. The bandit watched in amazement as the queen spread herself out and leaned on one arm to look at him. “Whenever you’re ready, oh bandit of mystery… come join me down here.”

More and more the bandit’s anger was replaced by awe and desire. His tail wagged fiercely as he made little yips; he struggled to keep his dagger in the air as instincts pushed him to drop it. Before long… he finally caved in; the bandit dropped his weapon, stripped himself down, and fled straight for the queen…

Five minutes later, the bandit has his back upon the cloak, while the queen loomed above him. He panted heavily as her meaty thighs pressed down on either side of his waist. His face was still quite red as his chest heaved, while his eyes roamed over the magnificent body that stood atop him.

Alexandria, meanwhile, panted more slowly. She felt a few flashed of warmth through her face, though she did her best to keep her composure.

That… well, it was hard to say what it was like. It was something new… a pleasure she’d never known before. Only in her most promiscuous dreams had the queen wondered what it could be like. But now that she had… it was very nice.

A sniffling came from below; Alexandrialooked down and found that the bandit was crying. He wiped his eyes as he gazed skyward, and his hands gently caressed the queen’s thighs.

“Are you alright, bandit?” The queen asked.

“That… That was amazing…” The bandit said as he struggled to compose himself. “Everything about it; the tension…. The tightness… the warmth…” He cried again as he smiled. “It was incredible! YOU are incredible!”

“Why, thank you, bandit.” The queen said. “I’m glad that the loss of my virginity was a noble sacrifice.”

The bandit’s eyes widened. “Y-You were a virgin!? That’s impossible! How can you be so good at it on your first go?!”

“I guess… I’ve had a lot of time to practice.” The queen shrugged and gave a quick chortle. “Well, I’ve gotten the service I desired… the coins are yours.”

Alexandria lifted herself off of the bandit, who whimpered at the loss of her warmth. She picked up the bag of coins and placed it down on the bandit’s bare chest. He sheepishly stood up and stepped off the cloak, while the queen picked it up to put it on (although it did smell rather stranger.)

“Thank you for your time, bandit.” Alexandriasaid with a nod. She kept one hand on her dagger as she turned around, just in case. “Have a good night.”

“Wait!” The bandit pleaded.

Curious, the queen turned around to appraise the bandit, who still nervous with the coins in his hands.

“What is it?” The queen asked.

“It’s Rory.” He said with a wag. “My name’s Rory.”

“Hmph. A lovely name.” Alexandriagrinned.

“Listen, uh…” Rory wiped his eyes a bit. “Are you… ever going to… want to have another go some other night?”

The queen raised an eyebrow. “Perhaps… just don’t forget who the one with authority is.”

“I won’t, I promise.” Rory declared with a finger crossing his heart. “And I won’t tell anybody what happened here, either. Not even Oscar over there.”

“Oscar?” The queen glanced over at the fat bandit, who was still very much out cold. “Ah, right. Your chubby friend.”

“You… You don’t even have to pay, if you don’t want to.” Rory continued. “I’ll… I’ll even pay YOU, if you so desire.”

“No need for that.” She shook her head. “Well… I won’t accept payment in the form of money. I’d much prefer… information.”

“Information?” Rory asked in confusion.

“If you want more intimacy… you’re going to need to be more forthcoming next time.” The queen grinned. “I don’t want a stranger forever, you see.”

“Well… okay.” Rory gave a salute as his tail wagged. “Whatever you wish is your, Your Grace.”

Alexandria’s eyes widened at that; it was the first time the bandit was trying at pleasantries. Had she really won him over with her…? Well, best not to dwell on it; the night air was getting cold, and she needed to get home.

“Until we meet again, Rory.” The queen turned to stride off out of the forest with her lantern held up. “Goodnight.”

“Goodnight!” He called after her.

The queen made her way back to the castle walls, with a hand on her belly, and her mind filled with thoughts of her first intimate moment. She smiled; she likely ran quite a few risks tonight. The queen would need to be just a bit more cautious the next time… maybe a few trusted guards, in case Rory let slip to other bandits what interaction they’d had.

She really hoped that things didn’t go south… Rory was very cute. She’d like to be intimate again… perhaps in a proper bed next time.


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