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(This is the community commission for December. Enjoy!)

Jamie couldn’t believe it. Once again, he found himself waking up in the middle of a small, enclosed space.

He thought back to two years ago, when something similar had happened. He’d wound up caught, and packaged up as a present in a home full of dragonesses. They’d given him quite a scare… at first. But, eventually, each of them turned around alright. They even let Jamie go free, after he asked to be given his freedom. No questions asked; they gave him some supplies, showed him the door, and wished him good luck in a world of Big Folk. And for a while, Jamie thought he’d finally have his luck turning around…

But now, here he was again. Captured by a big dragon, and left sealed away in… something very round. Jamie struggled to stand up in his tight confinement, but there wasn’t anything to stand on properly but round surface. And looking out at the surrounding exterior… it was a living again.

Just like two years ago, Jamie found himself in a massive home. The living room was decorated with all sorts of furniture, and plenty of festive decorations. But unlike last time, he wasn’t down below a Christmas tree… he was halfway UP the tree. He was in an ornament, and hanging among many others!

Jamie didn’t have long to wait for someone to make their way into the living room. There was a distinct thump-thump as a single pair of feet descended a staircase in the living room. A big yawn filled the air as the home’s owner strode into view…

It was a big, tall… black-scaled dragoness; nearly as tall as the Christmas tree.

The dragoness was clad in a big, red gown, lined with white furs. Her feet wore matching slippers, which she kicked up upon entering the living room. The dragoness brought a coffee mug to her plump lips. And that wasn’t the only thing about her that was plump; she had quit the intimidating figure beneath that gown. Her fat tail swung giddily from side to side.

Jamie shivered as the dragoness made her way toward the tree. She put down her coffee mug, and leaned her head down to gaze through the ornament; her big purple eyes seemed to look straight through to Jamie’s soul. He shivered in place as she silently appraised him for a moment… before smirking and chuckled.

“Good morning, little man.” She said as she lifted her head up. “Merry Christmas.”

“Uh…” Jamie’s kneels buckled. “M-M-Merry Christmas?”

The dragoness reached out with a big hand to grab the ornament. She plucked it from the tree, making Jamie shuffle around in fright as he was brought up into the air. The dragoness then grasped the ornament with both hands, and worked to shuffle the surface around. After a moment, the ornament split perfectly down the a seam that Jamie hadn’t seen before. He yelped in surprise as he fell over into one of the halves of the ornament. He struggled to right himself… before realizing that the dragoness was chuckling just behind him. He turned… and looked right into one of the dragoness’s big eyes.

“Sorry for the tumble.” She said teasingly. “I just couldn’t wait to open my present.”

James shivered. “But… But this was an ornament, not a…” He shivered as he nearly fell into the shell again. “P-Present?”

“Semantics…” The dragoness laughed. “The point is; it’s Christmas Morning, and it’s time to enjoy my gift.”

“Uhh…” Jamie gulped as he clasped his hands together. “P-Please don’t eat me.”

“Oh, but it’s tradition for a human to be eaten in the household on Christmas.” The dragoness chuckled. “And I’m a big fan of holiday traditions.”

Jamie’s heart began to race as the dragoness looked down at him hungrily. He curled up into a ball and shivered.

“No, please…” He said worriedly. “I don’t want to be eaten again!”

“Again?” The dragoness repeated. “Well, if you’ve been through this tradition before, surely you’d be used to it.”

“But it’s terrifying!” Jamie exclaimed. “I… I was so scared that I was going to be killed! I don’t want to go through with it again! Please, just let me go!”

The dragoness was silent for a time. She blew purple smoke from her nostrils as she lowered her hands a bit.

“What’s your name, little human?” She asked.

“It’s…” He looked up at her nervously. “It’s Jamie.”

“Well, Jamie…” The dragoness used a finger to rub the top of his head. “Perhaps what you need is a little time to get used to the idea. For now, you can share some nice holiday time with me…” She grinned as her eyes sparkled. “After all; there’s lots of ways for me to enjoy a Christmas present.”

Jamie gulped as he stood up again. “What… What are you going to make me do first?”

”Well, for starters…” The dragoness reached for something on the tree. “You can ask me for my name.”

“Uh… okay?” Jamie said dubiously. “What’s… What’s your name, Miss Dragoness?”

“It’s Belgemine.” She said proudly. “And the first thing you will do…” The dragoness brought something up and over Jamie’s head. “Is giving me a kiss.”

Belgemine held a piece of mistletoe over Jamie’s head. He looked at it incredulously, and then turned toward her muzzle… and her puckering lips. Jamie leaned his head back, while a blush spread across his face. He had to admit… this dragoness had some rather pleasant features.

“How… How do I know you won’t just slurp me into your maw?” He asked.

“If you’re so scared of that happening, I could always just gobble you up right now.” Belgemine smirked and licked her lips.

“Okay, okay.” Jamie held his hands up defensively. “Just a kiss is fine!”

Belgemine nodded, before puckering her lips up once more. Jamie sighed, and leaned his head in to plant an awkward kiss upon the lower lip. The surface was… warm, if a little damp. The dragoness lowered her head down just a bit to press both lips against him.


Jamie blushed again; he lifted his arms up to hug the sides of the lips. This was… nice. Very nice. It almost made him feel safe. But the way he could lightly see between Belgemine’s lips, reminded Jamie of how very close he could be made into a christmas meal.

After a moment, the dragoness broke the kiss, and she pulled him back. She put down one half of the ornament on a coffee table, before sitting down on the adjacent armchair. She scooped Jamie into her free hand, put the other half of the ornament down, and then held the human in both hands.

“Hmm, what to do next…?” She wondered aloud. “There are so many lovely things a dragon can do with a nice human present.”

“You could… let me go.” Jamie said nervously.

“Really? You just want to leave?” Belgemine leaned back in the armchair. She held the human in one hand, whilst gesturing around at the interior of the festive living room. “And miss out on a lovely Christmas?”

“Lovely for YOU, maybe.” Jamie said with a glare. “I’m being held here against my will. My holiday is being ruined.”

“Well, maybe I should do something to lighten your spirits.” Belgemine said with a smirk. “For instance…”

The dragoness leaned forward to place Jamie down on the coffee table. She then lifted up one of her big feet and placed the heel down on the table beside him. Jamie shivered and shrank back, as the big foot wiggled its meaty toes.

“I think you should get to work giving me a massage.” Belgemine declared.

“I…” Jamie grimaced and looked away. “I don’t want to do that.”

“Are you sure?” The dragoness asked playfully. “Because something tells me that you actually DO…”

Belgemine wiggled her toes more and more; she even lifted up her other foot to do the same. Both feet loomed over Jamie, with all the toes shaking all about. He kept watching, and watching… as a blush spread across his face.

“Fine, fine!” Jamie declared. “I admit it! I like big feet!”

“Then what are you waiting for?” Belgemine said teasingly. “Get to rubbing, my little present.”

Jamie sighed as he stepped up to one of the two heels and got to work. He dug his fingers into the tough surface and got a good feel of them. Gradually the dragoness lowered her feet down, forcing him to back up to rub the flatter parts of the feet, as well as the toes.

“Don’t forget to get between them.” Belgemine ordered with crossed arms and a twinkle in her eyes. “They’re really aching today.”

Jamie just sighed as he got to work. He didn’t want to think he caved so easily because his will was broken. No… No, he focused on the feet themselves. They were so big, so thick… he really couldn’t resisting feeling them from top to bottom. And the scent… it was like peppermint. Jame’s nose wiggled, and he cheeks flushed more as his face got more intimate with the features… until…

“Oh my!” the dragoness laughed. “Are you… are you LICKING them?”

Jamie’s cheeks were still quite flushed as he stuck his head against the thick skin. He licked up and down, getting in as much of the peppermint flavor as he could. The human sighed in delight as he moved from toe to toe; it was such an incredible feeling.

“Okay, I think you’ve had enough of my toes, you naughty little man.” Belgemine said. She sounded scolding, but there was a playful glint in her eyes the whole time. Jamie backed up, and the dragoness moved her feet down to the floor. She fanned her toes out and stretched her legs, all while growling in delight.

“You’ve certainly done a very good job, Jamie.” She grinned.

“Well, this wasn’t the first time I had to massage a dragoness’s feet.” Jamie put his hands behind his back.

“Well, I’m glad I picked out a human who’s got experience…” Belgemine chuckled as she picked him up again. “So… what should I do with you next?”

“Uh…” Jamie bit his lower lip. “You could… tell me why you’re celebrating Christmas all alone?”

Belgemine’s eyes widened, and she snorted as she lowered the human down onto her thigh. Jamie sat himself down, while the dragoness blew purple smoke into the air. She wracked her talons against her armrest as she focused on him.

“That’s… a bit of a complicated answer.” She said flatly. “Everyone in my family lives too far away to come visit me. And I wasn’t able to go visit them this year.”

“Oh…” Jamie frowned. “I’m sorry.”

“No, there’s no need to be sorry.” She shook her head. “After all; why do you think I went and got myself a nice human for the holiday?”

“To… eat?” He asked with a shiver.

“Well, yes. But not right away.” Belgemine chuckled. “And I won’t be alone for the ENTIRE holiday; some friends of mine from the other side of town are coming to pay me a visit later. So there’s plenty to look forward to; including more presents.”

“Well, uh… G-good for you.” Jamie said dubiously.

“Yes… But like I said; that’s not until later.” The dragoness’s eyes sparkled again. “There’s plenty of time, for some QUALITY time between the two of us.”

Jamie gulped; he could see that hungry look in her eyes. The same look that a lot of Big Folk loved giving to humans. But it wasn’t the hunger for food; this dragoness wanted some… intimacy.

“I… I would really rather do something… nice.” Jamie said with a cough.

“A funny thing to say, from the guy who was slobbering allover my toes a few moments ago.” The dragoness chuckled.

“I know, I know. It’s just…” Jamie took a breath. “I really got into the moment for a bit. But I’m satisfied now. And… it’s Christmas. And I’ve been struggling to keep out of the cold for the whole month. I just…” He looked up into Belgemine’s eyes. “I just want to be somewhere safe, warm… and DRY. Please…” He clasped his hands together and bowed his head. “Let me enjoy a little bit of time. I know you’re going to eat me, no matter how much I beg you not to. But… Please. Just give me a little time to enjoy Christmas.”

Jamie didn’t look back up at the dragoness for a moment. He shivered as he feared how she may retaliate. But after a moment, he heard a soft sigh from Belgemine. He looked up to see her hand reaching for him. She gently wrapped her fingers about his body, and moved him over to her stomach. He was sat down on her gown, where he partially sank into the fabric.

“Of courseI’ll let you enjoy some Christmastime.” She said tenderly. “I’m not a monster, you know.”

Jamie shivered for a bit; part of him felt like it was all some sort of trick. But then, as time went on, and the dragoness relaxed in her armchair… the human felt like he could finally relax. He stretched out his limbs, and shifted onto his back to put his arms behind his head. The fur of the gown was so soft… and the belly beneath it was so warm. He took deep breaths as he felt the stomach rising and falling steadily below him.

Belgemine picked up a remote and pointed it at her entertainment system. A few moments later, some festive music began playing, and the dragoness hummed along to it. She picked up a bag of some sort and rifled her forepaw through it.

“Would you like a marshmallow?” Belgemine asked as she pulled one out between two talons. “I usually add them to my hot chocolate… but I’m sure one of these is the perfect jumbo treat for a little human.”

“I’d love one, thanks.” Jamie said as he sat up.

The dragoness tenderly offered him a marshmallow, which he accepted happily. Jamie bit into it, and his mouth was washed over with pure delight. The taste was so soft and fluffy; he couldn’t keep himself from digging in. Up above, the dragoness happily drank some of her chocolate, before relaxing and listening to the holiday music.

“How are you feeling?” Belgemine asked Jamie. “Nice and rested?”

“Yeah…” Jamie stood up and stretched his arms over his head. “I’m feeling great. Thank you, Miss Belgemine.”

“You’re very welcome, little Jamie…” The dragoness chuckled. “Perhaps now… you’re ready to move on to the holiday tradition.”

Jamie’s eyes widened. He shivered as he turned around to look up at the dragoness’s big face. She licked her lips as she gave him another hungry grin.

“Do… Do you really have to eat me?” He asked.

“It’s tradition.” The dragoness declared. “A human is always gobbled up on Christmas morning.”

The human sighed in defeat; there was just no getting out of this. So, he lifted his arms into the air, shut his eyes, and waited.

“Please… be gentle.” He said.

Belgemine chuckled at that; she used two fingers to pluck him up into the air. His feet dangled for a time, before he felt the distinctly-slimy tongue of the dragoness on the bottoms. Bit by bit, Jamie was slid along that tongue, and he opened his eyes in time to see his view being taken in by complete darkness.

Belgemine moaned in delight as she tasted Jamie allover. He was bounced around on her tongue and pressed against the roof of her maw, all while she coated him in saliva. She pressed him against a cheek, and then shifted him over to the other one, all while she chuckled in delight.

“You’re a delicious little thing.” She said all around him. “Truly the best gift I could have gotten this holiday.”

Jamie just sighed and stayed silent… though he was at least a little proud that she thought so highly of his flavor.

After a few moments of being played with in her mouth, Jamie found himself being positioned toward the throat. He shivered as he felt Belgemine tilt her head back, and he slowly slid downward. Jamie shut his eyes again, and shivered as he felt his feet get sucked into the abyss…


No matter how many times Jamie was eaten by a macro, it always felt frightening. He was squeezed tightly on all sides by her throaty muscles. He was pushed down so fast; there’d never be any hope of crawling his way back up. Down and down he slid, all while the dragoness moaned in pleasure around him. Soon, his feet pressed against a tight sphincter, and his body was pushed through into the big expanse that was Belgemine’s stomach.

The interior of the belly was like being sent to an alien world. All around him were bright purple walls, which pulsed and groaned periodically. He landed with a splash in a pool of murky liquid. A purple haze hovered in the air, making his head feel funny. All around were remnants of cookies and pools of cocoa, which were all steadily broken down by the liquid. And up above, Jamie could hear the beating of the dragoness’s heart, along with her chuckled and rumbles.

Jamie waded his way over to the shallow end of the stomach, where he sat down and wrapped his arms around his knees. This was it; he was once again eaten by a predator. And his fate was in her hands.

“You were a very tasty little human, Jamie.” The voice of the dragoness came from all around him. “Thank you for making this a memorable Christmas.”

Jamie didn’t respond; he just sighed and kept his head bent low.

“Oh, come now.” The dragoness continued. “You’re not giving me the silent treatment, are you?”

“What’s the point of talking?” Jamie demanded. “You ate me. I’m just food now.”

“Aww, there’s no need to be like that.” Belgemine scolded. “Isn’t my belly just the nicest, safest little place to curl up for a nap?”

Jamie scrunched up his face. He had to admit; this stomach, like the other few he’d been in, had a certain… homely feel. It was rather warm, and the belly walls were soft and squishy on his back. And yet… there was always that sense of danger. He was in a stomach; an organ designed for breaking down food. All it would take was the dragoness’s will, and he’d be melted down forever.

“Just get some rest, Jamie.” Belgemine continued.

“What if I never wake up again?” The human yelled as he scooted a bit away from the pool of liquid. “What if you’re just trying to trick me into being complacent?”

“Well, then I guess I could play along...” The dragoness mused. “Mwa ha ha! You are trapped in my stomach, foolish human! You are my tasty little treat, and soon you will be broken down and made into padding for my hips! Or maybe my boobs! It doesn’t matter; you’ll be swimming through my veins forever more regardless! MWA HA HA!”

Jamie shook in anger at the way the dragoness laughed all around him. He lifted up an arm and punched the stomach wall as hard as he could. Right away the laughter stopped, and Belgemine sighed.

“Hmm, maybe I had that coming.” She said. Jamie felt one of the dragoness’s hands rubbing her stomach around his spot. “If you’re really scared… then I’ll say upfront that you’ll be just fine. You’ll be making your way out of my stomach soon enough, Jamie.”

“And why should I believe you?” He yelled.

“Well… because I have some friends that I want to introduce you to.” Belgemine replied. “And believe me… you might just be happy to see them.”

Jamie huffed at that. He crossed his arms and rested against the stomach wall with a sigh. There wasn’t really much else he could do to protest or fight for his freedom; dragon stomachs were incredibly resilient.

“You’ll be out and about in a few hours, Jamie.” Belgemine said calmly. “But for now… I’d very much like to enjoy my little human treat as he sits in my belly. Okay?”

“Fine…” Jamie grumbled as he rolled over.

After that, the dragoness relaxed in her seat; Jamie could very barely hear Christmas music playing on a radio on the outside. He shifted back and forth as he tried to get comfortable within the confines of the stomach.


Jamie was steadily woken up by the shifting and squeezing sensations of fleshy muscles against his body. He was being pushed upward, while Belgemine grunted. Jamie blinked a few times as light shined past rows of teeth. After a few blinks, Jamie found himself sliding along a tongue and into a big scaly hand.

“Gross…” Somebody said across the way.

“Hey, it was this way, or the other end.” Joked the voice of Belgemine behind the human.

Jamie grimaced as he stood up; he REALLY didn’t want to vacate a dragoness’s body THAT way. But as he wiped saliva off his body, he heard a series of curious mutterings behind him. He looked up at Belgemine, who smirked down at him.

“Well?” She asked teasingly. “Don’t you want to turn around and say hello?”

Jamie wasn’t sure what she meant by that. So, with caution in his chest, he very slowly turned around to face the living room… and did a double-take.

Seated in the chairs and on the couch… were four dragonesses of varying colors. And not just ANY dragonesses; they were Catherine, Kara, Tiana and Maria. The very same dragonesses he’d encountered two Christmases ago! Jamie fell backward onto his rear; he was too stunned to say anything.

“Well, it seems like he remembers you all.” Belgemine chuckled.

“I can’t believe it!” Chirped Tiana; she sprang up on her feet and dashed over to Belgemine. She brought her eyes to level with the human, while her tail wagged excitedly. “It’s him! It’s really him!”

“Uh…” Jamie blushed a bit. “H-Hi?”

“Do you remember me?” Tiana asked hopefully.

“Well…” Jamie scratched his head. “I doubt I could forget you in a million years, Tiana.”

That was apparently all the permission Tiana needed to squeal as loud as she could and snatch Jamie up in her hands. She happily pressed him against her cheek as she darted back to her chair in the blink of an eye.

“Tiana, be careful!” Catherine scolded. “You’re liable to break him doing that.”

“Yeah, calm down.” Kara snapped… before grinning. “I wanna do it.”

Tiana gasped and moved Jamie down to her belly, while Catherine shot Kara a glare. Meanwhile, Maria leaned down to smile happily at the little human.

“It’s wonderful to see that you’re doing alright, Jamie.” Maria said happily.

“Thanks…” He said dubiously. “But… what are you all doing here? How are you all even here?”

“Isn’t it obvious?” Belgemine asked with a chortle as she sat herself down in the last empty chair. “They’re all my friends, and I invited them over for Christmastime.”

“They’re your friends?” Jamie asked in surprise.

“Indeed we are…” Catherine said. “But… we had no idea that she’d found you.”

“Yeah…” Kara shot Belgemine a funny look. “You told you about Jamie and all… but how’d you manage to find him?”

“That’s for me to know, and for you to NEVER find out.” Belgemine crossed her arms and gave a haughty laugh.

“Oh, come on!” The red dragoness protested. “Why do you always have to be all secretive and cryptic?!”

“What kind of Nightmare Queen would I be if I gave away all my secrets?” Belgemine flashed Kara a toothy grin. Kara simply grumbled and slumped back in her chair, to the amusement of the other dragonesses.

In the meantime, Tiana finally let go of Jamie upon her thigh. The human wiped the last few strands of saliva from his body and looked around at the assembled dragonesses. Seeing the warm, happy looks in the eyes of Catherine, Tiana, Maria… and even a bit from Kara… was more than enough to get tender feelings to swell in Jamie’s heart.

“I have to admit… I never thought I’d run into you ladies again.” Jamie said. His eyes watered a bit as he looked around at them all. “Looking back… I didn’t realize how good I had it when I was with you all.”

Catherine put on a soft smile. “Did you miss us, Jamie?”

“Well…” He rubbed his head again. “Yes. Yes, I’ve missed you all.”

“Awww….” Tiana and Maria sighed in unison, making the human blush. Maria scooped him up and held him tenderly in her hands. Jamie relaxed in her grasp; she was always so delicate with his features.

“You have no idea how much we missed YOU, little guy.” Maria wiped her eyes as she held him against her belly.

“It was very tempting to go looking for you, after you left.” Catherine said across the way. “We promised we’d let you go out on your own… but it hurt seeing you venture out into that big world by yourself.”

“It’s… It’s been rough, yeah…” Jamie rubbed his arm. “Maybe… Maybe I felt like my pride was wounded. I just… I wanted to feel independent; I didn’t’ want to just live my life as… well…”

“As a pet?” Belgemine asked.

“Well, yeah.” Jamie looked up at her. “It can be humiliating being seen as a teeny little thing that just… stands around and looks cute.”

“Hey, you did a lot more than just stand around, cutie.” Kara chuckled.

“That’s another thing.” Jamie grumbled. “A lot of the time, I feel like dragons only see us humans are walking toys. And even if… at times, I…” He blushed a little. “kinda… liked it…” He took a deep breath and tried to look serious. “…Part of me always felt like I wasn’t fully respected. That I couldn’t have it stop when I wanted it to; I’m always at the mercy of what a dragon wants.”

The dragonesses exchanged glances with one another. From what Jamie could tell, the lot of them felt varying levels of guilty. The guiltiest was, to his surprise, Kara; who grimaced as she twiddled her talons together.

“Listen… Jamie…” She said awkwardly. “I only ever… I mean, the point wasn’t to…” She bit her lower lip. “I just… really like to roughhouse. I wouldn’t ever actually TRY to hurt you, or any other human.”

“But you’re still terrifying at times.” Jamie crossed his arms. “I could never tell when you’re only joking around; it all feels very REAL, Kara.”

“I… I’m sorry.” Kara said with sad eyes. “I’ll make it up to you… I mean… assuming you’d be willing to give me another chance?”

“Another chance?” Jamie repeated.

“Yeah…” Kara looked a bit more hopeful. “I missed ya, Jamie. We all did. And I’m sure I’m not the only one who wants to see you come back home with us.”

Catherine, Tiana and Maria all nodded in agreement. All of them had pleading eyes; they so desperately wanted the human in their lives again. Jamie felt warmth in his chest once again; maybe… maybe it was time to go back to them…?

“Hold on a minute, ladies.”

Belgemine held a finger in the air. All of the other dragonesses glanced at her as she chuckled and crossed one leg over the other one. “Aren’t you all forgetting something?”

“Maria?” Asked worriedly.

“I happen to be Jamie’s current owner, you know.” She said teasingly. “If you all want to pack him up and bring him home with you… you’ll have to earn it.”

“Oh, come on, Belgemine.” Catherine groaned. “Knowing you, you went out of your way to set up this reunion with the express purpose of seeing him come home with us again.”

“Maybe…” She grinned. “But that doesn’t mean I’m going to make it too easy.” The black dragoness wagged her tail playfully. “After all… we need to ask little Jamie here some important questions.”

“What do you mean?” Jamie demanded. Belgemine looked right down at him, making him shiver a bit.

“Jamie…” The dragoness leaned forward to lock her gaze with his. “…Do you like dragons?”

“Wh-what?” He stammered in confusion. And the dragonesses around him seemed just as perplexed. “What do you mean by that?!”

“Does being in the company of dragons make you happy?” Belgemine asked.

“Well… I suppose so…” Jamie said. “But not when I’m seen as a toy.”

“Well, how WOULD you like to be seen?” Belgemine raise an eye ridge.

“As an EQUAL.” Jamie insisted. “I want to be asked permission before… well…” He cleared his throat. “You know.”

“Mhm…” Belgemine tapped the side of her chin. “Okay, final question: Do you want to back to living with these four ladies?”

Jamie glanced around at the dragonesses; once again they had pleading eyes. Jamie felt the feelings swelling in his chest for a third time. He gently grasped Maria’s finger and hugged it against his chest.

“Yes.” He said loud and clear. “I want to go back to living with them.”

In response to that, Maria hugged Jamie against her chest. The other dragoness gave varying sounds of cheer. Meanwhile, Belgemine crossed her arms and grinned.

“I’m sure you’re going to be very happy with them.” The black dragoness smiled.

“You’re not objecting to losing your pet?” Tiana asked.

“Pet? He’s no pet.” Belgemine laughed. “Didn’t you hear what he said? He wants to be seen as more than that.”

Jamie sighed in relief; he really expected the dragoness to continue to toy with him again. But, maybe she wasn’t as bad as he initially thought.

“You know, I think we’ve stalled for long enough…” Belgemine reached down to the tree and picked up a present. “In case you all forgot… it’s Christmas!”

Jamie was placed down onto Maria’s lap as she and the other dragonesses began passing around presents. They all sounded so very happy to enjoy the gifts… though the occasional glance in his direction proved that HE was the best thing they got this year. Jamie didn’t quite understand how or why a little human like him could have such an effect on their happiness. But so long as he was making them happy, he could let himself be happy to gain so much affection.

“Merry Christmas.” Jamie said to the dragoness.

“Merry Christmas, Jamie.” They all said together.


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