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Memories Of A Maid


The first time I meet my master, I was relaxing in my pond.

Relaxing is probably the wrong word. The turnly tribute was incoming, and I still had no idea what I should offer to the [Fairy Queen]. A heavy storm had ruined most of my herbs, the plants on which I had spent a good half of my puny life nurturing, gone on a god’s whim.

Sigh …

The tribute’s obligation hadn’t been in place for long. The [Ancient Elder Treant] who had ruled this area had never demanded anything for the protection he provided, letting us flourish in peace. A human had ended that peace, claiming the tree king’s life with a single swipe.

No use in worrying about that now. The human is gone.

The [Fairy Queen] had done a good job in that regard, she had never let anyone threaten us after that. Not that people would try to invade this place anyway.

I had missed my quota the last two turns, I didn’t know if the queen would allow me to remain in her territory when I couldn’t contribute.

Nymphs don’t have too much spells or offensive strength, even among the beasts, we are at the bottom half of the ranking.

To make up for that - incomparably huge - flaw, we have been gifted a humanoid figure, as well as an innate understanding of the common tongue. In case we do encounter humans, our provocant shape coupled with our lack of clothing can sometimes saves us from lethal interactions - if the adventurers are male, that is. I still heard of cousins of mine being captured though.

To keep my home, I would need to hunt a monster whose strength had to be above my own. Suicidal at best. At worst, I’d end up as the pet of a rising monster king.

Without the protection of the queen, my options weren’t much brighter either.

Submerging myself a bit deeper in the warm water of my pond, I was truly worrying about my future. I had apparently no way to survive. It wasn’t like I could blame anyone of this, I was indeed pretty useless after all.

Might as well enjoy my remaining time.


Suddenly, the forest grew quiet. Usually, this meant nothing good. It could be a band of humans, a strong beast or monster king, or a natural disaster. Any of these could silence forever the hustle and bustle of the various critters and monsters living in the vicinity.

As I had nothing to lose, I decided to rise from the water, to see it.

On the small slope leading to my rental land, an awe inspiring beast was looking at me. Its black and golden eyes contained little to no interest for me. I wasn’t worth even a shred of attention, barely a small glance to make sure I was no threat.

Today, my death had arrived. Clad in black scales, slowly turning red at the tips, a beast arrived. No, not a average beast, it was far beyond that. Even the local beasts knew the [Fairy Queen] and wouldn’t trouble me. The being was a beast king. A true ruler. The fact that I lived in the queen’s domain made no difference to it, the queen wouldn’t oppose a true beast sovereign over a single nymph - one who wasn’t paying her due at that.

Now, I was bound to end like the carcass hanging from its bloody maw. I knew which monster it belonged to. The [Brown Ironbacked Gorilla Leader] was well-known around here, its nature far too violent to be allowed in the [Fairy Queen]’s domain. Together with its Ironback gorilla subordinates, they were a force to be reckoned with.

Now, its limp body was spilling threads of red blood onto the ground while the black grim reaper was proceeding towards the water, or most likely the frightened creature within.

Despite the warm water, cold shivers were running down my spine. I knew I wouldn’t survive, and fleeing wouldn’t help either. I couldn’t move, I couldn’t speak. Whatever this apex predator wanted, I wouldn’t be able to alter its mind.

A yellowish cloud of water around my body informed me that I had lost control over my bladder.

Not that I felt ashamed. In hindsight, it’s a wonder I didn’t black out from fear.


When the black dragon reached the pond, I couldn’t bear its pressure anymore. Scrambling to get away, just to stop being there, I tried to get to the simple hut I had built next to one of the large trees surrounding the pool.

In the end, it was futile, I struggled uselessly in the mud around the puddle, I couldn’t leave, nor could I do anything to get rid of that awful pressure.

The beast dropped the [Brown Ironbacked Gorilla Leader] to drink from my basin, I could get a better look on the carcass. Its neck was grotesquely twisted, bones protruding out of the mangled flesh.

Without much imagination, I already saw myself in his position. Not to mention the dragon, even the weakest Ironback ape could easily snap my delicate bones.

Why it hadn’t shredded my body into pieces yet, I had no idea.

Quenching its thirst, the scales decorating one of the strongest beasts I had ever encountered shone in the light of the setting sun. Dawn was falling on this day, and so was it on my life.

Making a last attempt to save myself, hopeful since the intruder hadn’t paid any attention to me so far, I finally managed to rise to my feet and somehow walk towards my hut.

Sadly, this also gave my position away; the dragon’s tongue flickered out of its maw, drawing my scent.

It wasn’t a physical sensation, but its awareness was firmly locked onto me. Probably even a god wouldn’t have been able to hide me from these eyes.

Without giving me a chance to react, it arrived in front of me, coiling its supple tail around my frame, sealing all escapes.

I couldn’t fathom the raw power flowing in the scaled muscles, deadly claws and fangs; a casual twitch of a black limb was all it would take to end my life. In this moment, I faced the might of a true dragon.


Like the frog in front of the snake, I could only wait for the ivory teeth to bite through my skin.

The muscles were  tightening, my death was close.

Suddenly, as fast as it had appeared, the dragon lost interest in me. Restricting me in the promise of a painful death one moment, gone like the wind in the next one, I even started to believe I had only dreamt everything.

But the carcass of the [Brown Iron-backed Gorilla Leader] had not left the place where the dragon had dropped it, its fresh blood painting my pond in a light pink hue.

I didn’t dare even touch the valuable meat, the dragon would surely come back to fetch it. I didn’t know why it had left the Ironback behind, or why I was  alive, but it might change its opinion if I were to steal its dinner.

Banishing off my mind all of that day’s events, I entered my hut and went to sleep.


In the next morning, the body was still laying there, devoid of blood and extremely appetizing. Devouring its flesh and absorbing the aura in its body would enable me to reach the next rank. More importantly, that sole cadaver would be enough to pay my tribute to the [Fairy Queen].

Repressing my greed, I ignored it as much as I could and tended to my herbs.

On the third day, small animals had already started to steal bits and pieces of the [Brown Iron-backed Gorilla Leader]. If it was to go on like this, sooner or later one of the greater monsters would take the body away.

A chance wasted …


I couldn’t throw away this god given opportunity. No, not god given. The black and red dragon had given me the body. If I didn’t use it, I would have squandered my new - and probably last - shot at life.

Using whatever strength I could muster, there was no time to waste. Rain was falling hard, washing away the red paint on the hard armor plates I was carrying around. I had no idea what to do if the dragon returned, but paying my tribute came first.

The walk to the Queen’s  grove, burdened by a great load of precious meat, drained me of my strength. I wasn’t very sturdy in the first place, and the long trek was too much for me.

There was no way I could get up after collapsing in front of the queen, especially after seeing who was waiting for me with her. Apart from my ruler, there was another absolute being here. Dressed in the same black and red scales as it was that day, the dragon’s disinterested gaze passed by me, before resuming his conversation with the [Fairy Queen] in a low voice.

It can talk. I knew this was too good to be true. Was I set up? Will the queen get rid of me for failing to prepare my offering?

At that time, countless thoughts swirled in my head. Never did I guess that the black harbinger of death had a connection with the queen. I should have never taken the meat. My demise was once again closing in. I’d never be able to escape reincarnation this time.


It was the queen’s test all along. Trapping me, finishing me.

“Oh my. What brings you here, my dear nymph, and what are you carrying? I can see that its weight bending your back.”

The fairy’s voice was sweet like honey, innocent even. She didn’t let any of her treacherous nature or insidious thoughts pierce through her delicate voice.

“Well … this, is a …“

“A [Brown Ironbacked Gorilla Leader]! Oh, there was only one of these around the area. I certainly wouldn’t have thought that you could defeat it. I assume this is your turnly tribute?”

Don’t ask if you already know. How far must you go to humiliate me? Just get over with it.

Acting like she was truly surprised, the queen pushed the performance even further.

“I wouldn’t have suspected you hid so much strength. To even crush his neck, should I be on guard with you? My, my, this is unexpected.

Dear guest, would you be interested in this [Brown Ironbacked Gorilla Leader]? I was wondering what to trade for your ores, I think this is the best offer I can make in a short term.”

Ignoring the snare the two of them had laid for a nymph, the queen seemed to forget my existence.

I wasn’t even important enough to be introduced.


“Her. I want her.”

The sound startled me. I hadn’t heard the dragon talk when it had visited my little land, its voice was clearly feminine - beast-wise that is.  I was agonized over my decision to bring the Ironback here. Was it a trap? But why wasn’t the queen reacting?

The sudden demand of the black dragon confounded me. What did she want me for? Was she angry because I had taken her prey? Would she take revenge on me after this farce?

Maybe it wasn’t the queen that wanted me gone. The prospect of being sold to a dark dragon capable of ending my life on a whim - who also harbored a grudge against me -  was even worse than losing my little puddle of water, who knows what kinds of torture the mighty beast might have designed.

The worst thing was that I had no idea what I had done to offend such a super class beast. Starting with the [Brown Iron-backed Gorilla Leader], baiting me into accepting it and nearly scaring me to death, to purchasing me from the last safeguard I had, the [Fairy Queen], the whole scheme seemed very deep, a bit too deep actually, to deal with a puny little me.

Well. She had me now. Whatever my soon-to-be-murderer had planned for me, I’d know soon.

“That’s an unusual request. She is a beast under my care after all, if you want to take her with you, we have to ask her first.

Nymph, do you agree? This esteemed guest is Lord Flame, one of the rulers in a newly established domain near the mountain range.

Rest assured, I have no qualms about this arrangement. In fact, Lord Flame and I were already discussing this earlier, we just couldn’t come to an agreement regarding the goods I could exchange, I couldn’t ask a guest to pay your debts for you and then also purchase your allegiance. But now, seeing that the matter is taken care of, I have no objection to let you migrate.

Lord Flame has made the deal very sweet, I wouldn’t force you to come back later if you don’t want to. Of course, you are also always welcome here in your pond, I do quite enjoy the herbs you rear. So no matter what you decide, no hard feelings.”


The Queen had never treated me like this before. Like an equal.

Whoever Lord Flame was, she was important, at least important enough to warrant such treatment.

In the end, I realized my choice didn’t matter - if the dragon truly wanted me gone, there’d be no difference between agreeing and refusing, she’d find me easily.

“I understand. Thank you for your kind words, my queen. I am grateful for the protection you provided me up until now, I will follow the wishes of Lord Flame and leave with her.”

At least, how many monsters or beasts can say they died at the hands of a true ruler?

“That is a good choice. I will release you from your contract now, so you’ll be able to leave with the Lord when she returns to her domain.”

“No need. Look at me, Nymph.”

Interrupted by the dragon, the Queen frowned but quickly recomposed her face when my new master looked at me - or should I say “through” me. I had to enter in a servant position when I started to live on the [Fairy Queen]'s premises , a simple subordination link all monsters unconsciously make when they acknowledge a king. For a beast, the contract has to be initiated by the servant-to-be side, but I should have known better.

Dissolving my bond to the Queen like dried weeds burn in a raging fire, she shattered the seal on my soul and established a brand new one all in a single thought, her majestic eyes lazily blazing at the gentle light of the cave’s torches.

Compared to the newly established pact with Lord Flame, the queen’s could barely be considered as plain amateurish. It was not only a passive obligation to stay loyal to a certain ruler, I was even able to catch a small glimpse of the dragon’s mind, a shared connection so to speak.

My eyes must have went wide, because I was stuck with the thought that I was nothing but a firefly in front of a sun, my master was even more exceptional than I had guessed.


And most importantly, compared to my previous contract, this one was infinitely more powerful and less binding at the same time. To this day, I still don’t know if she intended for it to be this way or if it was just natural for her to set it up like this. There was no compulsion to force my loyalty towards Lord Flame or her domain. No punishment if I failed to obey an order. No need to come up with tributes or anything else.

On the other hand, none of this was necessary ; simply the thought of disappointing her after being given such freedom was unbearable. Even if Lord Flame wanted my head after leaving the the Fairy Queen’s forest, I would not regret it. She had gifted me something hard to come by for one living at the bottom of the food chain. True freedom.

Even if I die, I won’t betray her. Lord Flame, what you have given me is really invaluable, I will try my whole life to pay it back, even though it’ll never be enough.

The design of the contract is formidable as well. To submit a beast to one’s rule isn’t as easy as it sounds, even if one side is stronger. One would need to overpower a beast’s will as well as restrain its body to force it to serve, it was the way the queen used with me.

Lord Flame had no need for that, she had me under her control without spending a hint of force or using brutal submission.


“With everything being taken care of, I think we can leave now. Nymph, do you have anything remaining at your dwelling that you want to take with you?”

Captivated by her mysterious eyes again, I was amazed to see how much attention my new master was paying to me, to the point where she worried about my meager possessions.

“No, master, there are just a few herbs there, nothing too valuable. We can depart whenever the Lord wants to.”

“I see. Goodbye and thank you for your consideration, Camelia. I will bring more ores and textiles next time, you truly favored me this time by handing over one of your subordinates.

Get on, Nymph.”

I must have blanked out for a moment, not understanding what my master wanted from me.

“Get on … ?”

“On my back, of course. Or maybe you want to walk all the way to my den? I don’t think it’s a good idea, with all the monsters’ nests on the way.”

Still under shock, I mechanically did what my new master asked of me, urged by the [Fairy Queen] Camelia, whose name I had heard for the first time.

Feeling like I was imposing on the dragon, I sat on the scales adorning her back; she was hardly big enough to carry me at the time. Contrary to my expectations, my master’s natural armor was rather soft, providing me with a comfortable seat when she took off into the sky, abducting me from what was my home for so many years.


Flying over the forest, I realized how small the domain I lived in so far truly was. Under the [Ancient Elder Treant]’s rule and then the [Fairy Queen]’s, I had never stepped outside the boundaries of their territory. And now I was sitting on the back of one of the most powerful beasts, carried to a place far beyond what I previously took as possible.

At that moment, I understood that my master was meant for greater things than mere Wilderness, she would one day reach the true summit.

And I was going to do my best to help her achieve that dream.

Enjoying my very first flight, we headed toward the [Dragon’s Den]. I was surprised to discover that there wasn’t one dragon living there, but four.

Each of them greeted Lord Flame as their older sibling, treating me with utmost respect as I had been introduced by their big sister, who had made clear that they were to get along with me.

Me! A simple forest nymph of the second rank, was treated as an equal by dragons. I was so afraid they’d attack me in response, I wanted to hole up as fast as I could.

Normally a race as powerful as dragons would not peacefully coexist like the four siblings of the [Dragon’s Den]. Sooner or later fighting would break out over the leadership, and the kindred would splinter into smaller territories - if they hadn’t killed each other already. A monster tribe allowed a sole leader, that was common knowledge.


My master, Lord Flame, had somehow turned that common knowledge upside down. Not only had she been crowned leader despite not being that much stronger than her siblings, her word carried more strength than her aura should garner.

Lord Stream allowed me into one of the rulers’ chambers, a strange room filled with hot water. It was ideal for my well being; and I was overjoyed when the blue dragon told me to live here if the room fit me, apologizing for not being able to accommodate me properly currently. Dazed by this event, I could only meekly accept and do my best to express that this was more than I expected... a dragon bowing his head to me, even if I had died right then, I would have had no regrets.

I thus began my life at the den, I was living with Lord Stream and we got closer although I was serving all the dragon siblings, because we shared our element - and a room. I thought my life couldn’t be more perfect.


But I could get more dazed.

After talking with one of the [Grey Gnomes] responsible for maintaining the room, I learned that I wasn’t treated ordinarily. Their leader, who was contracted with Lord Terra, wasn’t enjoying the same benefits as me, he was living in a large underground room with the other gnomes, and didn’t eat and sleep together with the dragons.

Master Flame went as far as to personally bring me back my herbs and my meager belongings to hand them to me.

As if that wasn’t enough already, a moon after that, she asked her sibling, Lord Terra, to lend me the [Grey Gnomes] to build me a dwelling outside the den, the design of the forest and spring completely up to my tastes, as I was embarrassed to use the same hot water current as the masters.

I couldn’t decline the suggestion at all; with her forceful personality my master ordered me to think of my soon-to-be home and talk it over with the [Grey Gnome Leader], not allowing any backtalk.


As such, I am currently one of the few that own a personal land in the [Dragon’s Den]. Of course, the gnomes live in their underground city and the harpy sisters have taken residence in Master Breeze’s room as well.

But the first residence still belongs to me, the attendant. With our growing territory, I also earned more responsibilities, my job transforming to something akin to an aide. I was initially shocked to discover that my master was younger than myself, nonetheless it  meant that she was going to grow much more stronger in the future.

For now, I need to get her come out of her room, a visitor is going to arrive soon and I can’t represent the den in front of the [Harpy Queen].

My prestige is much higher than that of a little Nymph in the Fairy Queen’s domain, yet rulers only socialize with rulers.

I chuckle as I finish reminiscing the circumstances that brought me here and enter my master’s chamber.

Master Flame is curled into a black and red ball on top of her nest, sulking because her siblings all had duties to attend to, leaving her alone to deal with the visit announced earlier by a harpy subordinates.

“Master, it is about time. You need to head to the Grand Hall.”

There are large chunks of valuable ores, rare herbs and exotic items littered all over the room. Anything in this place could be a turnly tribute the [Fairy Queen]’s domain. Of course, I am now beyond that, I have no need for worldly trinkets anymore. Serving my master is the best reward I could think of.


“Don’t want to. Ask someone else.”

She continues to sulk, she doesn’t even raise her head to look at me.

“I see. Then I will tell the queen that she is free to take whatever she wants, that my master doesn’t want to socialize. She can also take the [Forest Lion] steaks I prepared especially for the meeting. ”

Naturally I wouldn’t do that, the mention of steak is sufficient to pry my master away from her dark corner. With a glimmer in her eyes she approaches me faster than my reaction time.

“Steak of the [Mountain Lion] I brought back a while ago?

Hmmm, having a chat with Caellis would be good, there are many businesses we have yet to mention. I’ll head to the Grand Hall now, can’t let my guest wait.”

Her eyes screaming ‘meat’, Lord Flame sets off, attempting to put on a dignified attitude, leaving me behind with a messy chamber.

Smirking slightly, happy to see my ruse drawing her out and improve her mood, I start to clean up the master’s room.

I can’t let her live like a slob, after all. She is our ruler. I’ll have to tell Lord Stream about that, it’ll be a good laugh.


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