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I got my bluetooth keyboard and it works pretty well, but its different from writing at my pc so expect some small spelling errors. I actually wanted to do this chapter for a while, I’m just not sure if you will think that talking about numbers is boring or too long-winding. Cheers for a good new year to everyone

„Good morning class.“

„Good morning professor Ziffer!“

„Excellent, everyone is here already, let‘s start the lesson right away.

As you might have noticed, the content for the lesson this time around is somewhat special compared to the usual magical theory.

You could go so far as to say that the matter at hand is entirely bereft of any elemental energy, magical or otherwise.“

„If the topic is not related to magic, why are we studying it then in the course (Advanced Magical Theory)?“

„Good question, my boy.

To start with the explanation, the name of the subject we are going to study today is (Numerology).

It‘s a somewhat old name, but it basically means the study of numbers.

Now you might guess why it’s important for future magicians and perhaps adventurers to study the meaning and pattern behind numbers, but I assure you, the basic knowledge you learn soon might save your live one day.

Before we get into anything specific, let me ask all of you:

How many numbers are there to study?“

„Professor, does that question have any meaning? There is always a higher number, you can always add another higher one.“

„Good thinking, going for an extreme right away. Nonetheless, there is a definite answer, is there anyone else that wants to make a guess? No?“

„Okay, to solve your doubts, the question actually has a narrower window than you all thought. Rather than hundreds or thousands of numbers, the basic set of digits is sufficient to build everything else.

From zero to nine, there‘s only ten numbers that are of interest in this lesson.

With these ten, you can make up any number, no matter how high or low it is.

Just looking at the numbers one to nine, leaving zero aside, does it remind anyone of anything?

Yes, Annie, what’s your answer?“

„I‘m not sure, but I guess the nine cultivation levels? They go from one to nine, after all.“

„Excellent choice. Yes, the nine levels in aura and mana cultivation form a full set of the basic numbers.

Many people are confused why there is no tenth level, but with (Numerology), we can explain this phenomenon.

When any lifeform is born, there is a short period of time where their bodies have yet to take in the energy of the world, either as mana or aura.

Before they can make use of them, there is a null state inside the body, or the zeroth level of cultivation.

With the first cry after birth, humans absorb the ambient aura and mana and instinctively step into the first rank.

Following long periods of cultivation and perhaps a few lucky encounters, the human body goes through all nine levels of cultivation.

Hence, the limit is the ninth level of aura and mana and not the tenth.

A question, John?“

„Yes, professor. When humans break through the limit and exceed the first realm, isn‘t that similar to the tenth realm? After all, ten as a number is higher than nine, if we follow your explanation.“

„Looking at it purely from the sum, ten is indeed higher than nine when you count money or items.

From a scholarly perspective, however, ten is not a pure basic number anymore.

By exceeding nine, the number ten is made from a one and a zero, returning to the beginning again.

This repeats no matter how often you attempt to exceed nine, and as such, there is no higher number and theoretically, ten is the same as one whole, that cannot be reached.

From this insight, previous generations derived the saying: there are nine parts that can be observed from the truth, and one part that is beyond humans means.“

„In spite of everything, it is impossible to reach that ideal ten, and we have to be content with zero to nine as the means to observe the truth of the world.

That is the framework of (Numerology) and why it is important to pay attention to numbers. They can allow an astute observer a small glimpse at the truth that is not easily seen otherwise.

And with that, let‘s start with the number one.

Does anyone in class have any impressions about the number one? Anything’s fine, regardless of the topic.“

„Perhaps, old folk stories. My mother used to tell me legendary tales as bedtime stories, and there was always a chosen one that fought against evil. He was the only one chosen by fate that had the power to defeat the evil guy.“

„The most potent herbs and trees often only give birth to a single fruit or flower, which contains all of their essence. The rank doesn‘t need to be high either, if there is only one fruit, then the medicine made out of them will have a higher price compared to others of the same rank.“

„There‘s also the possibility of something being the last one. I‘ve seen a queer cultivation skill once where the user rears a lot of poisonous insects inside a jar, and only the last one that devours all others is considered a success.“

„Indeed, those are all fine examples of one as a number.

There are many aspects to the first number, but if I had to sum it up, then the closest description would probably come from the introduction I gave earlier.

One is the beginning and the completion for everything in the world. A life starts with the first level in cultivation and ascends to a higher stage once nine returns to one.

As such, items or methods that aim to reduce many components to one or have only one remaining after the process, the quality is often the best out of similar methods and processes.

When you encounter plants that only bear one fruit, or a single item that survived a tough forging process, then you have a very high chance to obtain a treasure.

I could probably expand endlessly on the different facets that hide behind one as a theory, but we don’t really have enough time for that, you young ones probably want to get back to swinging swords and practicing magic.

In the same manner, let‘s proceed to the number two and hear your impressions.“

„Two items of the same origin … aren‘t there often treasures that appear in pairs, with one of them beneficial and the other being poisonous or deadly?“

„The professor mentioned extremes before, some schools have treasured manuals that deal with two different extremes, like ice and fire or storm and earth.“

„Aren‘t there also herbs that split their flowers into two? The bigger and smaller one, which have their medicinal strength distributed accordingly. I heard a story once where an expert took away a fruit from the tree which a farmer grew his entire lifetime. Although that expert took the bigger fruit, he helped the farmer digest the smaller one as payment and the farmer broke through the small and big divide in aura in one big leap, becoming a seventh level warrior overnight.“

„The story mentioned by this last student is a good analogy for the theory behind the number two.

There is a saying from an old monk temple, which I personally really like, that goes like this: One becomes two, two begets three, and three turns into all beings.

After one, which symbolizes the beginning and the end, two splits those two concepts and puts them against each other.

Light and darkness, fire and water, life and death, all those pairings form polarities, and derive their power from the energies clashing against each other.

A famous example is the (Brightshadow Hyacinth), a medicinal flower at the peak of the third rank.

Just by eating the bigger light crown followed by the smaller dark ring of flower petals and finally the seeds of both elements, the energy contained inside it can allow a third level warrior or magician the chance to break through the first divide and jump to the fourth level, although there‘s a small chance of failure.

An elixir made by a competent alchemist with the flower as the main ingredient can guarantee the promotion, it‘s just a shame that the (Brightshadow Hyacinth) only grows in locations with extremely dense ambient light and dark energy, making it somewhat rare.“

„But, professor, isn‘t the reason why the flower is powerful because it only grows in special areas? Why is it important that the attributes form a polarity, and make the number two important?“

„A good question. There are lots of arguments between scholars and plenty hold the opinion that the numbers don‘t hold much meaning and it is the characteristics of the item itself that counts.

However, there are plenty of other herbs, flowers and fruits at the peak of the third rank, and almost all of them cannot allow a cultivator to break through the third level.

The few exceptions almost always have dual attributes or even more that follow the experiences derived from (Numerology).

It‘s impossible to prove the effect of the theory of numbers, yet reality gives examples that often conform to it.

Hence, it‘s still useful to study it.“

„Thanks for clearing up my doubts, professor.“

„No problem, it is my job to teach you young ones.

And as I was saying, the number two represents two concepts most of the time. By observing their nature, you can get an approximate clue to their nature.

Properties that form a polarity often contain strong and violent energy, while others might form a duality like wind and fire, strengthening each other marginally yet turning the strength within rather gentle.

Some treasures forged from two different elements materials can obtain the strong points of a concept, while others might just have two ingredients of different nature yet do not properly integrate them.

It is up to you judgement to recognize the hidden concepts.

And with that, let‘s move on to the number three.“

„Just like the saying from the temple I mentioned before, three births all beings.

As a concept, three is a powerful number, probably even stronger than two and only slightly inferior to one.

When three different aspects come together, a trinity is formed, which can depend on each other to strengthen itself.

Many knight orders place importance on a trinity of character attributes. 

Only with strength, wisdom and courage can a man rise to true power. Two of them without the third will only lead to an imbalance and sometimes to a disaster.

In the same vein, temples value reflection, faith and modesty for their members.

But it is not only as an invisible attribute that three shows it might.

Sometimes, nature will form an array by itself, so when three mountain peaks are in balance and show signs of merging together, it‘s almost certain that either on each peak or in the valley  between the three peaks a treasure will be born.

Similarly, beasts are sometimes born as three parts of the same race, with a big leader, a middle fighter and a small follower, all from the same parents.

By themselves, such three might not show exceptional prowess, but when they fight together, the result is more than the sum of its parts.

Lastly, there are three levels in each divide on the path of cultivation, with three divides in total, making it a trinity of trinities.

Whenever you fall into a place that has three paths or encounter a treasure with three parts, you can assume that they all belong to a trinity and deduce some clues from that.“

„Then are equipment with two or three different attributes better?“

„Rather than saying the strength of an item depends on the concept and number of attributes, the main source of strength still comes from the tier of the materials and the workmanship of the crafter.

What (Numerology) looks at is the concept that brings together the unseen part and discerns the extraordinary points that usually escape the eyes.

Even when two weapons are at the third rank, there can be differences in their total strength, hence that difference has to come from somewhere.

A regular metal sword forged with profound methods will still lose to a weapon forged with similar techniques, but fashioned out of the three strongest teeth of a (Metal Eater), left after its death.

The concept and the trinity between the three strongest of a set will allow the second weapon to unleash more power of the third rank.“

„That‘s true, thanks for clearing that up. Some weapons are indeed much better than others, even in the same rank.“

„Those differences can still stem from a difference in the ability of those that fashioned them, but a story or a powerful concept like that of numbers can still allow them to unleash more power.

Let‘s move on to the next number, four.“

„You might have seen the symbol before, but let me tell you guys a small story.

The emblem of the adventurers guild is well renowned everywhere, a circle with a cross inside it and a big point where the cross intersects.

Naturally, it wasn’t chosen at random, but there‘s a deeper meaning.

Rather than looking at it from the outside, the symbol starts with the big point in the middle.

It represents the life and death element, or one, in the centre.

From there, everything started, and one split into two.

Set against each other, the two elements light and dark were born, eternally opposed to each other.

With their origin in the middle, each of those elements cross each other, forming the middle portion of the symbol.

Finally, four elements were born out of the clash of light and darkness, becoming fire, wind, earth and water.

They loop around their parents, and build a circle around the cross.

And by finishing the hierarchy there, a trinity is born between the three different classes of elements.

One centrum, two derivatives, four creations, building a trinity, hence one, two, three and four.

This is one of the interpretation for the saying: one begets two, two create three and four birth all things.

The number four either represents the four elements, making items with their combined power extremely strong when they are gathered together, or distribute their strength evenly in four directions, resulting in extreme stability.

According to some rumors, there‘s a (Four Elements Protector Array) shielding the capital, and it‘s extremely formidable.“

„Then, the array borrows the concept of four elements, since the name also hints at it. Does that mean it is stronger than others in the same tier?“

„Yes, it‘s the same principle as with the swords. The concept of four elements might not allow the protection array to exceed its level, but it should be exceptionally stable and as long as any attack does not exceed the level of the protection array, the capital will remain strong before all invasions!“

„And the four directions generally refer to north, east, west and south, with no particular attribute connected to them.

There are some famous arrays like the (Four Direction Mountain Protection Array) that make use of four famous beasts as protectors, or the (Four Peaks Sealing Array), where four mountains offer all their energy to seal away a disaster or dangerous being.

Perhaps other arrays can achieve a similar might, but the concept inherent to numbers allows one to do more with less, making them popular.

For number five, it is in a somewhat awkward spot. Contrary to the four directions or a trinity, five is just a little too much and a little too few at the same time.

Some treasures do form in sets of five, as the Five Pearls harvested from the (Golden Deep Sea Clam), yet that comes from the time it takes to grow them, five decades, with ten turns for a pearl each.

Skills borrow the number more often, such as the (Five Wave Palm) or (Sparrow Descends Five Times).

But there‘s not much more to say about number five.

Six is more interesting. Split apart, they can form two trinities or three polarities and the combination of different influences can strengthen the cohesity even more than just two individual trinities for example.

Another use comes from body reliant skills, where the human body is split into six sections: the four limbs, the body and the head.

Old schools and clans sometimes leave behind remnants like (Six Treasure Caves) where each cave offers a different encounter for those that practice their skills, so the number is in a better spot than five.“

„Does that mean there‘s no particularly valuable or exceptional treasures or weapons with the concept five or six?“

„Student Jakob, right? No, there are indeed powerful weapons and profound medicines with these concepts.

A long time ago, the late king of Leandar encountered a ferocious beast on a hunting trip. A twisted creature with the limbs of a spider, the stinger of a scorpion and the teeth and claws of a wolf ambushed their party, and only after a long struggle did he manage to put that mad beast down.

Afterwards, he commissioned the royal smith to craft a trophy out of the remains.

Using the stinger as the body for a bow and the tendons of the first two limbs as a string, the remaining six legs were fashioned into arrows.

As a surprising side effect, the six arrows share a connection when fired from the bow, and can sense each other’s location.

That bow is now a precious heirloom treasure of the kingdom and is kept in the throne room.“

„But enough of that. Let’s move on to one of my favourite numbers, the number seven. Can anyone guess why that is so?“

„Professor, the number seven is considered a lucky number. Many gambling games aim for the number seven, throwing dice or playing cards.“

„Isn‘t it because there are seven elements? The (Seven Stars Church) also puts seven in their name, it‘s because of that.“

„I think there‘s a link to folk stories and legends as well. Often, the hero has to go through seven trials or retrieve seven items before he can obtain the power to dispel evil.“

„Perhaps seven is also a powerful concept because it cannot be split by other numbers like six can be divided through three and two. Treasures that form more fruits or items than six but not much more condense seven, right?“

„You have all already grasped a little bit of wisdom contained in (Numerology).

Indeed, seven is a profound number that does not share roots with any other from zero to nine,

As the sum of all elements and the representative of fortune, the concept behind seven is inclined to completion and prosperity.

A rather famous example is a natural array found deep in the southern mountains, a place under the control of the Blackburn Dukedom.

When their subordinates prospected the area for metal deposits, the head prospector felt something off about a mountain with seven precipes.

The valley  separating it from other mountains housed seven streams of water and the mist coming from the water formed seven layers on the border between mountain and forest below.

He tried sending his workers on the mountain to dig for minerals, but all of them got lost and ended up outside of the mist every time they tried to go in.

Only when there were exactly seven people entering at the same time did they succeed in passing the mist zone.

When they dug under the seven precipes, they found seven different kinds of metals, one of the first tier, one of the second and so on.

This mountain is now a treasure land of the kingdom and still under the direct control of the current Blackburn Duke, as there is a constant yield of fifth, sixth and seventh tier metal every turn, albeit the volume gets smaller as the tier gets higher.“

„Amazing! Seven tier and higher materials usually can only be found by chance and not sought, but that natural formation actually continually produces a seventh tier source of metal.“

„Indeed, the (Seven Mist Mountain) has the same or even more protection than the Blackburn family mansion.

Seven is a powerful number and there are many possible combinations for treasures and items to reach it. As long as you pay attention, you might find your own natural formation one day.

Number eight is similar to number six, it can be split in two four directions and scholars have derived the north-west, north-east, south-west and south-east compass to combine them with the original ones.

The concept follows the guidance of number four, so I won‘t say much about it.

And at long last, there is number nine.

Contrary to popular opinion, the pinnacle is not ten, but rather number nine.

Before it returns to being one, nine is the highest natural number.

I was fortunate to study the array protecting the palace once, and according to some old texts, an ancestor of the Leandar line invited a ninth ranked expert to arrange a super strong array at a high cost.

He laid down the (Nine Dragon Swallowing Sea Array) and bound it to the bloodline of the king who ruled that turn.

According to the diagram left behind, there are nine different cores in the array, all submerged beneath the earth and close to the ocean.

Each dragon point consumes the natural energy in the sea to strengthen the array, and as long as the sea does not dry out or the nine dragons are destroyed, the walls of the palace will never fall.

Due to approaching perfection with the highest natural number, nine represents the peak of all things, the highest boundary a human can approach.“

„But Professor Ziffer, if nine is perfect, why are there only seven elements? Shouldn‘t there be nine instead, then?“

„Good thinking. Rather than a dry anecdote, studying nature yields more insight.

Indeed, nine elements should make more sense.

Scholars disagree on the details, but generally there is a consensus that there were indeed nine different elements when the world came into being.

The last two might have been time and space, each a powerful force capable over ruling the other seven.

According to one school of thought, the two elements were too overbearing and threatened to subsume the other ones, which would have ripped them out of the world then.

Instead of ruining the greater whole, time and space fractured and fused into the other seven instead to nurture them.

All elements have traces of time and space in them as a result.

The other school of thought argues that time and space had no distinctive features on their own and collapsed as a result, with the remnants being forcefully consumed by the other seven.

Nonetheless, no one argues that there has always only been seven elements.

(Manifestation) and (Inner Space) are treasured skills that only peak sorcerers and warriors can unlock.

Most scholars agree that their source of strength comes from the two missing elements.

(Inner Space), as the name says, borrows the power of space to simulate a room where none is. The greater the power of the caster, the greater the simulated space grows.

(Manifestation) on the other hand reverses the flow of time in a small scale. Based on the inclinations of the user, the ability searches for a suitable target and brings a small amount of the power from the past to the present, granting extraordinary effects.

Perhaps there are other ways to use space and time too, but these two methods are the most common and respected.“

„Amazing! Warriors wielding the power of time and mages ruling over space, that‘s so cool!“

„Haha, it‘s not that unusual when you think about it, but it demonstrates how powerful the elements can get when the two missing elements resurface and bring the total amount to nine.

Observant students might have guessed it already, there is still one number we have not discussed yet, even though I announced that nine is the last already.

Rather than saying zero is not a number or nothing, it is more correct to say that it is everything but a number.

Instead of a pattern or a concept, zero often shows itself when the other numbers are gone.

The (Thousand Thorn Tree) is a rather peculiar species that fluctuates in rank.

When they grow at first, the ambient energy and nutrients decide how many thorns grow on the body of the tree and on the leaves.

Every set of one thousand thorns is a dividing line, and the highest recorded amount is a tree with nine thousand thorns.

That does not mean it is a ninth tier ingredient though.

When the tree matures, the needles fall from the tree and reveal the tender wood beneath.

At the same time, many monsters and beasts desire the soft wood hidden beneath the thorns, as it is highly beneficial to their physiques.

If the tree receives the slightest injury, the thorns stop falling and the final tier is determined at that time.

A nine thousand needle tree that only sheds three thousand thorns will get stuck at the third rank.

Only when all needles fall, and there are zero thorns remaining, then will a true treasure be born.

Some other treasures also have similar requirements, hence the number zero is part of the natural patterns of the world.“

„Alright, that encapsulates all the basic numbers and a small introduction to them. For people interested in furthering their studies in (Numerology), the library next to the mage towers has some source texts and old scripts, but a slight awareness of the power of natural patterns will benefit all of you.

This marks the end of my lecture, I hope you did not fall asleep during it.“



I used a speech only style here and tried experimenting with it, but you can probably guess that its a lecture in the royal academy. Some symbols like the blocky () are still a mystery on the bluetooth keyboard to me, so just imagine them more blocky than they are


Happy New Year!!! And Thanks for the chapter!

Demian Buckle

Thank you for the Chapter. Happy New Year.