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Hey everyone,

wanted to post this with the next chapter originally, but things got more complicated.

I haven't posted any chapter last week and to explain that, here's the short version.

A family member fell sick quite often for the last two weeks with fever over 40°C, chills and headaches, so the rest of the family took some time to care for them, and I fell sick for a while too from the exposed contact.

Additionally, I had an appointment for the dentist on a day I usually write too, so my plan was to catch up on the missed chapter today and do at least one more, or two if time and inspiration allowed me, but the family member got admitted to the hospital today and is on an isolation station until they can analyse if it's an advanced flu or pneumonia or something similar infectious.

So now the house is getting cleaned to prevent the rest of us getting sent to the hospital as well while visiting our family member and making sure everything goes well and they recover.

I can make some time today after cleaning and will likely finish a chapter going towards friday and about half to two thirds on the weekend, unless there's further complications.

Just thought you guys should get a heads up, it's stressful for me at the moment too, so I want to apologize in advance that the releases got messed up


Demian Buckle

Family Comes First, take the time you need. Hope you and your family remain healthy and your ill family member recovers fully and quickly.


Good health to you all, pneumonia is not something you wanna screw around with