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Alester did not miss the outburst of energy in front of him. He dreamt for a short while and wondered how glorious it would be if his desire could become reality.

And instead of abandoning such ludicrous thoughts, he too was filled with confidence when he looked at Nisha.

While she was young, certainly, the presence coming from her was completely different from the other youngsters hailing from prominent families.

Instead of squandering money and harrassing commoners to pass their boredom, the elf had a goal and went to him to realize it.

It just happened that the process could provide him with a lot of benefits and drove him to sacrifice sleep and rest in order to advance different approaches for the new districts.

Maybe they really stood a chance to raise a major faction in the crowded capital and step into the skies with a single step.

“Right now, all I need from you is time!”

Conversing about the shared project invigorated Alester and his wrinkled skin slightly straightened out as his aura revolved faster in his body and supplied his exhausted energy.

“You’re going to need to explain this more clearly to me, I do not understand how time is supposed to help or how my time can be given to you.”

Nisha did in fact understand that the request was not to be taken literally, yet she still answered in such a way to make her confusion known.

In an idle thought, she did ponder about the possibility to transfer time from one being to the other and the possible consequences of such an action. The power needed to control time, however, vastly exceeded even the capability of two actual goddesses she knew, hence it was unlikely to factor into the old crook’s request.

“Let me rephrase that then.

Currently, I’m obtaining more permits, secure deals with different groups for materials and am actively looking to employ earth mages and artisans to lay a solid foundation for the construction of the district.

Before the pieces come together, though, there is not much you can assist me with, as things like errands or direct discussions need to go through me and the guild sent some people to support me.

If the different construction works are started right away without being coordinated with each other and just grow as they are completed, the final outcome will likely clash with each other and be worthless.

Furthermore, if the project is started prematurely and news is leaked out to conflicting parties, either other nobles or merchant houses that have enough capital, the talks after that will be much harder with their interference and they might want to blackmail the owner into giving them several pieces of the deal.

All in all, at the moment I cannot see a good opportunity to let you employ your talents. I need to come up with more agreements and piece everything together, or at least secure the essential resources so the construction can go on without a hitch.”

While the old crook explained his request, he shuffled several documents and resorted others.

As much as he explained the current situation to the elf, he also adjusted his thoughts at the same time and cleared the fog that lingered over the path forward.

Only after neither of them talked for a while and the silence hung over the room like dead water, did Alester amend his speech.

“I do have an idea what you could do now that I think about it, but I’m not sure if you would agree.”

Tough decisions were part and parcel of a business relationship. The dragon felt useless and ashamed for being unable to contribute anything other than the shiny things she hoarded in her inner space. Her rational side, on the other hand, recognized that she lacked the connections, influence and leverage in Thurgau to support building a new district.

Alester’s words were hurtful, but not wrong.

When he mentioned another task, however disagreeable it might be, she perked up and listened closely while motioning the man to go on.

“You see, it is no secret among those involved that there is a cooperation between me, the Dharnas house and a large investor for a large scale construction project, since I am already applying for permits and materials.

With this much alone though, no one is tempted enough to interfere and happy enough to wait until a possible profit is in their reach.

There’s also the issue of having not enough clout among the leaders in the field, hence it is not progressing as fast as I hoped.

To settle these things, it would help if the highest backer, the Dharnas house, commanded more influence.

Since I am now also a noble on the paper, I have done my fair share of getting acquainted with the social customs and realize that it is hard for the last placed Duke household to suddenly soar in position.

You, Nisha, on the other side, are not bound by quite the same restrictions and constraints since you count as a member of the younger generation.

I don’t know if there are any complications on your side or something else, but you should be able to show much more prominence than you currently do, especially since you are powerful enough to brawl with several thugs from the [Thieves Guild] and win.

The job would be to gain more prominence and stand in the limelight, preferably gain some fame as well.

Since you are a candidate to take over your house one day, it would be take into consideration when I am going around and discuss contracts with other nobles.

Instead of waiting things out and making things difficult for me since I am new nobility, these chiefs propped up by their noble backers would instead proactively come to me and make things much easier to proceed.

What do you think?”

Afraid of being mistaken or unknowingly offending the elf, Alester explained his thoughts in detail and left nothing out.

The elf said nothing at first and weighed the options. Finally, she spoke.

“You are quite well informed about the Dharnas house and my situation. Did you really just think about this or have you been thinking about this for a long time already?”

Generally, Nisha was not really afraid to stand out or gain a reputation. The main deterrence had always been her secret so far, that she was not a real elf or human at all.

Even when she attended the sessions at the royal court in the past, a small voice always talked in her head that she might be discovered at any second and then would be hunted down like a wild beast.

Yet she almost lived for more than a turn in Thurgau now, and no one ever discovered any flaw in the elf’s disguise.

The twin goddesses Gabriel and Bael would have most likely also warned her, if there was a chance of being detected by a high ranked magician or warrior either, the security grew with each moon.

Furthermore, it is no longer the child adopted by house Dharnas, but a potential successor of a noble house.

It’s not too unbelievable to have a heir show outstanding results with enough resources, right?

The dragon also had an established identity now and a sudden growth would not come out of nowhere.

Weighing the pros and cons, it was not a very outlandish request at all, if not given her tendency to stay concealed and give credit for her deeds away.

Whether she was roaming the streets in the common district or hunting monsters for food in the Dungeon, Nisha never acted in a high profile way.

Alester inferred a similar conclusion since a noble mixed with the commoners and even entered the [Thieves Guild], therefore he hesitated and explained that the task might not be possible for the elf, or that she would dislike it.

As the dragon pondered whether to accept or not, the old crook accompanied her and did not say a thing.

This time, the silence was rather amiable.

“I can see where you are coming from. If my position and personal reputation rise a step higher, you can rightfully play it as leverage or consider it as a shield against the interference of other interested parties.

As for my personal feelings about staying rather low key, it is not a feasible wish anyway, unless I never intend to step into the eye of the public and never leave the mansion.

Of course, this does not mean I can change things right away. Without a suitable stage and a solid plan to elevate my position, it is rather risky to move blindly.

I will consider acting more in my position as a noble.

Maybe there are also some opportunities in the [Royal Academy], since all the young generation members compete among themselves there anyway.

For now, I cannot guarantee a short term success. I hope you understand that.”

The conversation with the old crook opened new perspectives for the dragon. She usually enjoyed communicating with others on an even playing field. If the other side knew beforehand she belonged to a major noble house or how powerful her mana and aura were, they would hardly be amiable or relaxed in presence of the dragon.

Hence, she often acted alone and did not easily give away her status.

On the other side, there was no viable way to continue acting in this way in the future unless Nisha decided to discard her identity as a noble and member of the Dharnas family for good.

Even if there was external pressure or other inconveniences that threatened the Dukedom, just for the sake of the late Eldrin, the elf would never agree to abandon the family name.

Right now, Nisha had to consider the path she wanted her own future to take.

Compared to a regular human or other elves, there was no way for her to lead a peaceful life if she wanted to be with her siblings and carve out a place of her own in the capital.

Furthermore, she dreamed of travelling the lands and going wherever her curiosity led the dragon.

With all these conflicting thoughts running through her head, she was fairly unsettled and mulled over a possible solution.

Alester on the other hand breathed a sigh of relief, as one of his immediate concerns was taken care of and he secured another pillar of support.

While it might not be of immediate concern or show instant results, the old crook trusted his own intuition.

As long as he relied on the elf, who had always given him inestimable impression, then there would be no obstacle that could not be overcome in the future.

Naturally, he also took in the dilemma and uncertainty in her eyes, but the old crook had no answer he could give to Nisha, she had to figure out her own resolution in order to move on.

Even so, he had achieved his goal now and could at least give her a hint for the right direction.

“Since you have other things on your mind, you should figure out what you want to do next and maybe make a plan for your coming actions.

And I will similarly work on the district project, considering that I have a greater support coming from you now.

I understand that you will need some time to attack the social circles in the academy and gain some results, you can just send me a messenger next time if you want to have a report on the progress over here.

Of course, the support you give me is not a one sided thing, if you have any matters where you need my help or need some manpower, just give me a call and I will do what I can.

Maybe the bums in my reception room can do something else but fool around and drink all day long.”

With half a smile, Alester stood up and guided the dazed elf out of the room.

The reports on his desk would not shrink if he did not give his all.

Nisha barely registered the end of their conversation and merely waved her hand as a way to say goodbye.

In her mind, the ensuing chaos was not any less than her physical distress.

What did the dragon desire the most and where did she want her future to head towards?

In the beginning, heading towards the capital of Leandar was a way to deal with the grief of her grandfather Eldrin’s passing and to fulfill his last wish.

In the process of getting acquainted with her close friends and sisters Annabelle and Lydia, it was not just a chore she had to complete anymore and it piqued her interest to set up a merchant house together with them.

Furthermore, Henry and Luthais offered her a home, where Galan, his wife and the other servants had shown her nothing but kindness and concern.

Finally, the academy gave her friends and a way to satisfy her everchanging curiosity and thirst for knowledge.


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